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Edited by hdfyeg35: 7/29/2015 1:51:23 AM

Players stand up for yourselves!





NO & extremely rude and deserving remark to bungie


We have already paid $40 for almost nothing. By paying another $40 it shows bungie they can get away with anything. We need to unite and stand up for ourselves. Ask your self one question... do we really want any company to get away with another E.T game or are we going to finally stand up like we did when Atari screwed up. [url][/url] I would like to end with a quote from the link above [quote]The result is often cited as one of the worst video games released and was one of the biggest commercial failures in video gaming history. [b]The game's commercial failure and resulting effects on Atari are frequently cited as a contributing factor to the video game industry crash of 1983.[/b][/quote] [u][b]bungie full on lying to our faces:[/b][/u] [b][u]Need more convincing you say:[/u][/b] [spoiler][u][b]Old news but still relevant[/b][/u] [u]That little itch[/u] (things cut from the 'original' destiny): [url][/url] [u]The Organised Mess [/u] (interesting points about the released game that should be taken into consideration): [url][/url] [u]Everything That Was Cut[/u] (cut content): [url][/url] [u]Destiny's Real Story[/u] (some more info about cut content): [url][/url] (more info on cut content); [url][/url][/spoiler] EDIT:[spoiler] Bolding and underlining added specifically for Eternalrondo ; )[/spoiler] EDIT: Clarification for poll: [spoiler]NO - not pre ordering Yes - you will or already have pre ordered Second NO - same as first but with the "extremely rude and deserving remark to bungie" [b]IMPORTANT[/b] - the second NO still counts as a NO please add it to your tally of NOes when comparing yeses to NOes [/spoiler] Submit your opinion, are [b][u]you[/u][/b] going to pre order? leave a like if you support this post, Thanks

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  • You do realize no one is forcing you to buy this right? Look at it this way, you buy a new pair of Jordan's. Wait a year for the new model to come out and then complain you should get a special price since you had last years model. Ridiculous right? And I'm no millionaire, shit im left with about $80 a week spending money after bills and I STILL plan on buying TTK. If $40 really makes or breaks you then I have a suggestion. Put down the controller and go work. Simple as that.

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    • 7
      I agree. I play it constantly, love the guns still, love the game still. I play it because I try to get the guns, around 50 VoG hard runs and still no vex for me. Billions of NFs, no Icebreaker.(Never bothered buying it until I recently desired it). Those are the reasons why I still play it, I'm not happy while playing it when I complete an activity and get a 20th plan c while my teammates all get gallies and Icebreakers. Like...wuhhht? As far as the base GAME goes, I like it. The guns, the WARLOCKS, etc. The story? What? Where is it? Oh...these cards? Ok. The drop rate+xûr weapon? Every week, I leave severely disappointed. You realize how much I'd play with the guns I want most? I'd end up being happy with it to spend more money for dlc. Nerfs? PvP players ruined the Thorn by exploiting it. Great gun until you have 6v6 thorn teams. PvE will be broken because of PvP players crying when they play on broken PvP servers... did we all buy destiny for PvP? Why not nerf for only PvP? The marketing? Insulting. The prices? Didn't we buy the game with the dlc in it...just apparently needed the licenses for access. The community? Just because you can type harsh words about how bad others are doesn't mean a thing. I've gone flawless, beaten every raid on hard many times a week (many times for fun with only one friend on crota with me), help randoms, helped my 23 lvl friend become 33 in 2 days. What makes me better than you? Nothing. I hate seeing people fight over a game of luck, not skill. I rather help everyone, get along with everyone, and have a great time playing with noobs or pros. As far as Bungie goes, I don't read up on it, I believe it is Activision making them market as much as they can for as much money as they can. Activision games usually do have many micro-transactions. Hense:more money. CoD AW, they released store items to pay for a chance at overpowered weapons. Then gain new weapons only from buying dlc and go wreck people who dont have the dlc. So no, I don't blame bungie for it except for them going with it. When companies create products with money on their mind, that's when you get a bad game. Want us to stay for years? Give a great game, polished, fixed, cheaper pricing with dlc (being we've yet to get our money's worth), and be one with the community without saying we will throw money at the screen for half-made dlc.

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    • Not preordering. Between no vault space added, all the lies bungie has told, and preordering being the only way to access almost an entire foundry set for months I'm sick of their business practices. The more they try to "incentivize" preordering with content they are cutting from the main game again the further they push me away as a customer

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      2 Replies
      • Already did. It's more convenient to buy it now than later for one. Another reason, I've gotten more enjoyment out of this one $100 investment than any other $100 investment from the past couple years. Another $40 to keep enjoying it seems good to me. If you feel otherwise, well good for you.

