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6/16/2004 4:48:09 AM

So Long Lakers

It's a NBA Finals wrap-up thread! It wasn't a very good game or series but it's nice to see LA get humbled. Woot!
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jager Gotta agree with "Frag U", go spurs ;) Very glad to see LA humbled after beating us. I was disturbed to see LA pumping themselves with $$$ and "stars" in the hopes of winning a championship; that they lost makes me establish just a little more faith that maybe, just maybe there is a God afterall concerned with upholding moral and poetic justice. [/religion] Or not. O:-) (maybe W'rkncacnter just has a sense of humor . . . ) [/quote] The Yankees are still winning aren't they? I don't want to get into a big Red Sox yankee debate, but I think the Yankees are ruining baseball by buying new stars when ever some thing dosen't work out. Its bad for baseball, and I hope one day George goes bankrupt, and the yankees will have the same payroll as that of the Marlins.

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  • Gotta agree with "Frag U", go spurs ;) Very glad to see LA humbled after beating us. I was disturbed to see LA pumping themselves with $$$ and "stars" in the hopes of winning a championship; that they lost makes me establish just a little more faith that maybe, just maybe there is a God afterall concerned with upholding moral and poetic justice. [/religion] Or not. O:-) (maybe W'rkncacnter just has a sense of humor . . . )

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Wow, a cool NBA discussion... ON BUNGIE.NET!? Normally "defensive" teams are kind of boring to watch, but I enjoyed seeing Detroit basically come out of nowhere (never hear squat about them out here on the west coast) and play some text book beautiful team basketball. Just like when the Ravens won the Superbowl through sheer defense, this win is probably going to make a lot of coaches go back to the basics and try and drill defense into their players heads more than ever. This was the epitomy of high-flying offensive individuals vs. a cohesive focused team that sticks to the fundamentals. I am a Kobe fan, though not as much as I used to be. The more openly arrogant and -blam!-y he gets, the less I like him. I liked him as the quiet "kid" whose game speaks for itself - not a glitz and glam ego hound with a pending -blam!- trial. No denying the kid has skillz though. He'll end up on one of those teams with a bunch of middle-of-the-road players that rely on one superstar to carry them through... a forumula that never seems to work. Since we've got a few fans in here... predictions for next season anyone? Big shake up in LA? [/quote] Hey Sketch I think we have a few things in common. First off I love defense, especially in football(the Miami Dolphins are my team, Jason Taylor all the way!). The two wallaces dominated down low, and Rip Hamilton(awesome player, must be because hes from UConn =P) played awesome too. I feel bad for Karl malone, and I think Medvadanko's(spelling?) defense was a big reason why LA lost game 5. I also am a Kobe fan, hell he used to be my favorite player until recently. Just watching him play the last few games made me sick. He thinks he can drive through any one, and that he can make any thing. While some times thats a good way to think and it gets your confidence up, thats not good for Kobe. I think he will walk from the Lakers, only because I don't think he has or will realize he needs Shaq to win games. As for predictions, I'll give some guesses for what next years play offs will look like. Ok, the Cavaliers will make the playoffs, and the Magic will make the playoffs. The Spurs will go to the finals for the west, and the Pistons will go again for the east(as long as they don't make any stupid trades), and the Pistons will win a consectutive title. Not much and while this might be obvious, until the draft comes and then i can see all the teams on paper its really hard to make any predictions.

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  • Hehe-Go Jameer Nelson! St Joes should have won, but they didnt. Oh well. Its that Philly curse.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] frag u of course not ur too busy mod[/quote] dude its not like they dont have social lives and free time

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MakaVeli4LIfe1 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajenteks [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Big shake up in LA? [/quote] Doubtful. They made it to the championships. They have won championships before playing the same game. I wouldn't be surprised if they are calling their loss a fluke. LA needs to lose another year before they will see they need to make changes. [/quote] Yea, LAL is going to be an entirely different team next year And BtN, at least there's one good thing that is coming out of this: Kobe is now going to leave; no doubt at all now :)[/quote] Well that, and the Pistons won.

