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Edited by Hettar393899: 6/1/2015 3:54:54 PM

Reaction to dishonest forum managment and Deej's loss of what little credibility he had left. (3.0)

So, since bungie decided to bury the thread from "trending", for the 2nd time in 2 days(redo was top of trending with 25 likes and 30ish people posting in roughly 6's a 3rd run!!! :D update: Deej has decided the proper way to respond to the thousands of people asking him the same questions is to try and be cute with a flippant 3 word rhetorical question instead of an actual response. Let him know what you think. UPDATE: Read the op to a thread by lost sols, got me thinking I should try to be less hostile. Hell of a good post. Bungie is actively removing hot-button topics (such as matchmaking) from the Trending and Highest Rated tabs. Do you believe it is their right to censor these forums to make topics they don't agree with less visible? Or do you feel that these forums are supposed to be our place to have a voice and a place where we can champion causes for change? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The questions it forces us to ask. According to DeeJ Player feedback is one of the most important components of the conversation on Dedicated teams at Bungie survey the forums in search of support issues and development ideas. Specific user-created topics that trend as a result of community interaction are more effective in providing us with that information than blog threads with thousands of competing replies. If that is in fact true and their teams search TRENDING topics, it effectively squashes a thread to remove it from that tab. We've had hundreds of individual Guardian's weigh in on this topic and have about 10 of the most liked posts in #feedback, including 2 of the top 3. This is another DeeJ quote. Let me get this straight. The player is never “wrong.” I believe that down to my bones. At Bungie, I represent to the developers what you say without prejudice. If that is the case, we've been asking for answers for a week now. Again, there are literally hundreds of stories explaining why people would like in-game matchmaking options and why LFG sites (as awesome as they can be for some) just don't work for them. If a player is never wrong, when one writes a heartfelt post that they don't want to have to use LFG or go outside the game to play the game, how can you reconcile the above quote when you answer them with "Go form your own clan"? Another Bungie quote (not sure DeeJ or another) in response to Asa's question: I love the game... But some don't. Can you shed some 'light' on your feelings toward these negative reviews and feedback? Bungie thrives on feedback. Never feel like you need to stick up for us when you see someone expressing an honest opinion about our games. We’re harder on ourselves than anyone else. Players have been asking for in-game options to play with other Guardians since launch. With each new expansion, raid and batch of new content, that frustration grows for those who want to get on and play, but don't have friends on and don't want to go search outside sources for a team. As much as it sucks that the raid for HoW was delayed, I have to admit that part of me was completely stoked for whatever PoE was going to be because I couldn't imagine that it wasn't going to be endgame content that was finally easily available to EVERYONE and not just raiders. Joke was on any of us who thought that, huh? We are almost 9 full months into Destiny and it is more of a chore than ever to access meaningful content in this game. We've been asking for change the entire time, but have our voices been muted this entire time too? Again, let me go back to this quote from DeeJ, because this is very important: Let me get this straight. The player is never “wrong.” I believe that down to my bones. At Bungie, I represent to the developers what you say without prejudice. DeeJ is our voice with the developers. Well, if DeeJ doesn't believe in our cause, how much faith can we really have that we are being heard? This is DeeJ from way back on November 11, 2014 in response to the call for more matchmaking: It's no secret that the highest quality teammates are the ones you choose for yourself. Anyone with a robust friends list will testify to that. We hear the feedback about matchmaking, and there are conversations about it's future. In the meantime, anyone posting to this forum has a galley of potential teammates to recruit. This is tremendously important because it clearly shows that all the way back then, DeeJ was showing bias against matchmaking. If you're curious, my reply that day: Uh, no. Sorry DeeJ, but that's nowhere close to true. Some of the highest quality people you'll ever meet are in matchmade games and you all know it was ridiculous to not give us that option. Ask anyone who's played any online game how many amazing friends they've made that they met randomly online in a game. I met my wife in a random group in an online deathmatch. What you all did is indicative of the sad social practice of trying to protect us from ourselves. Is skydiving dangerous? Potentially. If I understand that risk and I'm okay with it, should I be able to jump? Yes, I should. Is there a possibility I may get grouped with an asshole in a random game online? Yup. If I am okay with that and willing to wear a headset, should I be able to talk to the 90% of people that aren't asshats? Yes, I should. As an online community manager, you should know that even though the bad seeds may be loud, the majority of people are cool and drawn together by a shared passion. After HoW released, we posted yet more dismay at the unnecessary degree of difficulty just getting to run the new endgame content if friends weren't readily available. From DeeJ. seven months after having to respond to our initial calls for mm: At current, our philosophy about endgame content is that part of the challenge includes forming up a team. This is a strong community filled with players who are looking for teammates. Why not seek each other out here and band together Well, we responded and we banded together and we have over a thousand likes over dozens of posts and instead of being heard, instead of being represented, instead of being engaged, we are left with flippant remarks, corporate-speak mantras and silence. Again, we have asked reasonable questions. We have given in depth answers as to why we feel so strongly in our beliefs. We have engaged in conversations with those who feel differently. We have searched for answers and common ground and have offered ideas for solutions. And in response, our posts have been removed from all but the "Latest" feed, which in and of itself tells us volumes about how much our opinions and experiences truly matter. I'll end this by again saying that the reason we all are here is because we love Destiny. We are all Warlocks, Hunters, Titans. We all have battled the Archon Priest, Sepkis and Rockets McD**kface together. We're not adversaries (well, outside of PvP) and we're all trying to make this game the very best it can be. So how did we get here? Thank you to all who believe, support, never give up and always #bumpfortruth. (copy/pasted from lost sols's post elsewhere) Remember to like the op, bump and start threads of your own about this!! update: 100+ posts and 50+ likes later, this one is still here and going. You guys kick ass!!! Had to go to 4.0, link:

