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6/23/2015 3:37:37 PM
I happily reserved and paid for my collector's edition. It all boils down to perceived value. I will have a huge amount of hours of entertainment from this expansion. This is because this is my go-to game and when it's all said and done, I will be paying a miniscule amount per hour of play. My perceived value is that it is worth the money. If yours isn't then don't buy it. Your wallet speaks louder than your words. If you choose not to buy it based upon your convictions of worth then I'm sorry. I have a feeling you'll be missing out on fun times. For everyone who says they can't afford it I call BS. You obviously have enough means to own the console, game, and required Internet connection. If you can't save a little less than $15 a month (or €20 for you Europeans), than you obviously have different, more important priorities elsewhere. Stop crying about the cost of a game. In the end, if there is collectively enough people who don't buy the game based on cost, they will lower it so that they can move their product. Actions speak louder than words... especially when those words come off as entitled complaining.

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  • So you paid $40 for emotes, congrats. Lol, Bungie must love you. Hope you don't regret the decision a week into it thinking, I just paid $80 for what was only $40. Your argument about value due to time played is another story. I'd argue that most of that time played is repetitive so it loses value after the first 3-6 hrs once you've done all the new content.

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  • For me it's the loot grind, character/gear/weapon progression. As long as I have a goal in mind it shouldn't lose any value as time goes on. :)

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  • So you go to a restaurant and ask for a burger. They bring you the burger. Where's the fries? The waitress then shows you the "after order" menu. Oh look! Fries are on this menu. So is ketchup. You want fries and ketchup. Who doesn't? You ask for some fries and ketchup and the waitress says "okay, what would you like on your burger?". You say you already have your burger, to which she replies "no, your other burger. You have to order another one if you want fries and ketchup". "Really?" You say, "but I'm not that hungry.". "Well you don't need fries do you? Our burgers are really good"... But you [i]want[/i] those fries. You see other people with their fries, they look so good. You then stare at the table and contemplate life

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  • Interesting way to put it and I understand your point. However, as long as I'm right and the base game is coming in the form of a disc with the DLC as codes I will find a use for it. I can recoup some of my money by turning that game into Gamestop. But, if there's a friend who has never played I could just give them the copy. If I'm wrong and I get a disc with everything on it... well, crap... I lost that gamble. In the end, I'm not too worried about it in this case. I think it would be cool to be able to gift the game and first 2 DLCs to a friend.

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  • Edited by Usedtobeabear: 6/24/2015 1:20:21 PM
    The fact that we have to buy it again though... Just makes me mad. I [i]can[/i] afford it but why do they get to gouge me for more? Lots of games have special editions with more things that come along with them but they don't release them in rapid fire. There's the special edition when it comes out and that's typically it. And I'm not talking about "GotY" editions that come with all the DLCs, this isn't that. But they aren't going to change it. How could they? Turn the extras into micro transactions? That would be worse, and there would be no incentive to buy the collectors edition anymore. It's an all round sucky situation It does come with a disc btw, it's got a fancy steel book case to hold it in. Quite awesome looking actually. Which makes me want it. Which makes me upset

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  • I agree with this. However, one quick question: Imagine they announced the base DLC at 40 and the CE at 80 without including the previous iterations of the game. Based on what you get, do you think the CE is worth it then? Fallout 4 is 60 and the CE is 120...

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  • Technically it would be more than worth it considering the game is $60 and TTK DLC is $40 lol. They'd still save 20 bucks. Fallouts collectors edition is going to be a one time thing most likely, like I said above

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  • But my question was hypothetical. Of they sold the CE for 80 without including the previous versions of the game. I can definitely see the value for brand new players as it stands now. Seeing how some CEs cost 150 or more and include a 60 dollar game, this $40 expansion with some physical and digital exclusives seems to be fairly priced.

