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Edited by BNGHelp0: 7/20/2015 8:56:50 PM

Hybrid RNG with performance tiers

I think a nice solution to the RNG hate and grief the game has currently would be to make some things straight RNG like patrol and repeated patrols. Then you make things like Raids, Strikes, Daily/Weekly and crucible/Iron Banner RNG but the loot tables are broken into three tiers based off your performance. Rewarding precision and accuracy stats. What do people think? Happy Hunting Guardians

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  • This is exactly what i've been thinking. There should be proportianate percentages for each tier. [u]Ex.[/u] Tier 3 (lowest) 3% of exotic-like 15% chance for legendary items 52% chance for rare items 30% greenz :P (This is just an example. The higher tiers would be similar to this with higher drop rates for higher quality gear.) .... Or something like that. Obviously percentages would be fine tuned far better than this, taking all factors into consideration.

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    • Depending on what type of event it is the scale could be based off individual stats or team stats. this could be tailored to reward people that work well together (i.e. time it took for a given section) and also reward the individual roles (i.e. how long it took to cleanse someone). I don't see how it would be so much harder than redesigning the weapons mechanics or restructuring the way we do raids, bounties and other such changes they are doing with 2.0 and I do think it could be a way to balance RNG and actually rewarding the grind (earning a better tier RNG).

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    • Awepsome points! I have a few suggestions that are easy fixes for everyone's discontentment with Destiny. I feel the suggestions will reengage players, invest us back into the world, and reinstate the hopes and dreams for Destiny across the next nine years. If you can give it a look and tell me what you think I'd greatly appreciate it! It's called "3 ways Destiny can be 10x better today"

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    • Moving to #Feedback.

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      2 Replies
      • I don't think you should be rewarded in raids/nightfalls/strikes based on performance. Some people have specific roles. I don't ever see bungie changing RNG, that would be a lot of work and even more money to change the entire loot system. They could improve the current one though, which I could see as a great thing for those who tirelessly grind for nothing.

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        • Please Read This Bungie, I must admit that I am quite confused. Many of these problems that are to be addressed with this new update seem to clash directly with earlier ones that were released to correct problems created by even earlier updates. It might be safe to say we're chasing our tails at this point. One thing that I really appreciate about you guys at Bungie as that you do listen to the responses of the public. Never before has a gaming company cared to not only listen to reviews, but has taken action based on those opinions. However, it is this same willingness to listen and change that could hurt this particular game. I fear that people like myself (that have been with Destiny since the release date and purchased multiple copies to play on several different systems) may grow old of the back and forth with changing the game to make things better, people new to the game complaining because they don't have weapons that "day one" players have, and you then nerfing the weapons back down to nothing again to try and appease a small portion of your market. I didn't write all of this to express views on any one particular weapon but in general, why have exotic weapons if your are chipping away at their very essences which makes them exotic? Why have legendaries if they are only to later be nerfed to nothing? Why will people that have been here through all of these changes continue to play this game versus the next one? I'm sure you all are keenly aware of the need to define a line/standard that will remain. That standard has got to remain just that though. Again, I love how open and transparent you all are with notifying us, the gaming community, of these changes, that's awesome. There has got to be a limit though. Embrace this motto, we can't win them all. Once you have produced a product, and a great one at that, you have got to stand behind it. You have sculpted a great game, then, somehow managed to add to its beauty by increasing things that may have been overlooked. Now it seems you've set out to slowly destroy your work of art because some people were displeased with what you've created. Ask yourselves, what progress has been made if we are going back to the way things were?

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