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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by suggestedpigeon: 6/25/2015 12:38:44 AM

If you care about Destiny you have to read this article [Go read the update]

Sorry for the click-baity title but this is pretty serious. If you want to talk depreciation this isn't what I'm talking about at all. [url=][/url] Edit: I also encourage you to sign this petition as it intersects well with this thread. Who knows maybe it will help. [url=][/url] Edit 2: I'm hearing threads are being deleted. If you wanna be really cool copy this post in a word document and feel free to paste it as a new thread if it disappears. Don't spam existing threads because that's annoying. Edit 3: Deej has commented that year one players will get "something better" than the collector's edition items and to look forward to the weekly update. Should be interesting to see how this goes down. (Dawn of the Second Day) [b]update[/b] [url=][/url] 7/11 employee flyer. I encourage you to read this too. "Destiny cons-- are used to paying a premium for downloadable content similar to this quest" In this article, eurogamer interviewed Luke Smith about the worries players have expressed about the taken king both in price points ($40 =/=£40) and in collector's edition exclusives (three armor shaders, exclusives emotes, and continuous XP granting exotic class items) that are only available for players willing to shell out $80, most of which is for content they likely already own. His answers to these questions were illuminating to say the least and rather than give cliffs notes I want you to read it yourself now. Think about what he says. I hope it leaves the same feeling in your gut that it left in mine. When destiny first launched there were three editions: the vanilla game the digital guardian edition and the ghost edition. The vanilla game was the vanilla game, simple enough. The ghost edition was for the high rollers who wanted something nice: their very own red dinklebot and an in game version of it. Cool. For those who wanted all of the in game content but didn't really want to drop more money on physical items there's the digital guardian edition which came with all of the in game items the ghost edition had. Now we have a new release but with a radically different setup. The $40 expansion for owners of both expansions is analogous to the vanilla destiny package from above. Completely fine. The $60 legendary edition is fine. New players should have a bundle for them, this kind of thing happens all the time and while I'm kinda suprised at how cheap it costs, they still have to be competitive against the heavy hitters shipping this season. The collector's editions are where we run into trouble. The physical rewards are analogous to the ghost edition: you either want the strange coin or you don't (well gamestop is out of physical copies so I guess this is no longer a choice). That's fine. The word collector has a certain long term investment attached to the name semantically so you would think it was made with current players in mind. But it comes with the legendary edition which is intended for new players... Alright that's fine I have my ghost I don't really mind the physical items so let's see the equivalent of the digital guardian edition because those shaders look nice, the emotes will liven up the game and the XP class items will lessen the grind and I wouldn't mind spending the halfway point between the $40 and the $80 editions. Except the digital edition of the collector's edition also costs exactly the same as the physical edition: $80 (for less content as the digital version obviously doesnt include the physical items). The digital guardian editon came as a halfway point between the the two editions and included the full destiny experience in game. That was important. Now current players are given two options: go all in on the $80 version, buy what you already own for the exclusive in game items, or buy the $40 version and watch as new players and current players who have more money than brains bypass the grind with their new XP capes for the rest of the game. Not allowing current players the option to buy the taken king by itself with the complete in game content is price gouging. It's also making them artifically inflate their dlc sales as players are buying multiple copies of the dlc that they will never use because guess what? They already own it. And then when an interviewer brings up these frustrations, this is the response we're given. If you care at all you have to be vocal about this. If this succeeds without contest it will be how companies sell content going forward. I'm not calling for a boycott but don't throw your money at them blindly. If you are content with the status quo ask yourself why you enjoy paying more for content you already own? I refuse to pay for what I already have and you should too.

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  • I am very disappointed...Such a superb game goes dramatically down... Only money money but not from me any more. I know that you don't care what I am thinking so good luck and fly away .

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    • bump

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    • Bump

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    • It's not that serious bro. Buy it or don't.

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      5 Replies
      • Still so much butthurt in here

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      • I went to the casino over the weekend and lost $200 in 15 min in wheel of fortune machines. If you have the money then buy it. If you dont then dont buy it. The dlc's are still thousands of hours of game development and of course there going tp price it at the highest mark. Wouldnt you if you owned the company?

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      • Eurogamer dude sounds like a cheap, whiny, entitled nerd, like so many others on this forum.

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        4 Replies
        • Well one guy had an idea. Buy the collector's edition. Keep dlc code and sell the game. Depending how much you get from the game drops your 40$ price tag. Assuming this is possible.

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          • most of that 80 bucks is not for content you already own. the value of the content you already own is 20 bucks as seed by the bundle selling for 60 bucks and TTK alone selling for 40. so most of that 80 bucks is for ttk a full half of the price. the rest is evenly split between the extra goodies and the content you already own.

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            6 Replies
            • Guys, they are implementing the Dennis system. They are tearing you down just to build you back up. Don't fall for it.

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              • Bump

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                • Bump, because this is true.

