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Edited by DEEPSQUAT600: 5/8/2015 5:42:17 PM

Sell the GHORN, hear me out

Update: I leveled up the other pieces of gear so I do now truly have 3 lvl 32s of Titans and wouldn't you know it....the first normal CROTA I complete I was rewarded with the hunger of CROTA. Finally a decent rocket launcher!!! I don't think it's random that this dropped....and I'm skeptical as to what will drop next.... Before everyone gets their panties in a wad about how this would ruin the game hear me out. I do not have a ghorn obviously but I do have 3 lvl 32 Titans and have run countless raids and weeklys every single week since the games release. I have 400+ strange coins that are all useless since I don't need heavy ammo synth and have obtained all exotic gear and weapons this game has to offer. What I'm proposing is simple. For those people like myself that have done the grind and have 500+ hours played, sell the ghorn for 200 or 300 strange coins...this would weed out all the noobs from getting the weapon and reward those that have spent the hours trying to roll the dice to get it. This would not ruin the game since the average destiny player doesn't have 300 strange coins to blow on one weapon thus allowing unlucky players like myself a chance at some fun. Not many people could afford this so this wouldn't have a massive impact on the games dynamics and outcome; this would just would help out the few unfortunate. I've had my fun at this game and is no longer fun doing the same raids over and over again for nothing. It's more work now than anything and for some reason my version of destiny didn't come with the option for me to get the ghorn. Which brings me to my next point. I feel like a mission must be done or something I haven't done in order for me to unlock the option to drop the ghorn. My friend has half the game time I have and has 12 ghorns!!!! 12!!!! I wouldn't believe him but he took a screen shot of his vault and my mind was blown. Why does someone get 12, why does someone need 12.....why can't destiny share the love!!! Why is there even an option for anyone to get 12??? You shouldn't get ANY weapon more that 3 times. Sell the weapon bungie, 300 strange coins. You would only be rewarding those that deserve it.

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  • -blam!- you bungie I want that -blam!-ing weapon because I spend in your more of 700 hours X''(

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    7 Replies
    • No, Xur shouldn't sell ghorn for 300 SC bcuz all the noobs and 11 yr old would whine about it being 300 Sc

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    • Ok good for some of the top players, bad for the other 99%

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    • Okay so i think no. We shouldnt get gally from Xur. I always liked not being able to afford exotics and i remember the joy from getting the suros on my first nightfall. That is what i think destiny's exotics should be based around. The absolute rarity and chance of getting one and gloating to your friends about it. Unfortunately i can only say this for the gally, because i have seen just about every other exotic in xur's loot table. So no. I say make people work for it. And when they finally do get it, they can party till the sun comes up.

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    • I hope he does sell it Then everyone can feel the awesomeness .......then realise icebreaker is more useful

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      2 Replies
      • Some of us don't have the time to have 3 lvl 32 characters and apparently to much free time to do all of this, how would it be fair to those of us with a family and other responsibilities, we grind right along side with everyone else trying to get the ghorn. Honestly it's a rocket launcher yes a great one if I get one great if not o well don't need it to be good at the game

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        • Friend just got a gally on his first ever raid at lvl 26. Sorry about your skill, bro.

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        • Gally sucks get a dragons breath way better trust me gally is overrated

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          • Lol I can't believe people think he will sell it

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          • They took it out his loot table!! Just earn one like everyone else.

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          • Let me tell you a story of a weak little guardian. He was new to this world, and had been one of the first to hear little light. A few weeks in, he saw Xur was selling a gun called Ghallerhorn. With a bright twinkle in his eye, he made character after character, for a measly two strange coins at a time till he bought it. And as he grew, so did his rocket launcher. Who had once started as Newb now stood defiant, aiding those who were lost through raids. Moral of the story? Just cause someone's a noob, doesn't mean they don't deserve a chance to have fun and enjoy a good gun.

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          • Omg 3 Times the badest Charakter

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            4 Replies
            • Lmfao 3 32s of the same class? That might be the reason why you don't gally yet, you haven't truly struggled to lvl up a character if all you use is a titan since you can just share all of the same gear over and over. Plus gally is cool if you wanna finish shit quick and crota that is pretty much it.

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              • Ok so I know more then 3 players that have over 1500 hrs and haven't gotten it. So I hear you, but no.

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                3 Replies
                • Dude....if Bungie allows XUR to sell it they will only end up nerfing the -blam!- out of it..making it useless like the VEX and the Suros..