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      • Tell me the last time that you paid 40 dollars for something and spent 12 whole days of your life using it. Seriously just quit playing and get off of the forums. You peoples' whining is toxic and supremely annoying. Just stfu and go buy a different game for 40 bucks, then you can tell me about how you log less than 2 days of time playing.

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        • I was almost willing to come back to Destiny when i saw the trailer. It looked great and i thought i would be willing to deal with my friends getting lucky loot while i got screwed, as usual, until i saw the pricing for TTK. i've already sank $100 dollars into a game that is maybe worth half of that, and then they had the balls to ask for another $40 out of my pocket? And to make it worse, people could buy an addition that gave them all the content for only $80? That right there is the straw the broke the camels back. They completely screwed year one players, and to make it up, they try and appease is with exclusive shaders? Really? I dont completely blame Bungie for this, i know activision makes most of the decisons, but they have to try and make an effort to not make this game a complete cash grab. I also kinda blame the player base for enabling these kinds of things in gaming. We have it in almost every game that comes out now, and it comes down to the players to tell the big game corporations that we wont have anything to do with this. If we do allow this to go on without giving feedback (it doesnt help when they dont listen though) they will think its okay to screw your players over and keep doing it, like they do now

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          5 Replies
          • Did you really compare this game to E.T.?

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          • If u don't like it, don't buy it... Simple. It's not like they are forcing us to do so, we don't need some weird revolution here. But if ure a destiny addict that's ure problem.

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          • I already pre-ordered it. It's basically destiny 2, but we have our characters and stuff from the game. Destiny year one was the test run, and so much has been changed and added in the taken king, I think it's worth the $40. However, that doesn't mean I'll be buying the next expansions. I decide by each expansion, and not my previous experience. If it looks worth it, I'll get it. If not, I'll wait until they sell some bundle deal.

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          • I don't like people saying something is bad when they barely know anything about it.

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          • Already pre-ordered the collectors edition. c;

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            2 Replies
            • BOYCOTT BUNGIE AND ACTIVISION The simple solution to end the fleecing.

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            • People who want to continue to play will play. Unfortunately post like this wont change pricing

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            • I'm not going to pre-order but I will buy TTK when it comes out

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              • I'm not preordering, I'll wait a couple weeks after release to get an idea if the hype train derails again or not. Reviews and feedback forum will be my marketing team :)

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              • Bungie has made too many mistakes recently and 2.0 was the last straw. Only the noobs praise the decision and they will shut up when they get a nerfed exotic. I pushed for a lot of people to cancel their preorder when 2.0 dropped. Lucky I pre-ordered the disk, and not the digital content. They will continue to get away with this crap as long as we allow them.

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                9 Replies
                • Edited by CorruptedEwok: 8/5/2015 7:20:54 AM
                  I was left disappointed by HoW and started looking at other games. When I learned of the 55% price hike for TTK in the UK, relative to what the US gamer is being asked to pay, I knew then that Destiny and I were parting company for good. Good ridance, you shameless shower of pricks.

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                • No preorder!!

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                • this is ridiculous, I don't think the dlc should be 40$ or 20$ maybe I could understand 10, it's complete bullshit that we all spent 60$ on this game and they cut out huge chunks of it to sell it later for 20$ or 40$ each, there is solid evidence that all content from the dlcs have already been in the game but have been locked off waiting for your money

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                • I am disappointed to see a nearly even split. But if I could hazard a guess, this will be a precursor to the poison that this type of pricing will bring to gaming. Next thing you know the next Elder Scrolls series will cost nearly 300 usd. Just think how awful an influence free to play games are(there are only a handful of good ones) realize that the shaders, locked content (nightfalls, etc), and class items/ emotes are all examples of stuff you'd find in free to play games. The difference is FTP offers this stuff for $5-$10(typically) Destiny offers this stuff for $60.

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                • Who gives a sh1t, you have the choice to buy it or not, so don't complain if you think the price isn't worth it.

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                • Who cares Dont buy it Im not

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                • I know this already, the thing is how ever bungie doesn't care because they know we can be replaced. When one of us stand up a 100 replace you.

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                • I never pre-order shit.... Even if they promise to pay my college loans

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                  • I would pay $100 if it meant 10 more minutes of destiny. I -blam!-ing love this game.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Edited by YoungLibertarian: 7/28/2015 7:26:07 PM
                      I was done with this game once all this TTK crap was announced.

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