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9/25/2008 5:33:03 PM
357 better issue an apology/Statement!

Hey guys. Just to let you know that due to some small message in (or thought to be in) your new trailer that apparantly reads "Wheres Maddie?" small but growing numbers of halo fanboys are posting stuff on websites related to the disapperance of a kid in the UK named Madaline McCann. Now i dont know how well you know the UK press....but they can be, say...reactionary at best. Especially about Maddie. All it would take is a few more posts and you can be sure you'll end up in a few of the red tops....and i assure you it wont be favourable to the Bungie cause. They love a good anti-gaming story. You may want to issue a statement to people telling them to calm down before the press get hold of it. About 24 hours i reckon. Just thought i'd warn you :) P.s Ask Frankie if you want to know more about the British press...i'm sure he's got some horror stories..
#Halo3 #Halo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cocomaan Bungie should not have to google every single name they put into their games because some random people on the internet might get upset. [/quote] Why not? The "random people on the internet" are the same "random people on the internet" who are posting on HBO, SA, and all sorts of other forums about this very subject. Those "random people on the internet" are the source of bungie's success, they're bungie's target market. It took the internet all of 30 seconds to make that connection, if bungie didn't make the same connection, then their team has fallen down at some point. If they did make the connection and chose to do nothing about it, well....[/quote] ... well [i]what? [/i] Are you going to stop playing Halo? Is anyone? Nobody gives a -blam!- about this, trust me. If you can link an article running in a grocery store tabloid, we have something to talk about. Until then, it's all "Need moar internets!" and contrived outrage at a complete coincidence that Bungie, I'm sure, has a disclaimer for in their credits.

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  • Did anyone else think the camera turned spastic when those things landed? I mean damn...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cocomaan [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] hopy91 I'm not saying they should. my point was that people jump to conclusions. I'm not saying Bungie's done wrong, or that they should apologise, i'm just saying that people do see something and think of something else naturally, so people shouldn't be ridiculing british people on a forum because they know more about Maddy McCann than Americans. If you want to ridicule people, do it about the "you have to apologise" crap.[/quote] The point is that people in this thread [i]are[/i] getting offended, which is what I was tacitly referring to. I don't care if you free associate words. As you say, people do it all the time. But getting upset over this means that you have your head in your arse. [/quote] I agree, but there are also people who are confused about why people have thought about Maddie. This whole topic is a complete mess.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Twatter Hey guys. Just to let you know that due to some small message in (or thought to be in) your new trailer that apparantly reads "Wheres Maddie?" small but growing numbers of halo fanboys are posting stuff on websites related to the disapperance of a kid in the UK named Madaline McCann. Now i dont know how well you know the UK press....but they can be, say...reactionary at best. Especially about Maddie. All it would take is a few more posts and you can be sure you'll end up in a few of the red tops....and i assure you it wont be favourable to the Bungie cause. They love a good anti-gaming story. You may want to issue a statement to people telling them to calm down before the press get hold of it. About 24 hours i reckon. Just thought i'd warn you :) P.s Ask Frankie if you want to know more about the British press...i'm sure he's got some horror stories.. [/quote] A random name in a video game with a random person who vanished in a country a few thousand miles from Bungie. Yeah, no.

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  • There is no connection. You all are just grabbing at straws, straws that aren't there. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cocomaan Bungie should not have to google every single name they put into their games because some random people on the internet might get upset. [/quote] Why not? The "random people on the internet" are the same "random people on the internet" who are posting on HBO, SA, and all sorts of other forums about this very subject. Those "random people on the internet" are the source of bungie's success, they're bungie's target market. It took the internet all of 30 seconds to make that connection, if bungie didn't make the same connection, then their team has fallen down at some point. If they did make the connection and chose to do nothing about it, well....[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KenKaniff "Loud Noises"[/quote] "I Don't Know What We're Yelling About!!"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker It'd be like making a game about someone called Diana and having her in a car crash while chased by rabid paparazzi. .[/quote] I would play it. And its not Bungie making the connection. its the people who read the tabloids. And there is no such thing as bad publicity...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cocomaan Bungie should not have to google every single name they put into their games because some random people on the internet might get upset. [/quote] Why not? The "random people on the internet" are the same "random people on the internet" who are posting on HBO, SA, and all sorts of other forums about this very subject. Those "random people on the internet" are the source of bungie's success, they're bungie's target market. It took the internet all of 30 seconds to make that connection, if bungie didn't make the same connection, then their team has fallen down at some point. If they did make the connection and chose to do nothing about it, well....

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 And if "maddie" stands for; Multiple Automated Defensive Dispersal & Interdiction Experiment What then? It is a flipping name. A tragedy does not create a reservation on the name's use. Or is no one naming their children Diana anywhere?[/quote] It's a good point, but the Maddy case is more fresh in peoples minds than the death of Diana. And it's the context of which the name Maddie was used "Maddie, Where are you?" before you have a go at me. i KNOW it was unintentional and i KNOW that Bungie had no meaning behind it and i KNOW people are over reacting, but people DO jump to these conclusions. The fact that you used Diana is supporting my point. You used the name Diana in that context, so people think of the death of princess Diana. In the same way Maddie was used in that context, people think of Maddy McCann.