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  • I play for the lakers, dont make fun of me.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajenteks [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Big shake up in LA? [/quote] Doubtful. They made it to the championships. They have won championships before playing the same game. I wouldn't be surprised if they are calling their loss a fluke. LA needs to lose another year before they will see they need to make changes. [/quote] Yea, LAL is going to be an entirely different team next year And BtN, at least there's one good thing that is coming out of this: Kobe is now going to leave; no doubt at all now :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Since we've got a few fans in here... predictions for next season anyone? Big shake up in LA? [/quote] [*][b]Kobe[/b] - Gone; my guess is LAC or PHX with Amare and The Matrix, and his dad's old friend D'Antoni :)))) [*][b]Fisher[/b] - I'd love to see him follow Kobe wherever he goes, but we'll see about that... [*][b]Shaq[/b] - Staying. The only problem here is that Phil might leave, and we've heard Shaq say many times that the only person who can coach him is Phil [*][b]Malone[/b] - He's either going to retire, or stay. After his mom died, he seems to be leaning towards the first choice [*][b]Payton[/b] - He'll do the same as Malone, although Payton might want to go elsewhere too [*][b]Fox[/b] - Retire The dynasty is over...well, the Lakers' is, while Detroit's - if they re-sign Sheed and keep the core together - might just be getting started

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  • SPURS!! srry im a huge fan

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajenteks [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Big shake up in LA? [/quote] Doubtful. They made it to the championships. They have won championships before playing the same game. I wouldn't be surprised if they are calling their loss a fluke. LA needs to lose another year before they will see they need to make changes. [/quote] LMAO!!! C'mon Agent, they've lost 2 years in a row. Kobe's contract is up, Payton isn't staying he hates it there, Phil is done coaching, Malone will retire. The only person staying most likely is Shaq, and only because he doesn't have a choice. Even Fisher is unprotected and has a huge chance of going to the Bobcats. BTW, just wanted to drop in and say "told ya so", as I was the only person in the previous basketball threads to pick the pistons to win it all, back when they were still in the Eastern Conference finals. In fact, Nightpotato said the lakers would win, and even pistons fans had to admit it was toooooo obvious. Not so obvious now.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Wow, a cool NBA discussion... ON BUNGIE.NET!?[/quote] wait until college football and the nfl start back up! [quote]Since we've got a few fans in here... predictions for next season anyone? Big shake up in LA? [/quote] i don't see any reason why malone or payton wouldn't be brought back, unless of course they decide to retire. shaq isn't going any-damn-where. that leaves kobe. i don't know if anyone watched shaq's post game interview, but i got the impression that he doesn't want to see kobe in a lakers uniform anymore. hopefully kobe goes to the clippers, like many people have said he may. then we can see if all the crap he's talking, about wanting to take a team from rags to riches on his own, has any merit. i don't doubt that he'll win a few scoring titles and receive a bunch of all-star appearances, but i don't think he'll get much else there. let's see, predictions for next year...Yao Ming is going to pwn everybody. [Edited on 6/16/2004 11:24:40 AM]

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  • go spurs woo woo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Big shake up in LA? [/quote] Doubtful. They made it to the championships. They have won championships before playing the same game. I wouldn't be surprised if they are calling their loss a fluke. LA needs to lose another year before they will see they need to make changes.

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  • This thread has sorta sparked my interest in basketball, maybe I will start following the series next year... I was fortunate to go to a pre-season game this year at the staples center, the lakers played the clippers i think. Kobe and SHAQ did not play, but I really enjoyed seeing the game live.

