After investigating the login and inventory histories of TheDeafGuardian, we have concluded the following:
1) [b]There is no evidence of unauthorized access to this player’s account.[/b]
2) No items were dismantled via the API, nor is this possible.
Based on recreating the sequence of events from our server logs, it appears that TheDeafGuardian manually dismantled his/her Thorn while in game by dismantling another piece of gear while simultaneously transferring items using an out-of-game tool (such as the Destiny Companion App,, or a third party inventory management tool).
Dismantling items in-game while simultaneously transferring items using an out-of-game tool may result in item slots shifting in the midst of a dismantle action, which can lead to a dismantle action completing on an unexpected item. We have reproduced this issue in-house. [b]We advise players not to dismantle items in-game while simultaneously moving weapons or armor via the Destiny Companion App,, or third party inventory management tools.[/b]
Thank you for a clear and concise explanation in response to these serious accusations. It is comforting to know that our inventories are not subject to random deletions by others, but I would like to know if the scenario you say you were able to duplicate still holds true if a weapon is "locked", which is supposed to make it deletion-proof, or at least that is the impression of many people? PS: Are you new to Bungie or is effectively addressing community issues in a timely manner something that happens from time to time, kinda like an RNG anomaly? (sorry, I could not resist...)
Edited by Spawn: 7/17/2015 5:58:35 PM
Started a new topic: More people missing weapons too(4 Replies))
So, in theory, if someone had access to your guardian in a 3rd party tool and they started transferring items as you were deleting things they could cause you to delete something you did not intend to delete. So this would require: 1) Someone having access to your account in a 3rd party application AND 2) They would have to be able to tell when you were deleting something and what it was you were deleting so they could move a conflicting item at the exact same time. Although possible, it seems highly, highly improbable.
Excellent news. Glad you could reproduce this. Thanks for a real update.