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Edited by DharmaJunkie: 7/4/2015 8:37:17 PM

BungiVision Strikes again (Red Bull Marketing campaign FAIL)

This whole Redbull strategy for TTK has to have Red Bull execs as gitty as ticks on a hog now that you've help promote the sale of their high energy, heart exploding, growth stunting-family values beverage to an even younger and more impressionable demographic. Did anyone do any research on the effects energy drinks have on kids? (Specifically between the ages of 13-16.) Funny that (13-16) is also energy drinks weakest revenue generating demographic. Yet they got attached to a Teen rated game, WOOHOO!! At least Halo (Doritos/Mntn. Dew) was rated Mature, there was some measure of culpability. I know Activision has a hold on you Bungie, but please realize this stuff has KILLED kids!!, so be careful, because when that ship goes up in flames, whether BUNGIE had involvement or not, you will go down with it. Edit: The difference is kids don't need parental permission to walk into 7-11 and grab one. I'm not saying drinking one of these is going to cause health problems. (Note: Red Bull was steeped in controversy for a reason.) But the practice of targeting kids to buy a highly caffeinated synthetic stimulant (poison) deserves a moment of pause and consideration. Then to reward this whole system with exclusive game rewards? What kid is going to resist? •Tell your Marketing department, they missed another opportunity. They should have gone with water, H2O, the 'Drink of Guardians'. Parents would have loved you (easing the sting of that price tag), kids would have been healthier, and social media and the press would have rallied and cheered you on!! (Talking National Exposure- BungiVison, 'Beat the Heat Guardians!', 'Summer is here and we need our Guardians in peak condition, Stay Hydrated!!') "Guardians of Liquid Light!", -- WATER!! Edit 2: Great support guys. The positive feedback is refreshing. And it's absolutely fantastic to see so many ppl actively aware and making healthy choices as to what they're choosing to put into their bodies. -Cheers! Edit 3: Well here is how it's going so far. People who legitimately purchased RB for the codes are now locked out because you were outwitted, AGAIN! Curious to see how you handle this one.

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