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                  3 Replies
                  • [quote]Update: I leveled up the other pieces of gear so I do now truly have 3 lvl 32s of Titans and wouldn't you know it....the first normal CROTA I complete I was rewarded with the hunger of CROTA. Finally a decent rocket launcher!!! I don't think it's random that this dropped....and I'm skeptical as to what will drop next.... Before everyone gets their panties in a wad about how this would ruin the game hear me out. I do not have a ghorn obviously but I do have 3 lvl 32 Titans and have run countless raids and weeklys every single week since the games release. I have 400+ strange coins that are all useless since I don't need heavy ammo synth and have obtained all exotic gear and weapons this game has to offer. What I'm proposing is simple. For those people like myself that have done the grind and have 500+ hours played, sell the ghorn for 200 or 300 strange coins...this would weed out all the noobs from getting the weapon and reward those that have spent the hours trying to roll the dice to get it. This would not ruin the game since the average destiny player doesn't have 300 strange coins to blow on one weapon thus allowing unlucky players like myself a chance at some fun. Not many people could afford this so this wouldn't have a massive impact on the games dynamics and outcome; this would just would help out the few unfortunate. I've had my fun at this game and is no longer fun doing the same raids over and over again for nothing. It's more work now than anything and for some reason my version of destiny didn't come with the option for me to get the ghorn. Which brings me to my next point. I feel like a mission must be done or something I haven't done in order for me to unlock the option to drop the ghorn. My friend has half the game time I have and has 12 ghorns!!!! 12!!!! I wouldn't believe him but he took a screen shot of his vault and my mind was blown. Why does someone get 12, why does someone need 12.....why can't destiny share the love!!! Why is there even an option for anyone to get 12??? You shouldn't get ANY weapon more that 3 times. Sell the weapon bungie, 300 strange coins. You would only be rewarding those that deserve it.[/quote] Wow so because you have 3 lvl 32 titans you feel entitled to certain things...... excuse me while i lol at you... LOL... You didn't work even half as hard as some ppl.. such as myself who lvled 3...seperate classes lol. I have a 32 warlock full raid and exotics, 32 hunter full raid and exotics,32 titan full raid and exotics. I fully geared all 3 of my chars. Where as you prolly just swap gear lol. You need to come back down off your high horse and realise if you want awesome gonna have to work hard for it. I got my first gally last week killing deathsinger hard. Then found out that a new clan member got his first gally on the same day from deathsinger normal. Lol 3 lvl 32 titans.. lmao.... when you have 1 of each class at lvl 32..then you can feel like your entitled to something lol... Till then keep swapping gear from one char to another so you have your 3 lvl 32 titans lol.

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                    7 Replies
                    • [quote]Update: I leveled up the other pieces of gear so I do now truly have 3 lvl 32s of Titans and wouldn't you know it....the first normal CROTA I complete I was rewarded with the hunger of CROTA. Finally a decent rocket launcher!!! I don't think it's random that this dropped....and I'm skeptical as to what will drop next.... Before everyone gets their panties in a wad about how this would ruin the game hear me out. I do not have a ghorn obviously but I do have 3 lvl 32 Titans and have run countless raids and weeklys every single week since the games release. I have 400+ strange coins that are all useless since I don't need heavy ammo synth and have obtained all exotic gear and weapons this game has to offer. What I'm proposing is simple. For those people like myself that have done the grind and have 500+ hours played, sell the ghorn for 200 or 300 strange coins...this would weed out all the noobs from getting the weapon and reward those that have spent the hours trying to roll the dice to get it. This would not ruin the game since the average destiny player doesn't have 300 strange coins to blow on one weapon thus allowing unlucky players like myself a chance at some fun. Not many people could afford this so this wouldn't have a massive impact on the games dynamics and outcome; this would just would help out the few unfortunate. I've had my fun at this game and is no longer fun doing the same raids over and over again for nothing. It's more work now than anything and for some reason my version of destiny didn't come with the option for me to get the ghorn. Which brings me to my next point. I feel like a mission must be done or something I haven't done in order for me to unlock the option to drop the ghorn. My friend has half the game time I have and has 12 ghorns!!!! 12!!!! I wouldn't believe him but he took a screen shot of his vault and my mind was blown. Why does someone get 12, why does someone need 12.....why can't destiny share the love!!! Why is there even an option for anyone to get 12??? You shouldn't get ANY weapon more that 3 times. Sell the weapon bungie, 300 strange coins. You would only be rewarding those that deserve it.[/quote] I don't have a ghorn either but Destiny is a RNG game so theirs no reason in telling them to sell the dang thing

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                    • This might upset you, but I did get two of my three ghallajorns from Atheon on hard mode. I've seen more people get it from VoG then anywhere else. Try your luck there!

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by DozenthDesert82: 5/11/2015 3:57:58 AM
                        House of wolf will diminish your "ungodly rocket launcher" that makes you soooooo mLg pro at this game xD. How facking stupid the gun requires 0 skill to use. Too bad in horde mode you guys cant drop the boss with one round of Bursts like crota :^) hats off to you bungie! Maybe now you guys will buff the necro and vex since they actually take time and determination to get. Vex is the hardest gun with the lowest drop rate for a reason. Bungie Wanted it to be OP. However a small nerf came. If bungie wanted it good and it got nerfed due to cry baby's it's not gonna be too much longer for a "ninja nerf to the hater ghorn" :) no hate I actually have the weapon on 2nd account and rarely use it.

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                        11 Replies
                        • If they do sell it, it will be 17 strange coins... Just like every other exotic heavy... Duh...

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                        • u know bungie cant change the prices cause they locked it at 17 strange coins for rocket launchers

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                          • Will never happen

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                          • I just read the two CROTA words in caps... That's really it tbh

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                          • I suggest trying me out for a change , maybe that will help you on your quest

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                            • You know, I've been saying it shouldnt be sold. But it the 2850s grimoire and above and to guardians with over half a million medals

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                            • I for told that I don't deserve the gjallarhorn and haven't earned it by a LVL 31 Wtf?

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