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                • Awesome post

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                • Edited by Foggen: 6/23/2015 1:31:24 PM
                  I listened to lukems on 1Up Yours and the Bungie Podcast during the run-up to Halo 3 and ODST, so I have a pretty good idea what to expect from him, which is to say that he is a committed irascible asshole. It's charming at times, but it's also obnoxious. And it's not the kind of thing you want to put out there when your community is as sensitive about being taken advantage of as Destiny's is. For a better appearance by Smith, check out what he said about the Taken King on Giant Bomb's E3 live stream. It's not mind-blowing or super surprising, but it at least gives a better sense of how he's trying to address the general reaction to Destiny, warts and all. Edit: the timestamp tag didn't make it to the embed, but the Lukems segment starts around 2:33.

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                  • [u][/u]

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                    • With technology getting better you would expect prices for everything to drop, since machines can now do what humans can do we should be paying much less. Unfortunately we live in a world of greed that is lead by ignorance. Some really believe they will take the money to the next life after death. There's no use in putting your view up for others to challenge. The world is over greed has won now stop expecting everything to end in a 24hour span. The planet is very big and the population is dwindling by the second at astonishing numbers. Yet some think if the world was over we wouldn't be here as if it took millions of years to create and 1 day to end it all. (Really?) Are you sure we are getting the short end of the deal? I call bs and the ones getting the short end are children after you.

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                      • Edited by Kiyoshi-Prime: 6/23/2015 4:02:35 PM
                        It's just a shame it's taken an individuals mistake for Bungie to implement a tourniquet package for veteran players, instead of recognizing this should have been thought of and introduced with the announcement of their new DLC, no matter how laughable the pricing is. I simply cannot believe they overlooked such an obvious opportunity and principle to merit their year one player base with a few items and bolster the loyalty of millions of fans and players...instead, they're receiving minute rage posts. Hind-sights a beautiful thing...and for all the aggro it's caused Bungie a few novelty year 1 items would have been a laughable price to pay to keep veteran players happy....instead, it feels they're on a back peddling damage limitation exercise when really, the damage has already been done. Again, it's not about what "prize" they' the principle!

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                      • Edited by LilBlkCloud: 6/23/2015 6:13:01 AM
                        Are you the petition guy? If so, you really need to contact Angry Joe and get him to do a reaction to this shit. He'll eat them alive.

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                        3 Replies
                        • What if he came off as a huge jerk on purpose to stir the community into a rage, forcing actibungie to give us better stuff to calm the community down because he didn't like how shafted we got either

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                          • About the only adequate reward I can think of for year one players is offering them the expansion at a heavily reduced price. No more than the $20 the others were. Especially given that newcomers can buy the expansion and game for $50 some, earning them the game, and both first expansions, a $95 value in year one ($60+$35) for 15 bucks. I know you can pick up a base copy of Destiny for $15 now, but that still shaves off the extra $35 in expansions if you buy the complete edition as a newcomer. :/

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                          • Everyone is going nuts over these "dance" emotes, aren't they the emotes everyone is wanting to drop for D-pad consumables?

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                            • Destiny's next expansion The Taken King comes out in September, and it will have a couple different editions to buy. One of them, the collector's edition, costs $80 and includes several in-game items that cannot be purchased separately. Trying to understand this decision, Eurogamer interviewed The Taken King's creative director. Instead of clarifying anything, this interview confused the choice even more. Eurogamer asked the director about the emotes that are only available with the collector's edition, and he responded, "If I fired up a video right now and showed you the emotes you would throw money at the screen." The interview instigated controversy on the internet, and it motivated developer Bungie to respond. Bungie's community manager, known as Deej, took to Reddit to try to quell some of the anger. He stated that, along with giving exclusive rewards to one-year players, Bungie will take another look at the different editions for purchase. "I understand that you want me to go on record right now with something that will address the disappointment that's being expressed here," Deej wrote. "I'm going to [defer] to the Bungie Weekly Update, in which we'll talk more about the things we're doing to celebrate the year-one Guardians who helped us build this community. I'll also revisit our goals in offering different versions of The Taken King. Ever heard the old adage about trying to please everyone?" The Weekly Update will be published on Thursday, so check back later in the week on GameSpot for more news about Bungie's response to this controversy. In the meantime, read our previews of The Taken King's story and new multiplayer mode. I take no credit for this article

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                            • I love DeeJ's response to this post. I also enjoyed Luke Smith's interview. The thoughts on value and content make total sense to me. I guess it's because I'm not a whiny brat. I will continue to play Destiny. I will continue to support Bungie by purchasing DLCs. I will also continue to be impressed by how well the face of Bungie responds to such a poisonous community. Thank you DeeJ, Luke and Bungie!

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                              62 Replies
                              • Well......looks like I'm gonna have to get myself an xbone, halo seems to be the only safe place left.....

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                                • So the problem is people want the extras in the expensive package without paying for the expensive package. Big surprise.

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                                  • Edited by JESUS: 6/23/2015 3:32:50 PM
                                    Show these -blam!-ers who runs this game forward holding my ground titan bubble up!

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