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9/13/2008 2:19:23 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 9/12/08

This Weekly Update will sweep your leg. You got a problem with that? [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=15475] click for full story [/url]

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  • what the -blam!-? golf? lol

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  • I just hope the update comes out sooner than later but by all means I hope it isnt rushed. I rather it be late and worth it than fast and buggy. I guess he who has the biggest clobberknockers ((platform boots)) will decide when it comes. That or the one who kept their stilettos from their days attending the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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  • We don't want to read about the banhammer... What sense does that make? Stop writing half a page about the banhammer every week... We want information about coming updates, maps and blam like that.

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  • A banhammer thats retroactive??? I wonder how much of the community will be left.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Aussie0912 hey ummm does the new ban hammer thing like ban you if you lag out by accident or just if you quit?[/quote] Nah it bans people who quit all the time to loose exp and get easy skill. For example people with 0 exp yet they have 50 skill.

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  • lets see, A video I've allready seen, Golf, AU2 being pushed back, A new type of ban, and a Podcast. What a great update! [/sarcasm] But seriously, I was hoping for a bit more substance, but we get what we get.

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  • Ahhh, I can't wait for the new ban-hammer to get friendly with the 50 boosters. It'll be a good day :) And the music in that video wasn't my taste, but it suited the video. EDIT: But does this mean you will only start banning people who continue to boost after the update? I got some achievements on an Asian language, but that was only because i played lone wolves after getting stars in my motto :( [Edited on 09.13.2008 4:28 AM PDT]

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  • Let me guess... the new banhammer will be used to ban 'the worst offenders' in the hope of detering others? It wont be used to catch all the cheats it [i]could[/i] because that would upset too many people. Thus within a few days things will be back to normal as the rest of the cheats realise that they will only get banned for the most blatent cheating possible. Back to business as usual... It's the same old mistakes over and over isn't it... don't you guys [i]ever[/i] get bored?

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  • hey ummm does the new ban hammer thing like ban you if you lag out by accident or just if you quit? cos im kinda scared to play matchmaking now... cos it aint really fair to the people that have mean lil bros/sister that will unplug the internet cable while there online.(yes my lil bro will unplug it if i annoy him) and if there going to ban me for lagging out alot in the past im GONE! (i used to lag alot but i gots it fixed so hopefully i will be spared) other that im so scared that ill be banned i could soil myself. evrything else like new maps ranking sistem is gr8 [Edited on 09.13.2008 2:21 AM PDT]

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  • Even par?? My friends and I shot -16 2weekends ago and got 2nd. Hope the Eagle got the skins. Also longest drive only 285. Little weak. Figured some one would be capable of 300 even for non golfers. Ultra ban equals greatness. Rough night for me and the Columbus police force lol. Good times [Edited on 09.13.2008 1:55 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BadBall3r47 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] odmichael Poor Luke. I didn't know you were colorblind.[/quote]I also didn't know this, I thought it was Frankie who was colour blind.[/quote] When Frank, Robt McLees and I used to sit together we were a fully colorblind pod. [/quote] You being colorblind has tickled my muse, so here is something relatively pointless: We three kings of Bungie are, Off to work, we commute afar, Yield to no one, speeding for fun, Crashing in yonder car. O car of terror, car of fright, Car with cabin crushing tight, A sharp feeling, Frankie squealing, Wish I saw the traffic light. ~ NsU P.S. It was great seeing you guys at PAX! And Assembly was awesome, can't wait for the release!

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  • Looks good, hope you guys had fun golfing. That video is actually pretty original but the music wasn't really to my taste. The note at the bottom, well I know how you feel.

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  • Oh yeahh! The host booters are getting ultrabanned! One less reason for the complainers to complain. And I see were back to the days of AntC2, heh heh, that's a good thing. I really don't mind the delay, my last matriculation exam is on the 24th. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sub zero1395 I don` t like that the AU2 date was moved ) =[/quote] O_o awesome emblem. [Edited on 09.13.2008 1:03 AM PDT]

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  • thanks for the update bungie. cant wait till the au2. i'd laugh if it came out on the 24th. that would be a great birthday present! :)

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  • That banhammer is going to get lovely, let those e-tears fall.

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  • bobcast = real drunk right now. I'll try to make sence of this tiomorrow.

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  • ultra ban is freaking sweet, but i wish they would ban the whole xbox AND the account from halo 3 multiplayer

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  • Awesome Video. By far the best Halo 3 one out there. Great music, great editing, great video! [quote]While the video editing is awesome, I’m not going to say the same about the music. I can’t shake the image of some teen strung out on Adderall with those white headphones wrapped around his neck waving a lighter back and forth at a computer somewhere in a college library at 2 a.m.[/quote] If that doesnt describe me perfectly, i dont know what would. [Edited on 09.12.2008 11:38 PM PDT]

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  • No pictures? :(

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  • Do you like giving us bland updates Luke? You must love to hear our reactions when we don't find out anything new about updates to Halo 3. Not here to complain, but it was okay. I appreciate the time spent in order to put this together.

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  • I agree with fonziefonz. I have been reading these updates since H2, and these are pretty much a joke most of the time. I do not know why I even bother anymore. I guess I just hope something remotely informative to be said, but I always get let down. I am just waiting for this big update to see what happens, because IMO your matchmaking system is TERRIBLE. I love the game, but matchmaking ruins it for me. Too many stupid gametypes, playing the same maps over and over again, control of what you want to play is too limited. Almost every game I play the first map and gametype gets veto'd. Everybody is veto happy because they do not like the choice, and then the second option comes up and people -blam!- about that too. Then you have people quitting because they are not happy. Hell, I quit games myself. Games with just swords or Hammers is something I HATE, and not being able to even pick up grenades. Very lame. I hate VIP too. Just my opinion BTW, but it has got to tell you something about your system. Anyway, I understand bungie is not forcing me to play this game. I just wish matchmaking was much better. Way too many things that ruin it for me, Again, I have been playing since H1 came out, and I love the game, I am just sick of not being able to play what I want. H3 lost alot of gamers since COD4 came out, just imaging what is going to happen when GOW2 comes November 7. I know I am looking forward to it. You guys honestly got to admit that was a crappy update? Same stuff (almost)every friday, and yet I will be anxiously waiting again next friday. Have a nice weekend. [Edited on 09.12.2008 11:07 PM PDT]

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  • At first I was thinking about how it was a 'meh' update but then I saw the podcast, it made it all worth it.

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  • Shucks. I was hoping for some news on new maps or something of the like. Beggars can't be choosers though.

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  • Wow, another crappy update! No one cares about your golf game. You know people read these updates for news about Halo...yet we constantly get these walls of texts to fill up space to make it look like an update. Like how much potential info can be given out about the updates coming to Halo, yet we barely get any other than the guaranteed news of delays and the 'oh we cant talk about this and this'? I appreciate the hard work you guys put in, but man, give the fans who keep this community alive something better. And to all the people who said 'good update', where the hell are you getting this from? Sure the news of a delay is news, but we need something more over here to keep us coming back. If being told that you must wait longer for AU2 is what makes a good update, then great job!

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  • I have a question. what about those who have bad lag? or have something else to do besides play halo during a game? will the system keep record of those quitting on a constant basis? my xbox had a problem and it kept freezing while i played and it caused me to lose rank. also it would sign me out of live.

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