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originally posted in: Do you use Thorn?
7/10/2015 11:30:14 AM
Has anyone noticed the only people complaining about gun stats are crucible people. Each gun has its setup and makes it it. When you people complain so damn much like little girls it messes up the game for people who actually play the game. You people took auto rifles away from us because of your constant naging. What else will you ruin in this game. Just because it's a hard to earn gun that people find to work well in pvp doesn't mean bittch about it till it becomes bad in the whole game like you people have done to auto rifles. If your mad because you get killed by it just learn to play better or use it yourself. I have been schooled by many other guns while using thorn. It's up to who has better accuracy and maneuvering to whom gets the kill. So get over it people. And to bungie stop listening to all these cry babies and take down this feedback section.

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  • Auto rifles were nerfed because they were being used by everybody for everything. So they were over used by EVERYBODY, PvP AND PvE until they were nerfed to the point of being useless. I would know, 2 clips of suros regime could kill the tank in the meridian bay nightfall.

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  • Edited by Great_Championz: 7/11/2015 1:53:39 PM
    Thorn fits the bill of the definition of OP. It's good in too many categories. Fast fire rate, high base damage, high base stability, more range than hawkmoon, consistent 2 headshot kill, somewhat fast reload, and a dot tacked on to all of that. It's not even hard to get two head shots with thorn because of the stability and aim assist. If two equally skilled players go up against each other, one is using thorn and one is not, the one using thorn will kill the one not using thorn every time. Buffing things to thorns level will just make the ttk become even worse, it's already 0.36 for thorn. That's near or less than CODs ttks. Just because the thorn bounty is hard(not really) shouldn't justify it being OP; remember Vex? I'll take any other crucible meta than the one now, because this is the insta-kill meta. Why are you criticizing other people's opinion about balance? You have barely played PvP yourself.

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  • The type of game this is, is not cod bro. It's not designed to be only a pvp game. Because it's not a pvp game. It's designed for great Co op play. If it was designed for great pvp it would have nothing else and be called cod. Pvp is just a bonus on everything else it has. I see people get perfect games with scout rifles. 25 and one isn't bad. My friend has consistently great games with a scout. I see people use shotguns and defeat thorn every single time they see it. You people could complain about all the bitches that use shot guns but I bet your one to, ya know the people that dont like a real battle and only take one shot to kill and take no skill at all. There are obviously more elite classes and there going to be used. I have honestly complained about the thorn b4 but I'm better now and I beat thorn with other guns alot. And no this game isn't made for pvp so I don't play it all the time I play my characters threw iron banner everytime its here though. And you mentioned the vex. The vex is still pretty good and also the suros. I like the nl Shadow. Maybe what you need to consider is playing a better style for your gun choice. Shotguns for one shot run and gun. Sniper for one shot distant kills. And so on. I do think the thorn is a great fun with great balance but can definitely be beat. When I play iron banner I see alot of Thorne but in normal crucible I see lots of shotguns snipers auto/pulse.... Wait that's about all the classes.

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  • It all comes down to Learn2PlayMoar... but ppl would rather cry than learn to play.

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  • Edited by Great_Championz: 7/11/2015 10:47:57 PM
    Just because you have a small sample of encounters where you and your friend beat thorn, doesn't mean it's not OP. I beat thorn also and get good consistent games with hopscotch pilgrim, still doesn't mean it's not OP. I have thorn, and I know it's a scrub OP weapon just from using it. This game is centric around PvE and PvP. That was found out after Trials of Osiris was competitive and was put in the game. Balance is needed if you want a competitive playing field. Bungie themselves called trials competitive. I use shotguns also, because that's what you're forced to use to compete.

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  • Are you guys going to complain about these ridiculous range shotguns next or how powerful snipers are or..... Stop complaining. It's not worth it cause bungie will only make the game worse as we have seen to many times

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