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originally posted in: You know you're addicted to Halo...
11/2/2011 3:23:19 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost You know you're addicted to Halo 3 when you spend 7 -blam!- hours tolerating the indolence and incompetence of it's marine force and being able to play after so many reverts. My hands ache from the sheer terror of suffering from AI stupidity. That's right, I finally did it. Everything has been accounted for. All the Brutes brought (except for Shade gunners and first 2 lookout tower Brutes) 3 Grunts (1 in a Ghost) All marines before the Hornets (including 2 ODSTs and another scorpion pilot) 1 Arbiter, 7 sword wielding Elites Nothing left behind... except for the secret marines (they didn't spawn), 1 Ghost, 1 Prowler, and 1 Grunt (necessary to persuade the other Grunt to move). The price to acquire this game save was high. I lost my sanity.[/quote] Wait, what?

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