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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Meryl: 7/6/2015 8:33:38 PM


BIGNINJAPOOP!!! (God that username is so hard to be serious with) Congratulations for winning the pixel sprite contest!!! Now, I will be holding another one of these next week with a new theme to it so, stick around!!! HIs story... [quote] I was so excited and I had just bought destiny with my leftover Christmas money I was so excited, that I was spamming my x button(PS3) so I could finally play the game everyone was talking about. I was spamming it so fast I seemed to have skipped over to changing my looks. " I have to make my warlock look the coolest " I said, so I made a exo and then I played the first level and realized something I wasn't warlock I was a titian. So after a few seconds I came to my own conclusion that you had to beat the game on a titian first to make a warlock character. So I played through until I was level 32(before how) and then told my friend I was gonna make the warlock character I always wanted them he asked me "why didn't you just make a warlock first then?" Long story short I pressed create a titian without noticing and played that until I got to lev 32 and my stupid friend told me I COULD HAVE BEEN A FREAKIN WARLOCK THIS WHOLE TIME[/quote]
#Destiny #fun

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  • Edited by Twitch @ TheWormKeeper: 7/6/2015 7:54:39 PM
    I got two gjallarhorns and the vex from my first hard atheon. It happened before xur sold it too.

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    • The winner has been announced!!

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    • Edited by LucidFever: 7/6/2015 8:02:32 PM
      I actually have two that I [b]will never forget.[/b] You know the part in the Vault of Glass where you jump down to enter the Conflux's and fight the Templar. Well I have all 3 classes and I decided to play as my Titan. As a [b]right of passage[/b], Titans need to Fist of Havoc they're way down. I told my whole Fire Team to watch me and to be amazed. They sat down and watched. Funny part is that when I did it I missed the edge by 1 centimeter. [b]Try to imagine that as the people who were watching me.[/b] lol. 2nd story is when we were doing Crota. One day I guess Crota got tired of our shit and decided to go in the room and stomp on all of us at once. [spoiler]If I win may you do my Warlock?He is Awoken, Bold and has green eyes :)[/spoiler]

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    • I do remember once I was soloing the nightfall as a gunslinger hunter. I was shooting the nexus, and almost had him dead. I didn't have gjallarhorn at the time, so it took 45 mins. I was him a few hits away, but was desperately low on ammo (no icebreaker either). In desperation, I launched a tripmine... to have it shot clean out of midair. Right in my face. With the nexus mind at 5% health. I had to go to orbit. I tried with my friends the next day, and boom. Gjallarhorn.

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    • On my first ever raid it was an atheon checkpoint on hard. I was teleported every time and just copied the other guy by shooting my thorn at the mysterious glowing red things in the sky. I did not actually realize that I had to shoot atheon so I don't think I dealt any damage to him ..... I got the mythoclast

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      • Edited by Capt NSFW_Beard: 7/6/2015 9:40:38 PM
        So destiny had only been out for a few weeks. I was playing with my Girlfriend and a few friends in crucible and it was the moon map with interceptors. Everything was going good until two titans started bubble chaining. At the time we thought bubbles were indestructible! We tried rushing but we always died. We finally saw his bubble drop and his friend immediately popped his. We were pissed. My girlfriend shows up with a interceptor. We all laugh and ask what she thinks she is going to do rocket the shield to death. The titans inside must have thought the same thing because they started dancing. To our surprise she hits the thrust and splatters both titans. We laughed for a good long while. [spoiler]I have a video but I have to go back a few hundred clips to locate it. If I find it I will post[/spoiler]

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        • I once tried to only get kills on Shores of Time by shooting the exploding boxes scattered around the map (whenever people would camp by them). [spoiler]I only got two kills ;_;[/spoiler]

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          • Need an animated Randal the Vandal :)

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            • [spoiler]I have the weirdest boner right now. [/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Kcaj Attack: 7/6/2015 7:11:14 PM
                I killed an entire team in skirmish with one combustion shot on my golden gun

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              • Contest ends at 1:00 and the winner will be announced at 1:30!!!(Pacific time)

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              • My friend, my cousin, and I are playing trials of Osiris. The score is 4-4 and I am the last one alive. In looking at the cauldron Where my two downed teamates are and the enemy team is corner camping each door with shotguns. I have my sniper aimed at the door, then a titan comes charging through the door, boom headshot, but as soon as I thought he was dead, he fist of havocks, but my throwing knife finishes him off. Now it is 1 V 2. I earn my golden gun and think I have to rush in, so I charge in there and kill the corner camping shotgunner who left me with a sliver of health. Now a 1V 1 situation, I can see the last guy near my teammates ghosts. The flag is about to spawn and I hear a bladedancer and as he pops his head around the corner I nail him in the head. Then out of nowhere I hear a self res behind me, then I head shot him, granting my team the flawless, and ending the enemy team's streak. This was the best moment I had in this game.

