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Edited by Vaedir: 4/28/2015 9:00:24 PM

Raid Noobs...

So I really need to know if this community is starting to become a bunch of elitist shitholes, or I am talking to the wrong people. As a raid virgin, ABSOLUTELY no one wants to deal with trying to run a raid with me (even though I've seen them both done many times and will do whatever you tell me to, even if it's to jump off a ledge), and teach me the ropes. So my questions to you are , 1) would you work with a raid virgin/noob/any other fancy names you have for them? 2) if not, why the hell not? 3) how hard can it be to tell someone to do something, especially if they've seen it before? Comment below and help me understand the what the problem is. Edit1: I really appreciate all the support guys, it's refreshing to know that the community hasn't devolved and there are lots of great people around. I should have mentioned that I am on 360 (I know I wish I could upgrade), but either way I really appreciate everyone who wants to help. If you want to send a friend request my way then feel free, and again I thank you all for the support. Edit2: I'm amazed at how many good people are out there, and even if we are on different consoles I really appreciate that you took the time to say something. Maybe someone else will notice and you can help them! I've sent some friend requests to all those on the 360, but if I missed you then feel free to send me one. Thanks to all! Edit3: NO LONGER A (raid) VIRGIN!!! Thanks to help from you guys on the forum I was able to find a really good group of people and ran both VoG and CE! I appreciate all the help guys! Edit4: If you are a raid noob and need some help, post your level, class, and console! Maybe some one will help you through like they helped me! If you want to help out, post your info and someone can find you! Good luck guardians, and thanks for keeping Destiny great!

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  • Pity you are not on PS3 as I would be happy to take you raiding. I have numerous friends that I helped out with their first raid. Congrats on finally completing a raid. Raiding is such great fun. Enjoying players getting great rewards, laughing over dumb mistakes (I have a friend who has banned himself from using a rocket launcher at templar), complaining to each other over game glitches etc. Good times.

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  • I'm more than happy to show anyone the ropes on VOG. I have a lot of experience with it and, having been in the same situation where no one wanted to take a newbie, I'm sympathetic to the plight of the raid virgins. BUT, Crota's End I cannot help you with. I have little experience with the raid and honestly don't enjoy it nearly as much as VOG. Anyway, I'm on PS3, and if anyone wants to learn Vault then private message me and we can go crush those Vex.

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  • I am definitely someone who is willing to help others. Not because it makes me feel better about myself but because it creates an enjoyable experience for the person doing their 1st raid. Sure I will suffer numerous wipes, but I don't mind, I'm not going to yell or damn the perso for screwing up. Trial and error is the best way to learn IMO.

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  • Its annoying to teach a raid. I dont even put my headset on to raid anymore lol

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  • I'm on XB1, but I'm always more than glad to help anyone raid. For a while early in Destiny's life, I had a hard time getting into raid parties. Now through playing with friends and LFG groups and not really lacking for raid buddies, I try to pay it forward by helping whoever needs it. My user name here is the same as my gamertag on Live if you ever go to XB1, don't hesitate to holler.

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  • I love helping low levels. I mean heck... I was a low level until people helped me. I helped a 28 through Crotas end and helped a 25 through VoG.

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  • No, you're talking to the wrong guys. Join a good clan of adults. Add me if you need a team. We're always happy to help out. Congrats on the completion.

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  • Edited by DoctorHotWings: 4/27/2015 2:46:01 AM
    I've taken plenty of noobs through both raids. Since I've already looted all the raid weapons and all the exotic weapons in the game, my reward is seeing them get the loot they've wished for. Some of those noobs I helped are on my friends list and I still raid or play other parts of the game with them. If anyone wants, send me a message on xbox one. I can take you through a raid. I'm good with the relic and sword.

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  • I was in the same situation a couple weeks ago, until I finally got enough friends to do them with...Although I have yet to do a full run through of each raid... But if you ever need help with something or just feel like playing with someone add me... Gt same as above on 360

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    4 Replies
    • Today a kid was like you can't use the sword your a lvl 31 on crota normal I was like wtf? Then a squeaker got patience and time from a chest and screamed so hard he literally almost killed us

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    • I hate people that won't help. I'll help anyone anytime with raids on 360. There is no reason not to help people other than you're a douche.