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  • Wow, a cool NBA discussion... ON BUNGIE.NET!? Normally "defensive" teams are kind of boring to watch, but I enjoyed seeing Detroit basically come out of nowhere (never hear squat about them out here on the west coast) and play some text book beautiful team basketball. Just like when the Ravens won the Superbowl through sheer defense, this win is probably going to make a lot of coaches go back to the basics and try and drill defense into their players heads more than ever. This was the epitomy of high-flying offensive individuals vs. a cohesive focused team that sticks to the fundamentals. I am a Kobe fan, though not as much as I used to be. The more openly arrogant and cocky he gets, the less I like him. I liked him as the quiet "kid" whose game speaks for itself - not a glitz and glam ego hound with a pending -blam!- trial. No denying the kid has skillz though. He'll end up on one of those teams with a bunch of middle-of-the-road players that rely on one superstar to carry them through... a forumula that never seems to work. Since we've got a few fans in here... predictions for next season anyone? Big shake up in LA?

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  • I was a laker fan, but I'm jumping ship from any basketball team I like for one reason. Emeka Okafor. Hes a friend of mine from UConn, and if any one watches College basketball, you know who I'm talking about. So which ever team drafts him, I'm a fan of. Probably Orlando since they have the first pick, unless they are stupid and take a high schooler over one of the most complete players in the draft. Okafor all the way! A new big man is coming to town!

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  • it's a good thing LA never continued pounding the ball inside to shaq. the series might still be going on if they had. don't make excuses for kobe, he should have been dishing it to shaq when he was in the paint [i]every[/i] time. detroit was guarding him 1 on 1 for practically the entire series! which is also a main reason for the huge free throw disparity. most fouls called on shaq come with the double team. so if you don't feed him the ball enough to cause detroit to start double teaming, he's never going to get to the free throw line. and kobe can flop around and whine and complain to the refs all he wants, but he's not going to get calls when he's only shooting jumpers. he rarely even got any dribble penetration going either (due to detroit's D). no inside out game, not enough touches for shaq, and [b]pitiful[/b] defense are the main reasons LA got their butts kicked. EDIT: injuries too. but i was talking about things they could have had some control over. EDIT: oh yeah, GO ROCKETS! [Edited on 6/16/2004 10:28:52 AM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Yeah I'm a basketball fan.. though admittedly this was my worst season as far as actually being able to watch games and keep up with the league. Damn Halo 2! =) I used to be a fan of Karl Malone but then he kind of turned into a bad guy. I used to want he and Stockton to finally get a ring but now I think it's funny that he jumped ship and did a sweet 1 year deal with LA to clinch a ring on his way to retirement and got denied. Doh! Growing up in Florida, I was and still am an Orlando fan at heart. Damn those guys just can't seem to get it all together... Hopefully T-Mac sticks around and we can make up for the worst-trade-ever-constantly-injured-let-down known as Grant Hill. I liked Shaq back when he was in Orlando... but then he got stupid with his rapping and acting and attitude. LA deserved to get beat down. They've been too arrogant and really only got to the finals due to a few breaks here or there. Shaq is just BIG, I don't consider him a great talent. We already know he's lazy as hell since he won't even bother trying to improve his free throws. Now Kobe on the other hand is a bad ass though that whole -blam!- thing has made me have second thoughts. It will be interesting to see what happens to LA now... I hear talks of people leaving and moving around. The end of the LA dynasty has finally come. I've always been a fan of Rasheed Wallace and he's always been one of the most underrated players in the NBA. His tendency for fouls and a hot temper kind of over shadowed his skills. It's nice to see him finally get a ring. [/NBA rant] [/quote] That's pretty damn cool Sketch. If I was given 100 guesses about your interests, basktball [b]wouldn't[/b] have been one of them Karl Malone's popularity has declined this year, but for two reasons: he jumped onto a team that is already a contender, and his game isn't what it used to be. Nobody likes to see a 40-year old man try to jump into another player in hopes of going to the free-throw line. No no no... No worries; in the draft this year, you have the number 1 pick, so expect to see some help for Tmac this upcoming year (I recommend Okafor, and not Highschool Howard) Cool, another Kobe fan. Those are hard to find... And yes, although Rasheed is a little annoying sometimes, I'm glad to see him get a ring. It was always fun to go to the KeyArena and see him get those technicals :) The memories...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] klurejr [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MakaVeli4LIfe1 And keep in mind that it's [b]tough[/b] to agree with this, but I will Especially in game 4, Shaq came to play, while the others - Kobe included, and this is the hard part - did not come with it Detroit played some of the best defense on an individual that I've seen, in a long time. Good thing Kobe is leaving LA... :)[/quote] Yeah, I found out first hand during that game 4 that Kobe is a one man show, NOT a team player... he was like 2 for 24 or something... what a dork. SHAQ was awsome, i have never seen him play so hard before, Payton was not hitting it, and Malone looked worthless and tired, from the way I am talking you would think i am a fan.. lol.[/quote] That's the hard part though, I'm a [b]huge[/b] Kobe fan Kobe had a tough series, and it's credited to the team defense of the Pistons. Shaq had a big game in game 4, but the defense of the Lakers is what caused them to lose And lose disgustingly...