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                • Doing 28 PoE, boss is Val Aru'un. Make my way to back of the room with the others. While we're beating off the Centurions, on the other side of the wall is the boss, constantly stomping his foot into the ground. Must've wanted a sandwich or something. Tried to explain to him we were all out of stock, but he wouldn't listen. Had to kill him.

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                  • BEWARE long post about to come __________ I'm playing salvage. The game is close and timeis running out on twilight gap. The other team has control of the relic with 10 seconds left, and my team is down by a pretty decent amount. The relic is being guarded by my three enemies up at the capture point above the stairs. I'm on the level below that, where heavy ammo spawns. Both my teammates had just been killed. So I get a running start, jump up and shoulder charge into the first guy. They're all clumped together... Fortunately I have transfusion and overload, which procs as I beat the second guy to death with a couple of melees, as I jump over him to avoid fire from the last guardian, a Warlock. So my health regens again. I whip out found verdict. By now time is up, and I have ten seconds to prevent the capture of the relic. Overtime. My teammates are just about to respawn- apparently they do so a long ways away. The Warlock has his shotgun out too. He goes for me, but I strafe it and jump to his side, shotgun his face open. Then I turn to stop the capture- and I hear a burst of flames behind me. I turn around, slide right at him as he attempts to Melee me but swings too high. I hit him with my Verdict on my way, finish him off with a final Storm Fist to his chin before he is able to get a second hit off. Clutch win in overtime, from behind, with a single handed overkill and defeat of a Radiant Warlock to secure the win. It was fancy. It felt pretty sweet.

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                    • Ok I was so excited and I had just bought destiny with my leftover Christmas money I was so excited, that I was spamming my x button(PS3) so I could finally play the game everyone was talking about. I was spamming it so fast I seemed to have skipped over to changing my looks. " I have to make my warlock look the coolest " I said, so I made a exo and then I played the first level and realized something I wasn't warlock I was a titian. So after a few seconds I came to my own conclusion that you had to beat the game on a titian first to make a warlock character. So I played through until I was level 32(before how) and then told my friend I was gonna make the warlock character I always wanted them he asked me "why didn't you just make a warlock first then?" Long story short I pressed create a titian without noticing and played that until I got to lev 32 and my stupid friend told me I COULD HAVE BEEN A FREAKIN WARLOCK THIS WHOLE TIME

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                      • Edited by Zero: 7/6/2015 11:55:07 AM
                        Well... I was doing the daily mission, in campus 9 i punched a vandal and his head got stuck in the wall(took a screenshot), he worked well as a blast shield against the minotaurs! Another one: I was doing Crota, i was the sword user for my first time, i grabbed the sword and as soon as i hit crota three times and the sword disappeared!!! And Crota got up and followed me through the entire map! My teammates went into the ogre room and survived, meanwhile Crota was raging behind me... I don't even know how he missed all his shots! Then i heard the sound of his sword, i popped the bubble and...i...survived!(i proceeded to wreck's crota's ass in the following minutes after a wipe) CE=GLITCHFEST2k15

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                        • So during one of the many Crota Runs back in February I ran the sword as a Warlock (2nd time running it actually) and against better judgement I went for 4 hits. And as I fly away, I can see his sword swing next to me. Somehow I'm still alive and just quickly run back to the Crystal. The connection was fine, it wasn't a glitch or anything. He just missed me. My conclusion is that Crota needs glasses

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                        • in the early days of destiny exotic bounties were rare to come across. so when I found one I was ecstatic. I blindly chose one and it turned out to be the thorn. I had no trouble with the bounty until the very last part, I struggled for a while trying to do it myself as a level 24( I had not found destinylfg at that point) but after a while I gave up. I was messaging randoms at the tower when someone finally decided to help me out. he turned out to be a really pessimistic squeaker, but I was desperate. after about 2 hrs him and I finally defeated xyor. he didn't have the bounty though so he didn't get the weapon and he knew that he wouldn't but he helped me out anyway. afterwords we went back to the tower and turned in a couple of bounties and guess what, he got an exotic bounty! he chose the thorn and together we completed the bounty yet again and at the very end of it we had our beautiful, hard to use, pre-buff thorns.

