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originally posted in: Hunters lack of super health
Edited by NM Gunslinger: 7/8/2015 9:46:54 PM
Interesting topic. Here's my rebuttal: As for the original statement, I only partially agree. Bladedancers get more than enough armor. Combine that with the Hungering Blade perk and you can pretty much only be killed by other supers. Gunslingers, however, do not get [i]any[/i] armor. This is something I don't get. Before you say "It's because you get the best super," please consider the following: -We are the only class with a partially-direct (you occasionally get extremely lucky with enemy positioning) limitation on kills we can get (3, or 4 if you burn your exotic slot). -Like any other classes' (barring strikers) supers, enemy supers shut us down instantly. -[i]Unlike[/i] every other class, we can quite easily be killed by primary weapons. -Unlike other classes, the successful-hit zone is smaller (we actually need to [i]aim[/i] to get kills). -Unlike [i]some[/i] other supers, lag has a [i]huge[/i] effect on the success of the super, as lag influences bullet accuracy heavily. Golden Gun is good in PvP when [i]all[/i] of the factors are right, but there's no room for error. It's useless in PvE (Yes, even with Celestial Nighthawk. In fact, limiting kills further makes it [i]less[/i] viable in PvE). What we [i]really[/i] need is an exotic that gives us armor during our super. Now, after your initial statement, all logic went out the window. The only super that you can't kill easily is the Striker Titan. All other supers can be shut down easily. I can't count the number of Nova Nombs I've killed (a bit too late, the animation is going but the projectile is always on its way). I can kill Bladedances every now-and-then with a quick 1-2-Burst from my Secret Handshake (Assuming I don't die first, which also happens frequently). Radiance can be sniped or two-bursted from the same shotgun. Defender Bubbles are just a joke outside of PvE. I also feel like one-off supers (like FoH and Nova Bomb) should always kill active supers (like Radiance and Golden Gun) instantly. It just makes sense. Anyways, that's my two-cents. Take it or leave it, it's up to you.

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