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  • Yeah I'm a basketball fan.. though admittedly this was my worst season as far as actually being able to watch games and keep up with the league. Damn Halo 2! =) I used to be a fan of Karl Malone but then he kind of turned into a bad guy. I used to want he and Stockton to finally get a ring but now I think it's funny that he jumped ship and did a sweet 1 year deal with LA to clinch a ring on his way to retirement and got denied. Doh! Growing up in Florida, I was and still am an Orlando fan at heart. Damn those guys just can't seem to get it all together... Hopefully T-Mac sticks around and we can make up for the worst-trade-ever-constantly-injured-let-down known as Grant Hill. I liked Shaq back when he was in Orlando... but then he got stupid with his rapping and acting and attitude. LA deserved to get beat down. They've been too arrogant and really only got to the finals due to a few breaks here or there. Shaq is just BIG, I don't consider him a great talent. We already know he's lazy as hell since he won't even bother trying to improve his free throws. Now Kobe on the other hand is a bad ass though that whole -blam!- thing has made me have second thoughts. It will be interesting to see what happens to LA now... I hear talks of people leaving and moving around. The end of the LA dynasty has finally come. I've always been a fan of Rasheed Wallace and he's always been one of the most underrated players in the NBA. His tendency for fouls and a hot temper kind of over shadowed his skills. It's nice to see him finally get a ring. [/NBA rant]

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  • i was disappointed that kobe didn't cry this year. i wanted to taste his tears again.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MakaVeli4LIfe1 And keep in mind that it's [b]tough[/b] to agree with this, but I will Especially in game 4, Shaq came to play, while the others - Kobe included, and this is the hard part - did not come with it Detroit played some of the best defense on an individual that I've seen, in a long time. Good thing Kobe is leaving LA... :)[/quote] Yeah, I found out first hand during that game 4 that Kobe is a one man show, NOT a team player... he was like 2 for 24 or something... what a dork. SHAQ was awsome, i have never seen him play so hard before, Payton was not hitting it, and Malone looked worthless and tired, from the way I am talking you would think i am a fan.. lol.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] klurejr I don't follow many sports outside of Super and Motocross, owever I watched game 4 because a frind came over and he wanted to watch the game. I normalyy root for the home team, but you guys are right, Shaq was the only one playing to win, the rest of the team just didn't want the win this year, the pistons did. good for them.[/quote] And keep in mind that it's [b]tough[/b] to agree with this, but I will Especially in game 4, Shaq came to play, while the others - Kobe included, and this is the hard part - did not come with it Detroit played some of the best defense on an individual that I've seen, in a long time. Good thing Kobe is leaving LA... :)

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  • I don't follow many sports outside of Super and Motocross, owever I watched game 4 because a frind came over and he wanted to watch the game. I normalyy root for the home team, but you guys are right, Shaq was the only one playing to win, the rest of the team just didn't want the win this year, the pistons did. good for them.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor It's a NBA Finals wrap-up thread! It wasn't a very good game or series but it's nice to see LA get humbled. Woot! [/quote] I didn't know you were - somewhat - a fan of basketball Sketch This is coming from one of the biggest Lakers fans in their fanbase: they deserved to lose But, what is nice now is that Kobe will finally leave, and start his own dynasty with... Yes, that's right, the Clippers (or the Suns) :)

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