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7/16/2015 9:41:42 AM

Idea for a TRADING SYSTEM (hear me out)...

I have an idea for a trading system in destiny which wouldn't wreck the game. Its your average auction house/exchange, where you can buy/sell/trade. There are limits on how expensive or cheaply you can buy/sell an item for. The BIG CATCH....(wait for it) can ONLY trade with the people in your clan. And perhaps you may even need to have the RAIDING PARTY trophy to make it a bit harder to trade. You see, before you all jump on the hate-wagon, the reason bungie are hesitant to implement a trading system is because it would completely contradict the RNG system. But if you could only trade with clan mates (and possibly only once you have the trophy RAIDING PARTY) it would be less of a detriment to the RNG aspect of the game. And besides, the market right now seems to be centered on Vanilla (Pre-DLC) Vendor weapons, which will most likely become useless in the next DLC or too, so don't expect to be bombarded with DREAM RAINBOW LOOT ROBOT UNICORN WEAPONS, because the simple fact is, no one is gonna want them if all they're gonna do is sit in your Vault (aside from the minority of super-intense Destiny obsessed collectors out there). Please, give feedback (constructive criticism welcome). That's all Guardians.

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  • I think it should just be within your fireteam, when the loot drops occur. We raid, I get a Crux, someone else gets whatever. I'm not wasting my time getting another necrochasm, so I just pass it off to someone else who completed the activity w. Me. Once someone leaves the party, it's void. Can't happen anymore. I'd be cool w. That, & only that. There's still far too many ways to make loopholes of the clan system to trade off w. Whoever you want, whenever you want. Might take some time, but someone who wants that gjallarhorn will spend hours doing it if need be. trading when the loot drops occur w. Your fireteam who helped would be sweet though.

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    2 Replies
    • A clan bank?

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    • no because supposedly a trading system would break the game

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    • trading is a good idea but not with in the clan/raiding party or any other guardian. it should be to the vendors as a credit towards a weapon or armor choice and light level should count towards which items can be traded.

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    • Or only people in your clan and on your friends list

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      4 Replies
      • Edited by So Rexy: 7/16/2015 11:49:56 AM
        It's not a bad idea but I worry about a few things. Trading within your clan is fine but people will join a clan, make a trade and leave when they are done. Implementing a timer could solve the issue but add frustration if two people are in different clans and want to trade. They will take to the forums and we'll all get a headache! And the Raiding Party Achievement/Trophy directly interferes with my Clan. Exiled Trio. You should see the problem just by the name. Finally, EVERYONE will be selling their weapons/armour at the Maximum cost possible. Maybe a little under to sell it quicker but it will be a mostly fixed price with no deviation. Why sell it for less when you can wait a little longer and get more for it? Personally, I'd like a system like on WoW. (Never played it but my sister has told me the gist of it) At the end of a Raid, Nightfall, Skolas or Lighthouse, the team gets to see what they have won and gets to decide if they don't want it, want it or need it. For example, the Lighthouse, (True story) We got, Solar Summoner (Auto), Solar Scholar (Scout) and Solar Jewel (Hand Cannon). I enjoy using Auto Rifles even if they are bad, and my Buddy wanted my Scholar. So I would 'Need' the Summoner and my friend can 'Need' the Scholar so we both get what we want. There would still be RNG, but it helps stop duplicates and people can get what they want to begin with.

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        3 Replies
        • Trading would be fine but only for things like weapon parts, other materials and maybe even vendor legendaries. Otherwise, it would result in things being too easy to obtain (even easier than they already are). And to counteract this, Bungie would then reduce drop rates so that on average we're back to where we started except now we are screwing people who don't meet the trading criteria. I get it, you guys want it to be easier to get the things you want. But that is exactly why it shouldn't ever happen. And that doesn't even consider all the ways these various trading ideas will be exploited. For everyone of these ideas people think of to allow trading, there will be ways that it will make the game more toxic. This idea, for instance, would result in people joining massive clans so they can trade. The "only trade with people who were in there with you when you got it idea" would result in LFG posts that require you to already have Gjallarhorn and be willing to trade it if it drops. If you're clever enough to think of an idea for trading, you're likely clever enough to find ways to exploit it. And even if you're not, someone else will be.

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          • We defiantly won't see a shit ton of trading clans selling exotics...

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          • Agree with the clan side of it, done nightfall this week and i got my 9th gally and my mate has never had one. Wouldnt it be nice that when the rewards page comes up you get to trade between the 3 of you.

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          • Couple of points here: 1) Trading is fine, and will not ruin the game in any way at all. 2) Every time someone makes a post that says, "Maybe trading would be okay if we added all of these various restrictions," they're basically saying, "Let's not have trading," because the logistics of implementing it are complicated enough without having to include and maintain a bunch of additional restrictions. 3) I'm sure most of the people making these posts are just trying offer suggestions to make the game better, but calling for additional stratification just comes across as selfish. It sounds like, "I personally am sick of being at the mercy of RNG so please give me an out, but keep everyone else trapped in the grind because it should take other people forever to get their stuff." 4) In the Conversations with Creators interview Luke Smith talked about loot drops in their current state feeling too "disconnected" from the world and they were definitely going to address that in TTK. If they are changing the loot system, it is entirely possible (let us hope) that they are backing off the RNG a bit anyway, and undermining it won't be that much of an issue. 5) If they are about to mess around with the loot system, they will no doubt wait and see how that goes before adding anything like player trading, so if something like this does happen it won't be for awhile.

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          • If a trading system was added to this game ppl would be selling gallys and other highly desireable items for real life money. Bungie doesn't want that and Im fine with that.

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          • Or we could just not

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          • Actually this is easy to exploit and no bad idea...

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            • The only people that think it will wreck the game are the ones that have the rare weapons and don't want anyone else to have them.

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