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                          • Edited by JigglinJellycube: 7/6/2015 11:27:59 AM
                            I took a girl to chick fila on a Sunday once... Ahem, ok I'll try that again. When I was new to the game I thought that everyone got the same drops so whenever heavy dropped I'd panic and run out into the line of fire to get it before anyone else did. Got me killed plenty of times haha. Oh damn, you should have seen me when a green engram dropped! Hah! The first the I played the omnigul arc burn nightfall strike, me and my team were in that little room at the top of the stairs at the beginning. I had just maxed out my plan c. We looked at eachother and said,"alright guys let's kick some as-" "OH SHIIII-" "RUN MAAAN!" The captains ran in and bitch slapped my friends to death in one hit. I panicked, i unloaded a few shots from my Plan C, only to hear the Captains giggling at my attempts to disintegrate them. I could almost hear them say,"look at this scrub! He brought Plan C!" I turned and ran screaming for the staircase! I made it and sighed in relief. There's no way they will come down here, they never come down here. I had made it! I was going to save the day! No sooner had I thought this than I turned around to catch a final glimpse of a captain knocking my lights out. To this day my plan c sits in my vault. I'll never forgive it for failing my in my time of need. Well there are other stories. But that's the only one I remember at the moment, and I'm not much of a story teller anyways I suppose

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                            • Edited by silentpheonix17: 7/6/2015 11:00:40 AM
                              I don't have much of a story to tell however, I do like your art piece. It's nice to see another deviant.

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                              • Wtf is that thing?

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                                • During the early days of Destiny I was leveling up my new warlock. (Hunter being my main) I was all set up to do The Summoning Pits strike on the moon to take down Phogoth. I was told by many people that I should level up my sunsinger just to have the self-resurrection. So being the level 15 warlock that I was, my matchmade fireteam and I got through to Phogoth and we just started whailing on him (or maybe? I don't know. Anyway) he was at maybe 75% health when I decide to activate my radiance with solar granades. I threw as many as I could at the gigantic ogre when something strange started to happen. The ogre started to move toward the edge of the map due to my granades and it trying to avoid them. Next thing I know it just simply walked off the edge of the map ending the strike. I just sat there in awe thinking to myself "did that really just happen?" After a few moments trying to process what just happened I started laughing uncontrollably. That was probably my favorite, accidental, thing that has happened to me in Destiny [spoiler]that pixel guardian looks so adorable![/spoiler]

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                                  • Variks -blam!- me when I was level 9, he said "bend over guardian yes?". I am now level 34, but I still have nightmares

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                                    • Hmm well when I got this game back in early October I was on a mission on mars maybe it was a strike the one with the flairs or whatever there called there's this purple sign thing that flashes and for some reason maybe lack of sleep or just all around noob lust for my first legendary engram I swore it was a legendary engram and I was spazing out whooping and hollering till my bro comes in and asks what I'm on about to which I replied I finally got a legendary engram to which he says bro that's just a light... To this day I hate that light xD

