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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 07.02.10
7/7/2010 1:36:58 AM
Ugh, Swat will be in regular Team Slayer? I'm not going to lie. I hate it because I suck at it. And I don't want people getting mad at me because I suck at it. I don't want to play it, but I still get blamed when I don't do well with it. I guess it'll have to be Team Objective for me. Team Swat was the biggest reason for annoyance when playing Reach Beta. I couldn't wait for the launch just to get rid of it from the standard playlists. And now, I find out that it's staying. Swat players don't want it in a regular list. Non-Swat players don't want it in a regular list. Make it so, Bungie! Really, this just brings me back to my biggest complaint with Halo as a whole. Where is the F'n custom game browser, guys!? Seriously, make it happen.

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