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7/22/2015 6:59:27 AM

Blame the fans! Not Bungie

Hello guardians. I personally don't like this in game report thing because either children or sore losers could use this the wrong way. Example. My friend got a hate message saying he's a dirty cheater followed by fowl language. He asked when he cheated and the person said during Trials of Osiris and my friend has never done Trials because of his low level. Today he reached 33 and wanted to try it with me and was banned from Trials. Recently Bungie has been getting hate. Hate everywhere. All of this hate shouldn't be pointed at Bungie, if there should be any hate it should be from the fans back to the fans. Banned from something he never tried due to some random player. I don't think Bungie bans too many people themselves, the fans do. As for the nerfing, Bungie didn't just say HEY thorn and G-horn are op as hell! Nerf time! The fans themselves proved it. I'm not saying I'm a perfect player either I use Thorn and shotguns and all that, usually only when another player makes me mad with their skills. Anyway, please think before you get angry at the company that created this amazing game. BYE FELLOW GUARDIANS, PREPARE FOR ORYX.

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