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                                      • So there i was. Level 28 ready to tackle VoG for the first time. I got a team from these very forums, scouring the corners I never dared to venture before. I was a new face to these forums, having downloaded this app only recently before going on it. I searched for what seemed like an eternity. It didn't take long to find others like myself. Others who wished to delve into the unknown antiquities that lay within the vault. One by one i got them into my party and game. We introduced ourselves one by one. Only one man knew somewhat of what was to occur in the vault. He had only gone once before, but was scarred and came out a different, almost incoherent man. His advice would only take us so far. And so, we set off to beautiful Venus, not knowing how dangerous her fly traps could be. We set down. The taste of plants and sentient metal filled our helmets. We split up into three teams of two, as suggested by our crazed sherpa. The gate, he said, needed a spire to be formed in order to be opened. We stood on the gates and expected company. Heavy company. The dark storm clouds symbolized the Vexs' arrival. They arrived and we opened fire. Countless bullets and supers were being fired away. We died, we killed, we went on. A grueling hour passed, and we finally persevered. The gate opened itself to us. If only we knew the hardest parts were yet to come.... We made our way through Kabr's Trials, taking in the environment. Drab and dead, with nothing hopeful to look forward to. Our light was the only thing that gave us comfort. Perhaps a few laughs. We jumped down, delving deeper until we reached the Templar's Well. A massive arena lay before us. "There are three confluxes. We must defend them, all three, when they show up. Do not let the Vex sacrifice themselves," our sherpa said. "Why?," said another guardian. "You'll be lost to the dark corners of time. So, dead." All was quiet as we split up to hold those confluxes. The Templar was something to behold. He appeared occasionally, firing at us and marking us for negation. We fought hard. We died, we grew stronger, we held our ground. As before, it took a lot of ammunition, power, and time of all things, to get it done. The oracles were no different. We found them after a few tries and began to remember the patterns and amount of rounds. We still had to hold our own against the Vex. Unrelenting, tireless, and merciless, the Vex kept coming. The oracles were destroyed, but our foe was not going to allow us to pass without a fight. I don't remember what i received here.... The Templar was to be summoned by grabbing the Aegis Shield. Our sherpa took it. He was qualified, or atleast we hoped, to handle it. Provide cover. Get cleansed. Fire everything at the Templar once shield was done. Those were our orders. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. The Templar fell, as did a Found Verdict. It wouldn't be the last, nor the first.... After celebrating, our sherpa took us into the infamous spirit bloom chest area. None of us dared to open it, as he said it would reduce our chance to get an exotic. We believed him. We went down and practiced our jump skills. It was fun. We reached the bottom chest, as we did not know about the hidden chest when not allowing the Templar to teleport. We were all excited. I drew a slow breath. I opened the chest. What did i receive? Ahh...The Last Word exotic hand cannon. I was thrilled. Even receiving the class item made me happy. My first exotic weapon! My team was jealous. I still have that one up until this day... The gorgons lair was very fun and fascinating. Having read lots of Greek stories and myths, it drew me into a world of mystery....and a world in which i could be erased. Fascinating. Simply fascinating. We found those hidden chests after such a long time of trying not to be caught. We made it threw with some laughs and ascendant energy and shards. The jumping puzzle. What more can i say? It involved jumping, and puzzles. We laughed at each other's failures. We celebrated when we reached the other side. We even joked around and pushed each other off the sides. But all that was to stop and be left at Atheon's glass room.... We stepped in. Kill the gatekeeper. Step on the pads. Defend it. Go inside. Grab the Aegis Shield. Go to the other side. Repeat. Cleanse. All the while the guardians who held the pads and the center against minotaurs. It was perhaps the toughest part for us all. But it got done. We were exhausted. I received hezen vengeance for my efforts. Hours had been spent getting here.... Atheon. His arrival was magnificent. He stood there and shimmered. His cannon at the ready to destroy the invaders. He rose his hand and took the three guardians furthest from him into the future or the past. Inside, those guardians needed to face the Oracles and cleanse themselves with the Aegis Shield. We'd need that shield. At the same time, the guardians in the present held off exploding harpies and opened the gate after much confusion. The others made it out. "To the center pillar!" The sherpa yelled. The relic holder put the shield down and we fired away at Atheon and his critical zone, feeling powerful with Times Vengeance. However, Atheon could use his infamous splash damage to kill some of us. This weakened our morale after so many attempts. And the unthinkable teammates left me. How could they? I didn't want to start over, not knowing about checkpoints. Nor did i want to go to sleep after getting so far and burning so much time. What would i do?.... I stood up and went to the forums with invigorating fire. I called upon other guardians to help me with my first completion. They heeded my call. They came in, knowing what to do. They lead me through it all. They had the experience. They had the gear and weapons. I learned from them. Drank it all in. I'd need this later on. We destroyed Atheon. I received Vision of Confluence. The very same i have til this day, along with chatterwhite which i also have til this day. And so, after that day i became the sherpa. I conquered the Vault of Glass time after time. Soon i reached level 30, and did the same with hard mode. It took a bit of getting used to. But nevertheless, it was done. Grinding and rng drops became the norm after a while though. The charm soon withered away. It was all about FateBringer and Vex Mythoclast. I didn't get FB until much later during Crota's era. But i had received the Vex, after receiving it's very first nerf, within 7 or so completions before that time came. That is my story. Long ago, true, and very fun.

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                                        • Edited by Hoggzi: 7/6/2015 10:28:27 AM
                                          This happened to me a while ago. Not so much a story, but it's pretty cool none the less!

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