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  • If this were the first collectors edition released, then yes. It would be a gosh darn bargain. But how many "collectors editions" do they plan on releasing? One per year? Is this going to be a thing for them? Plays so nice you'll [i]keep[/i] buying it twice. No ones going to go bankrupt from things like this but that doesn't make it okay. I'm going to end up paying $135 for something people can pay $80 for(and still get more than me apparently, still don't know what ol Deej has cooked up for us), and you paid $175 if not a little more right? Don't know if you bought the first CE or not

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  • I did not buy the first CE because I didn't know if I was going to like the game enough to warrant it. I did take the chance with the digital deluxe edition though. When I looked at everything included I asked myself if I thought it was worth the price without everything I already owned. I guess that my view is that people are blowing this out of proportion simply because they included the previous iterations. The new players are getting a steal of a deal (which is awesome, bigger player base is better) but the year one players aren't getting ripped off. The price point is fair in my opinion.

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  • I'll wait til Deej is slightly more specific on that "something better" we year oners get until I decide if I'm getting ripped off or not. I'm irked at them right now, but not too angry

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  • I gotcha. I do agree with a point that Luke was trying to make (even if he was a bit too crass in the attempt). I got to be a part of the game when everyone was scrambling to figure out VoG, when the loot cave was a thing, and I got an entire year's worth of content that everyone else was actively in as well. If TTK is going to nullify the previous content a bit more than previous expansions then those new players may never experience VoG for example. They may just use that content to level up to get to TTK content. Nothing wrong with that, but I got my $90 worth for the first year. They won't have the same experience with that content. But yes, I'm excited to read the newsletter this week. :)

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  • I did enjoy the time I put into the game with my friends early on. Seeing everything for the first time, being [i]beyond[/i] excited to get my first blue, being a part of the beta with a bunch of other BA level eights, figuring out the raids. The new players will be able to do these things, but it won't be the same for them. I can see the value in it. Anyway, I gotta go to work meow. This has been a productive discussion sir. Enjoy the rest of your day

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  • Absolutely. You have a good one as well.

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  • The difference is between smart consumers and stupid consumers. Just because you like something doesn't mean you let them step on you.You rebought something you already had just to get something some exclusive item.No way you can justify intelligence in that.

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  • Edited by Pudgy Stump: 6/24/2015 12:48:37 PM
    And I don't need to justify any amount of intelligence to you. Insult me all you want. I hope it makes you feel better about yourself.

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  • Smh...I can see how you have no understanding what so ever and just rages .Your right I'm sorry you have a right to be a mindless sheep.Its far from me to state my opinion.

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  • But I'm not a mindless sheep. I'm not on the Bungie bandwagon or the anti Bungie bandwagon. I see everything inside the CE and decided that it is worth my money. It was a personal decision not influenced by anything... including people like you trying to push your idea of value on me. I really don't understand why you feel the need to think that people who don't share your opinion are stupid, sheep, or inferior in general to you.

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  • You say you see everything available in the CE and decided it was worth your money. I have a hard time understanding how paying for the same game and the same DLC, TWICE, is viewed as a value? The Taken King? Absolutely. The exclusives? Absolutely. But buying the same game and all the DLC twice? While you may ok with the repurchase of items you already own, I'll never understand how anyone could view that as a value.

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  • I wasn't immediately including the previously purchased games in the value. TTK, physical and digital items... that's what I wanted.

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  • That's exactly where I am. Everything except the game and the previous DLC, I think is worth it. TTK is $40 alone. That's $40 for the other physical and digital items. I don't think that's too steep and I'm ok with that. I just wish I COULD get it without rebuying the game and previous DLC. I also don't understand the price for the Digital CE, which is the same as the physical CE, but doesn't come with any physical items.

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  • I didn't push any ideals on you.I never told to buy or not.I said plan an simple it's not what a smart consumers does.If a company can sell your shirt off you back then others can too.You can do whatever you like but don't try to justify it as acceptable.

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  • Ok, continue on with your day thinking I'm stupid. I won't lose any sleep, random jerk on the Internet.

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  • Smh..little kids name calling when they get called out on something.If look stupid then it because of your post.You tried to justify something that isn't justifiable.Then you try to say people are pushing ideals on you and get mad at others opinions.Its really better to be here then a kid pretending to be a adult in the forum.

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  • Haha! Ok, fine. I'm 33. I've made it apparent to you that I don't care about your opinion. I can afford the CE and want the contents inside of it. I don't usually spend this kind of money on a game. I'm excited about the new DLC. Again, making bold assumptions about who I am. Piss off.

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