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6/18/2015 6:50:54 PM

Treasure keys

Even after the update increasing the odds to get a treasure key from ether chests, I have probably gone literally 4 hours farming wolves without getting a single one. I started last night and put in a good 2 hours doing all the bounties and stuff and was not rewarded with a single key. I called it bad luck and went to bed. This morning however I have put in at least another 2 hours still without a key. This just seems ridiculous to me. After a certain number of chests you think you'd be guaranteed one for horrible RNG. It seems like the only things that have increased in drop rate are those useless tokens for variks. I am just getting sick of farming with no rewards. I don't think I am the only player having these problems though. I rarely see treasure keys drop for anybody and I don't think it's right. Could we get a real fix?

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