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Edited by razortwo5: 5/28/2015 11:53:24 PM

Xbox One: Army of Fortune Clan Recruitment

[b]This Clan Is For Fun![/b] There are no level caps, there are no requirements. All that is expected of clan members is to help each other out. This clan is about building teamwork and finishing events together. I myself run crucible, raids, strikes, missions, etc. with characters that have already done them, just to help others attain their material requirements and experience. If you're unavailable or about to go offline, that's acceptable as long as you make it clear. The rules are basic. Good luck and happy hunting! If you have any questions, feel free to message me or post here. I don't discriminate against levels or people themselves, and as much as I'd love to speak for my clan, I can't guarantee each individual's behavior. There is no need to be rude, and anyone showing severe hostility towards other clan members will be kicked. If you'd like to join the Xbox Clan and not just the group, go to on your phone or computer web browser (NOT THE APP), and click on "Join Xbox Clan" on the Army of Fortune Group page. Razortwo5 [b]Army of Fortune[/b]

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