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9/20/2008 3:03:01 AM


SERVICES WILL RESUME [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=15526] click for full story [/url]

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  • Woah, for a second or two camera 2 said "H2 Secrets"... but now it is normal again

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  • it aint there anymore. there was a trophy and a small model warthog and a tshirt behind the trophy. the camera was called "h2 secrets camera"

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  • my cam2 is still up

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  • Well....I'm late. 132 pages.

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  • camera 2 anyone??? what the fuhhhhhh. worth waiting for i guess?

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  • AHhh the path of doom is gone what the heck~~ and now its back and i didnt save it stupid me,... it said h2 secrets cam for like a second [Edited on 09.22.2008 6:20 PM PDT]

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  • omggggggggg

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  • that i can agree with, i would much rather go out with my friends to the theatre but i can't and besides this is just a game and a game company what is it really to us at the end of the day? haha this stuff keeps our hearts beating i dunno what you're talking about. jk jk

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  • I found this online: United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (The Tokyo Rules) Adopted by General Assembly resolution 45/110of 14 December 1990 Also...wondering...who is Kinsler? It's the only real name given.

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  • here guys, to entertain you guys, watch this its arby n the cheif season 3 episode 2 wedding

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  • im going title update will probs be online when i get up later guys

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] maciver [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bagina we're cranky fans waiting to be spoon fed new information, what are we supposed to do while we wait, get along?[/quote] that i can agree with, i would much rather go out with my friends to the theatre but i can't and besides this is just a game and a game company what is it really to us at the end of the day[/quote] well put maciver

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  • its getting darker and darker...

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  • were on the internet im sure there are other thing you can go do while you wait then go off on some1 cause nothing has happen yet

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bagina we're cranky fans waiting to be spoon fed new information, what are we supposed to do while we wait, get along?[/quote] that i can agree with, i would much rather go out with my friends to the theatre but i can't and besides this is just a game and a game company what is it really to us at the end of the day

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  • maciver gimme some screenshots and ill do anything you want me to. seriously anything.

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  • we are all tired of waiting so if u need 2 de-stress here is a funny Red vs Blue video to calm you down

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  • in a way this would be very ironic if this was about the ban hammer and this was just to annoy the hell out of us

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  • even if he is lying at least it gives us somthin to do while we wait

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  • we're cranky fans waiting to be spoon fed new information, what are we supposed to do while we wait, get along?

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  • IMO. Nothing will happen until it is 07:07:07 PST. If nothing happens at that time, then nothing will happen until tomorrow.

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  • bagina, i am not lying, i am speaking the truth, you can chose to believe me or you can chose to live in your own stuck up world you petulant fool

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  • guys go duke this out somewhere else everyone is just getting tiered of waiting so just clam down

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] maciver [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bagina "that was funny! there was a guy who dressed up as master chief and poked his head ouside of door at the end of the little hallway" "ummmmmm guys, is it me or did the little master cheif action figure just change colors? " "LOOOOOOL its funny i just payed attention the the drink that the grunt was drinking, the drink or liquid that was inside the glass has decreased a bit how funny" did i stutter? stick yoself on the foot and go to bed [/quote] ...look, you try finding something better to do when your grounded from going ouside, playing video games, hanging out with friends.... im just trying to entertain myself....and to try figuring this out, since i go nothing better to do. if you have a problem with that go YOU go kill yourself and to entertain us as we wait[/quote] haha agreed that Bagin guy stating 2 piss me off >=(

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  • Aww, Bagina. I think you're gonna make him cry. Be nice =P

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  • actually hes making things up so people go and look into them. if youre not gona make any progress at least be funny, know what i mean?

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