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  • Bump

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  • It's all about money. Destiny brings people to those websites, and those websites have all kinds of advertisements that pay in even if you don't look at the ads. Bungie probably has contract with these websites, and receives percentages of the revenue, especially since all of their stuff is trademarked. They can only charge us once for the software, so they have find ways to keep all of the fat cats fat and happy. Don't forget where we are, in the land of capitalists, and politicians. No matter what anyone says they're only out for themselves. Think how we could change our country if we all payed this much attention to our government..... You hear that.....Yes, that's the sound of your being blown.

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    • Does Bungie have the right to censor their forums? Yes I suppose they do. Does it make it right in any ethical sense? No. From Bungie's perspective though to have the top trending topics in "Destiny" and "Feedback" to be "buff Auto Rifles" and "optional matchmaking" both of which have overwhelming community support and both of which Bungie has no intention of reversing and runs completely counter to their line of "we are listening to you the players". Then it's obvious why these threads disappear and can't be found in the trending or favorite tabs. Think about it. You bought Destiny,install the companion app,go to the forums and the first thing you see are post after post of "fix Auto Rifles","buff Auto Rifles","we want optional matchmaking" ect.ect. It's bad enough when respected publications like Forbes are calling out Bungie for there short comings because your average gamer is not looking to Forbes magazine for gaming news. Seeing it blasted all over your community forums though is embarrassing,especially in light of the fact that Bungie refuses to answer and chooses to ignore the community on these hot button topics.

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      • Yesterday I spent close to an hour posting in forums and sending messages in game to try and run 34 PoE. I now completely understand why people want optional MM. It is a complete joke that that much time has to be placed in trying to play part of this game, to just get nowhere....

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        • I'll cut to the chase we need OPTIONAL matchmaking in every thing. So in my opinion this is the difference between having a in game matchmaking and what we use today outside of the game for group matching. Today's way of endgame matchmaking. 1-Pick up phone 2-find lfg app that's wasting space on my phone 3- find a group that doesn't require the freaking gjallarhorn because I dont have one 4- once you find the group go into the message friend option on the console 5- try to spell the extremely long and ridiculous name of the person in charge of the group. 6- wait for response 7-get no response 8- repeat steps 1 through 6 9- finally get response 10- get Into group 11- halfway through RANDOM group people go afk or group fails. 12- repeat steps 1 through 11 The way it should be...... 1- start game 2- push matchmaking button 3-play game 4-have fun The elite payers can still have their premade games, people can still solo and the none elites can have matchmaking we all win!!!! All I ask is for the option.

