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6/23/2015 4:24:41 AM
39 As the creator of the petition (image provided as proof), I'm glad to hear that something is being done about us Veteran players. At the same time, however, I have to ask - why didn't Bungie come out with this sooner? Why wait til now, after all of the masses have spoken, to finally speak up about vets "Getting something better"? On top of that, why do we have to wait til the Weekly Update? This basically gives you guys 3 days to throw something random together in an attempt to appease us, when we should've been in your thoughts from the very start.

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  • Nice to see somebody can think.. This is damage control. They had nothing planned for veterans. Also, pay more attention to the first paragraph. He literally opens with "They're flying off the shelves (collectors editions) and will be more expensive on Ebay! Buy em up quick ya dummies! (vague ramblings about rewarding day 1 players)".

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  • Well deej did just get back from E3 to see that a fire came on when he came back from E3, something pretty tiring. The fire started because he left a fuse of the collectors edition untouched. You ask me it's a pretty big mess up to miss, but hopefully they do have something to throw together

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  • Can you load your petition? I can't seem to load it anymore on my phone.

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  • They said very first that day 1 would get more than what was already mentioned. Most people are following the "mob" mentality and are bitching just because other people are with no reasons of their own.

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  • Originally, they said that we get a shader, emblem, sparrow, "and more". They didn't specify, and most people overlooked these two words. I held out hope that it would be good, and, according to Deej, it will be.

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  • Because they underestimated the entitled brats of this community. They didn't actually think people would throw a literal child's tantrum over some emotes. Marketing teams have a timeline for releases content. It's very likely the veteran pack reveal is a final "lure" for sales against anyone still on the fence. Now, it is likely they've decided to push the timeline forward for reveal of veteran's pack as so many babies need their binky.

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  • Well shit. I already preordered the collectors one and I've been around since beta.

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  • Obviously you're the only person they market towards :)

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  • Well, looks that I don't have to waste even more money. That's good.

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  • Seems as so.

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  • This has nothing to do with the emotes. Why does everyone think this has something to do with the emotes? This is about fairness, and giving the vet players their due.

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  • If you really think this is about emotes and not the money grubbing tactics you are lost.

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  • Money-grubbing tactics?! Ok, let me know when your AAA gaming company takes off and you provide the consumer base of whiny entitled brats with free stuff and somehow still turn a profit. Let me know, i'll be waiting.

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  • If only my newly minted company can have cockslurping fans like you, we'd be set! Victim shaming must run in your family.

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  • Not slurping any cock, just don't think its a big deal. As an informed consumer, I get to make a choice of whether or not I wish to use disposable income on a product. If I enjoy the product, I tend to want more of it. If I don't, I don't. What does crying about it get us? There's a curved screen 60" 4K TV on the market I want. It costs too much for me right now and the technology available doesn't have enough push towards 4K. I could go to the ABT and Sony forums and cry at them, or I could keep my dollars in my pocket. Notice how I have the choice and power in my hands. In your scenario, we're all victims lol.

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  • No one is asking for free stuff. Just a good balance between cost and content.

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  • Do a forum search. MANY players demand TTK to be free and "veterans" to get more free content.

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  • I did a search and nothing came up. All I see is people realizing how overpriced the DLC is and not wanting to pay a second time for original game and DLC's just to get the new emotes.

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  • Paying a 2nd time for original game CUS THEY WANT THE EMOTES. You ONLY have to pay for the game again if you want the emotes. That's it.

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  • The disgusting part is that they're trying to make you rebuy content for emotes, overcharging is one thing, forcing players to rebuy old content is just pathetic. I know its a business and honestly, I think they could have released a small pack for $10-20 which contained all the collectors edition goodies without any dlc or the vanilla game and people would be happy.

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  • No, they're not asking current players to rebuy content. They're trying to attract an even larger audience with incentives.

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  • It says: For the ultimate destiny fan... What -blam!-ing destiny fan does not own the game at this point?

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  • I doubt people whom don't already play the game care about the exclusive emotes or exotic class items. Things like that appeal to those that already play, not those that don't. That is an obvious lure to get the existing fans to pay extra - and purchase the game and first two dlc for a second time - so they could get the exclusives. On the other hand, bundling the game, two initial dlc, and the new ttk expansion is great for enticing new players.

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  • I doubt people whom don't already play the game care about the exclusive emotes or exotic class items. Things like that appeal to those that already play, not those that don't. That is an obvious lure to get the existing fans to pay extra - and purchase the game and first two dlc for a second time - so they could get the exclusives. On the other hand, bundling the game, two initial dlc, and the new ttk expansion is great for enticing new players.

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  • They gave one choice to current players that want them; rebuy the content. They just need to make separate edition that includes them without the base game and dlcs 1 or 2, make it worth $50 or $60 and everyone would be happy as all their money spent is on new content,not old one.

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