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Edited by FJFSOM656: 7/20/2015 6:46:04 PM

Titan Story chap. 8: Teammate joins

The bright light of the morning sun shone in my eyes as they fluttered open from their slumber. I started to shift to get some comfort when I looked down at Angelica's sleeping head. She never let go of me, even in sleep. Her grip on my shirt was firm but more relaxed than last night. Her head was resting on my shoulder and her warm breath tickled my neck slightly. I sat perfectly still as to not awake her. My helmet formed as I sent small voice messages to Laurentine. "You alright Laurentine?" "Yea not to bad." His voice sounded a tad exhausted. "Anything pop up last night?" "No, radars been clear and nothing stepped relatively close to the site but there was movement further off." "Alright. Keep up the good work." My helmet disappeared as I blinked to adjust to the light again. I kept my coms running just in case Laurentine needed help. I watched the sun continue to rise and scanned the trees for any movement. About an hour later, Angelica began to stir. Her eyes opened slowly as she began to register where she was. She looked up at me with a sleepy daze for a solid minute before she blinked. She blushed furiously and let go of me. As she moved away, she smoothed off her dress and spoke in a flustered tone. "I... Im... s.. sorry!..." I smiled. "It's no worry. No harm done." Charles appeared beside me. "Really?" He looked at Angelica. "If I were you, I'd check the you-know-what of yours. Men tend to have hormonal rages during nocturnal activities and he could have da...." My iron grip on his shell cut him off. "Ow! Ow! Hey that's not nice!" "Then you might want to clam it, before I turn you into scrap." I glared at him intensely. Angelica blinked and looked at us oddly. "My I-know-what?" Elizabeth popped up. "It's nothing dear! Just the idiot spouting nonsense!" "Its not nonsense, it's anatomy." Charles said with a very stressed tone. "I'm talking about the organ you humans call a v.... OOWW!!" I came really close to breaking him before he faded from my fist. My face lit up like a fire. "That little..." Angelica raised her eyebrow. "What was he saying?..." "Again it was nonsense dear. Don't pay any attention to him." Said Elizabeth. She glared at me. "Can't you keep that rude excuse for a partner under control?" Before I could answer, Charles popped up again and said. "Not until the Traveler comes back to life and gifts the world with Ghallyhorns!" He disappeared before I could swat him and reappeared a little bit away. "And all the Ghosts can become customizable at will!!" He disappeared once more before his death could be executed. I sighed and rubbed my neck. "Stupid ball..." Angelica giggled a bit. "I find him kind of humerous." "In a very crude and ungentlemen like manner."huffed Elizabeth. Charles reappeared beside Angelica. "See? She gets me!" He paused to look at Elizabeth. "And I am not a gentleman, I am a Ghost and I'm not very gentle either." Her eye flashed red before he disappeared for the last time. "I'm going to dismantle that thing." "Be my guest..." I mumbled. "Now don't be rude to poor Charles. He is only hear to lighten the mood." "Oh Angelica... if only you weren't as simple minded..." Said Elizabeth sadly. Angelica frowned and placed her hands on her hips. "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means..." Elizabeth was cut off by Laurentine over the mic. "One enemy imbound. Walking straight towards us, I don't see any sign of teammates." I nodded and armor began to form over me. "Don't take any chances. Stay hidden and keep your eye out for anyone else." I held my scout rifle in hand as I ducked behind the roots. Angelica did likewise beside me. We waited quietly for the enemy to come near. link to chapter 7. link to chapter 8.5

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