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          • a system of control based on deceit

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          • Bump

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          • Bump

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          • I don't think they should....."violated code of conduct".

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          • Bump

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          • Bump

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          • Bump

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          • [quote]It's no secret that the highest quality teammates are the ones you choose for yourself. Anyone with a robust friends list will testify to that. We hear the feedback about matchmaking, and there are conversations about it's future. In the meantime, anyone posting to this forum has a galley of potential teammates to recruit. This is tremendously important because it clearly shows that all the way back then, DeeJ was showing bias against matchmaking. If you're curious, my reply that day: Uh, no. Sorry DeeJ, but that's nowhere close to true. Some of the highest quality people you'll ever meet are in matchmade games and you all know it was ridiculous to not give us that option.[/quote] So you replace his subjective view with your own disguised as fact? Doesn't work like that. Anyone who believes the "customer is always right" is delusional, btw.

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          • Bump

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          • Oh wait, what was this supposed to be about? I couldn't find it beneath the novel of complaining.

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          • I dont understand this community. No other game fans whone, complain, or attempt to scold the developer like this one does. Every single thing in this game is complained about. It's too hard. Not hard enough. Not enough content. Too much grind for the doubled content. We should be given this. We shouldn't have that. It's ridiculous. Bungie, who I am in no way defending here on a personal level, makes a lot of changes based off of complaints. However, they do not care about your opinion on some matters. Most developers care way less than them, and could give 2 shots after they have your money. Honestly it boils down to this: if you are unhappy with the product, cease using it. That's it. End of story. No hard feelings. I didn't like Halo 4. I didn't whine and cry to 343. I finished it, went back to other games. They got the message, and are revamping the series. Numbers dont lie. Deej is a front man. He says what he is told to say. I'm sure he does report what he hears. It's not his decision. This isn't a business to please you. It's a business to make as much profit as possible, spending as little as possible to do so, while hopefully pleasing you so that they can make more. Nowhere in that model is bending tint he will of every demand from the player base.

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          • Bump

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          • Didn't read everything, but they're letting us know that's it's their philosophy for no matchmaking for certain areas of the game, and no matter how much some of us want it, they have that right to not include it. Lots of people have been asking for it for nightfall and Vault of Glass since the game came out...they don't want to implement it. I'm fine with that. We don't have say in what goes in their game, only suggestions and requests.

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            7 Replies
            • Deej does good work, he cant dwal with every feedback thread and some of what is requested is plain silly or ridiculous other things wont work and people need to accept it

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            • We can be wrong.

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              • OPTIONAL matchmaking is a wonderful idea.. It will fail miserably.. but whatever.. the kids with no headsets and no skill will destroy it.. squeakers will make it hell... lazy kids will make you all angry.. but hey at least you will stop whining on the forums... and FYI not everybody that has the ghorn requires everyone else to have it.. and we use from time to time and the recruitment forums

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                • Bump

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                • Buuuuuump

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                • Honestly you people put his guy up on pedestal like he's a god or something. He's a freaking puppet for activision. He's told what to say and when to say it. This company has no clue how to manage the community. They let topics get out of hand and fester. If they would make weekly responses and put shit to bed we would be better off for it. They want this idea out there that they care and listen. I hope you people don't buy into that crap.

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                  • I think your problem lies not in a lack of matchmaking but in a lack of proper social spaces with chat. It's not possible in this game to log in and chat with people in a major city to form a group or make friends. As an avid MMO and Destiny player I do agree that part of the challenge of end game content is creating your own group, but this game is not supportive of finding that group and forces you to rely on sources outside its game. Therefore what we need is not matchmaking but expanded and vastly improved social spaces.

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                  • [b]~Customized Bump~ Don't limit yourself(To LFG Sites). Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do(Only LFG Sites). You can go as far as your mind lets you(OPMM+). What you believe, remember, you can achieve.[/b]

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