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    • (please have watched someones YouTube video or tutorial on forums) Have no ego. Ask genuine questions PRIOR to the event or stage. Ask again as what to do. Ask again , ok to be clear. Ask, please explain. Have ZERO EGO. Now the issue is 99% going to be about who you are paired with. If they are rude, immature or just uninformed the YOU cannot benefit from the run. Stick it out,,,, deal with the racial slurs, braggarts, and blame it alls who can't do it themselves and who have one sworded Crota solo with their 40 Gjallahorns.... Are unaccustomed to EVER having to deal with shooting ogres from a ledge completely protected from any enemy fire,,, and just keep your mouth shut and get the wins and rewards. That aside, if you come across good people (there are millions), then I guarantee you will be fine if you just tell the group will do as told by the leader. ( unfortunately not always the most vocal because they get bored talking over the know it all in the group ) You will be fine bud, just remember no ego, deal with the people that play at whatever level you value your time to? and ask questions. Easy peasy. Love this game and the vast vast majority of the community. My opinion is probably worth what you paid for it, but hang in there and tough it out. Tons of great people out there to make this a great thing.

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    • Just yesterday, I helped a Vog first timer. [spoiler]so yeah[/spoiler]

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      9 Replies
      • 1) Call them first timers and will only run them through normal for less stress for both me and the fire team for explaining. I usually run vog normal every week to help out virgins. (Excluding this week due to a water leak under my foundation.) 3) If they listen and do well they are fine. If they die a few times at parts like the start, conduits, oracles, Templar, or atheon; I understand. But when they don't listen, and cause us to die and play it off, that throws my good will out the door.(Mostly grabbing the relic after repeated amount of "no touchy")

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      • 1

        I remember File Share contests for MP - old

        If you are a raid virgin and you state so, I have no problem letting you join my normal mode run. If you join my hard mode run and very quickly it's evident you have no idea what you're doing, and THEN you admit you've never ran the raid before, I will kick you. I have this happen all the damn time on HM VoG runs and it's frustrating as hell. Run normal mode first, learn the ropes, THEN go for hard mode. None of this "but eye wunt da vexxx" bullshit.

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      • Yes...but no guarantees it will be successful. :)

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      • If I were on 360 I'd definitely help you out. I enjoy showing people how each raid works, as long as they admit they need help. It's only the people who act like they know but have no clue that are annoying. If people weren't so quick to shame noobs, we wouldn't have this problem. It's unfortunate. I was lucky enough to have some patient personal friends show me the ropes, so I feel like it's my duty to pay it forward.

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        1 Reply
        • If you state in the lobby or when asked that you're a raid virgin, I will have no problem explaining in depth what to do, what the best strategies are, etc. If you come in and act like you know what you're doing when it's clear to everyone that you don't, you get the boot.

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        • I'm all for helping noobs out when they need it! If you have never done a raid that's ok! My group and I don't mind helping! All we want is honesty when we ask "have you done this before?" I wish you luck and if you need help on the 360 lemme know!

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        • I gave up on 360 too hard to find raid partners

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        • My group is at the point where we 3 man both raids hard/normal. i think they make it more fun.

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        • I have no issues with it but my only thing is be willing to learn or have at least some idea just saying it's been months and makes things easier when most of the team is learning as well

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        • I'm a raid noon friend me well play!

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        • I would like to help people with VoG, but I only recently started raiding myself and need more experience. I led one group so far, which was fairly successful up through the jump puzzle. After that, people headed off to bed because it was late (midnight pacific time).

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        • I don't mind running raids with those who've never done them. My only complaint is that months after release, some people don't know shit about the raids and go in completely blind. A little knowledge about the raid is better than no knowledge.

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        • Me and the other leader from the clan carried two guys who had never done crota through the whole raid and they only died at bridge for cheese and the thrallway

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