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  • Just let this thread sink... It's ridiculous to bring up this tragedy to something that is OBVIOUSLY not connected.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] hopy91 I'm not saying they should. my point was that people jump to conclusions. I'm not saying Bungie's done wrong, or that they should apologise, i'm just saying that people do see something and think of something else naturally, so people shouldn't be ridiculing british people on a forum because they know more about Maddy McCann than Americans. If you want to ridicule people, do it about the "you have to apologise" crap.[/quote] The point is that people in this thread [i]are[/i] getting offended, which is what I was tacitly referring to. I don't care if you free associate words. As you say, people do it all the time. But getting upset over this means that you have your head in your arse.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker I find it hard to believe no one involved in the production of the trailer didn't think for a second that asking that question may be miscontrued. There's nothing wrong with naming a character maddie if you're prepared to shrug off all the assocations with the mccann case. [/quote] We're American. We have our own missing persons. Bungie should not have to google every single name they put into their games because some random people on the internet might get upset.

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  • "Loud Noises"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cocomaan [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] hopy91 Look, if the British citizenry can't tell the difference between a video game character and a missing person case, that's they own fault. Bungie is not responsible for other folk having their heads up their arses.[/quote] Completely missed the point. Of course we can tell the difference. But it's like showing a video of a plane crashing into a building. It's not related to 9/11 but people still think about it. I'm not saying that all this ridiculous debate about it is necessary, but if you're being ignorant about the thought process of a human being, maybe you shouldn't talk at all.[/quote] People going through "the thought process of a human being" doesn't mean that Bungie should cater to the lowest common denominator of human intellect, ie, British tabloid readers.[/quote] I'm not saying they should. my point was that people jump to conclusions. I'm not saying Bungie's done wrong, or that they should apologise, i'm just saying that people do see something and think of something else naturally, so people shouldn't be ridiculing british people on a forum because they know more about Maddy McCann than Americans. If you want to ridicule people, do it about the "you have to apologise" crap.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jibreelanater I have no Idea what any one is talking about.[/quote] You might want to read the paper every now and then.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UNUSUAL WEASEL obviosly it seems illogical but you have to but look at the sort of articles that the sun print to see that most of the stuff they print is illogical and twisted and that they will jump on this issue with relish[/quote] Exactly what would they print? "Video game giant knows where little Maddie's body is! More on page 4!" And on the inside: "If you freeze the video at 0:24, you can see Maddie's face reflected in the window of the building on the right. [picture] The family of Maddie has now issued a statement saying that they believe that a man known only as "Shishka" is in possession of the hit video game Halo 2, which may hold the answers to the origins of Maddie's disappearance" (Disclaimer: this fake article entirely false, by the way. The answer is that Maddie is obviously in the PC version of Halo CE )

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 Or is no one naming their children Diana anywhere?[/quote] Naming your child after someone is a sign of respect. The instant assumption of the majority of the viewers of that video who were aware of the disappearance of madeleine mccann instantly assumed bungie were making a joke at her expense. Considering they've joked about current events in the past (cheneymania, for example) it's not too farfetched. I find it hard to believe no one involved in the production of the trailer didn't think for a second that asking that question may be miscontrued. There's nothing wrong with naming a character maddie if you're prepared to shrug off all the assocations with the mccann case. Taking it another step further and sticking in "Where are you maddie?" is pushing it. Whether it was intended or not, the association has been made. That assocation will not be shrugged off as long as there is a character called "maddie" in the game who goes missing. It'd be like making a game about someone called Diana and having her in a car crash while chased by rabid paparazzi. Though not really because diana was a public figure who sold herself to the press. Madeleine mccann was an innocent. [Edited on 09.25.2008 1:04 PM PDT]

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  • I have no Idea what any one is talking about.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 And if "maddie" stands for; Multiple Automated Defensive Dispersal & Interdiction Experiment What then? It is a flipping name. A tragedy does not create a reservation on the name's use. Or is no one naming their children Diana anywhere?[/quote] Very True! I know newborns named Katrina, Andrew and Camille [Edited on 09.25.2008 1:02 PM PDT]

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  • Are you threatening a company while you are posting on their website?

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  • What if it said "Romeo, where art thou?" Would we say: "Frankie must have been the priest and he didn't want the message to get to Romeo & Juliet on time, so they both died!" I know, Romeo & Juliet isn't a real story, it was an example.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 And if "maddie" stands for; Multiple Automated Defensive Dispersal & Interdiction Experiment What then? It is a flipping name. A tragedy does not create a reservation on the name's use. Or is no one naming their children Diana anywhere?[/quote] obviosly it seems illogical but you have to but look at the sort of articles that the sun print to see that most of the stuff they print is illogical and twisted and that they will jump on this issue with relish

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 And if "maddie" stands for; Multiple Automated Defensive Dispersal & Interdiction Experiment What then? It is a flipping name. A tragedy does not create a reservation on the name's use. Or is no one naming their children Diana anywhere?[/quote] Exactly. However some people believe if something happens the whole world should stop for them.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tartan 118 Is your name Hal? Colonel Corbec would aslo find that amusing.[/quote] No, haha. I had to look that one up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I w4Lk 0n A1r I guarantee you IF the British Press Publicizes this, Microsoft WILL not SELL the MYTHIC MAP OR THE EXTENSION IN Britain, because of the STUPID British -blam!-S who are complaning. ACCEPT OUR GAME HOW IT IS, DON'T -blam!-, IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, GTFO AND DON'T PLAY HALO, Bungie has enough business in the US.[/quote] If that came to pass (highly unlikely), that would be Britain's decision, not Bungie's.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cocomaan [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathReaper112 If bungie didnt use a name in fear of offending someone or bringing up emotions then there would be no names left to use.[/quote] Exactly! Should Bungie have renamed John 117 to Hal 117, because John Lennon got shot and killed years ago? Absolutely not. [/quote] Is your name Hal? Colonel Corbec would aslo find that amusing.

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