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Edited by Ankokuseibutsu: 6/29/2015 10:31:21 AM

Direction of TTK and Microtransactions

With over 1,000 hours play time, I was really looking forward to playing the with the new sub-classes. Honestly though, with Deej commenting about not being attached to a gun for 10 years and the other guy saying you'll throw money at the screen for some ridiculous cosmetics worries me. First, I want to talk about Deej trying to get us to move on from our old weapons. I think it's a terrible idea to force players to play the way you like and the etheric light was a good direction and decision for upgrading our gear because it gives players the choice to upgrade what they find valuable. Let's be honest Deej, pretty much all TDB weapons and HOW weapons are garbage which is why everyone is so attached to our fatebringer and vision of confluence for PVE. If you don't want us to stay attached to them, reflect as a developer on why we are so attached. It's obviously because you didn't imagine better perks than doing more damage to shanks or having three precision hits give you an extra bullet. The only decent one still usuable from TDB was black hammer. I deleted all the other crota and queen's gear. In any event, you need to allow players to upgrade especially since you allowed it with the HOW. You can't remove choices once you've implemented them. I like my LDR 5001 and plan to use it from here on out and will be mighty pissed if I can't. Second, I'm completely turned off to the idea of paying for cosmetics and even more disgusted you have the audacity to charge 20$ for such mundane and trivial "content". What worries me most is that if people more obsessed with Destiny than me feed Bungie's ego by shelling out the 20$ Bungie will feel that they don't have to make as much actual content for the game because people are dumb enough to pay that much for nothing. The Red Bull paywall content is even worse an idea. I really hope this microtransaction and paywall idea backfires bigtime and shows them how arrogant an idea it is to charge so much for such meaningless content. It's insulting the fanbase's intelligence, honestly. In any event, I'm finding myself upset with the direction of Bungie as of late and hope they get their head out of their asses and start thinking about their customers desires not their lining their wallets and creating another artificial grind. I will not continue playing if they continue down this path of greed and arrogance.

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  • TL;DR: [i]Bungie has a major weapons issue and they can't really resolve it without an honest-to-god sit down with the community.[/i] [b]Beginning[/b] When this game started they had nice little MMO progression curve for all their gear. They even had a clear goal for end of game. They knew they were going to put out expansions every three months, and each expansion would add a few levels and continue the curve. They fell into a few traps with materials and progression, but most of those where pretty standard growing pains that every persistent game runs into and learns from. [b]Design[/b] But they also had an 800 pound gorilla in the room, and it was the progression curve itself. In most persistent worlds, the items are simply a few numbers that determine how well you do. Class or job or race determines your actual play style. Special items end up changing your style a little, but generally that style is pretty static. Destiny armor lines up nice and simply with this formula. Add a few levels to the monsters, and a few numbers to new armor. Progression perfection. Destiny weapons, unfortunately, break this model badly. Weapons alter the way you play an FPS drastically. Thus even minor changes in weapon variety and behavior have a large effect on your feel for the game. And if you start running multipliers based on specific stats, all hell breaks loose. A large variety of weapons actually compounds the problem, because it means you are more likely to have outliers that the Internet community then jumps on. [b]History[/b] So, let’s get back to the history of the game, and look at their design goals. They were going to put out content every three months (ambitious)! Any legendary weapon would be good for a while, but fade away as you achieved the next tier of legendary. In fact you could design end tier weapons that were too powerful, knowing that your dedicated players would get them late in the three month cycle and want to use them through much of the next one. They clearly did this in the initial game. They adjusted a few material and progression issues over the first three months. And they made some decisions about The Dark Below. Primaries with elemental damage were already powerful enough because of burns, so they didn’t need to make the other stats overpowered as well. Certain exotics were simply overpowered, but they were highly used and it became obvious they would need to somehow persist. So new exotics were designed a step lower, and a random aspect was added to the just created “upgrade” option. TDB came with the typical first expansion issues. They admitted a lot of them publically and worked hard to ensure the next expansion wouldn’t have them. The three month timeframe was also abandoned because they finally realized whoever thought that up was crazy. They also made a decision, probably about a month and a half in, that weapon progression simply wasn’t going to work. People were not switching, they didn’t want to. So they adjusted again. Make primary burns hard to find. Adjust the random nature of weapons to be more consistent by expanding the reroll feature. Allow people to upgrade old stuff, gated by tying it to and end game feature. Introduce non-burn categories that allow you to use whatever weapon you prefer for a slot. Adjust the exotics to be more unique while still limiting their power, concentrating on making [i]good but situational[/i] items. [b]Problem[/b] And then HOW came out, and they watched the guardian choices. First Etheric Light upgrades, VOG weapons. Exotic Shard upgrades: Gally, IB. Then they watched Skolas burn become the [b]required[/b] LFG strategy. Most guardians’ choices were made by pure power; upgrading weapons that the developers did not design with the intention of begin upgradeable. It makes perfect sense and breaks the game. Bungie cannot adjust those weapons. They can't take the uniqueness out of existing exotics. They can't go back and nerf old primaries that only their most dedicated players have. [u]But they also cannot design content that achieves the same level of difficulty between two distinctly different player groups, those that have and those that do not.[/u] They need to have a conversation where they admit that a fundamental design aspect of their weapon system, a progression curve, is required. It is required by them; to remove the mistakes of the past. The mistakes that make you love that weapon the most. It is also required for other design goals. You need to look forward to new drops; you can’t do that if your old weapons are always better. You need to clear out your vault and character slots; they did not anticipate or design the backend for gota-collect-them-all. They need to add really cool unique effects that they don't have to design around for the next three expansions. Sure, they could go through a herculean effort, buff everything and alter the backend. Make monsters work out by simply dialing up to 11 and altering the fundamental design of year two. But redoing underlying systems and stats for everything takes away from adding new stuff. And new is far more important. Destiny 2 is in the works, fundamental redesigns go there. They don’t go in the next expansion, even if it’s a big one. The fact that they are not having a conversation about the weapon curve... That frankly they are not good at having any conversation about development, is a problem. Hopefully they figure it out.

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