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9/13/2008 2:19:23 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 9/12/08

This Weekly Update will sweep your leg. You got a problem with that? [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=15475] click for full story [/url]

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  • me too. golf just ruins a good walk anyway

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  • I'm getting sick luke Please let us have a Mister Chief... is he copyrighted or something??? GEEZ!

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  • Anyone else find themselves wondering what map that screen shot was from? doesn't fit any existing map that I know of, which leads me to believe we are seeing a screen shot from one of the new maps. If that is the case, I like the tone and setting of the map already.

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  • Aw, I would have played golf would you guys. :(

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  • Watched the vid and halo really is a beautiful game. I couldn't make it through the whole 8 mins though. Got to about 3 mins and i had enough. Update not very imformative but nice to hear about cheaters getting there just deserts.

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  • Will this update ban standbyers cus i dont get host booted or boosted against much. Dont even care about boosters cus most of them are bad anyways. But So SOOOOO many games I have been standbyed. I even had proof at one time, called xbox live and they said the only thing i could do was to file a complaint, which didnt even give the guy a 1 day ban. (plus i dont use these forums much, will it tell me wen i get a reply or what?, be back in an hour)

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  • Nice update Bungie =]

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  • The poor foghorn...please, make it stop D:

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  • I approve of updates and new and innovative ways of banning cheaters in all shapes, sizes, colours and forms... But I don't like what I've read of the new achievements, some of them sound really silly and "pain in the ass" type of achievements that I never have the bother to get.... and I assume as one of them is "reach the rank of Lt. in the new ranking system, that means the ranks and EXP are being reset.... I sincerly hope not.... if that IS the case, I'm not going to spend hours getting my rank of Colonel Back again... I don't have every minute of every day to play it like some people do who have reached General... I am an animator as well and I have a career to think of.... I'll do my best to get the 10 new achievements but I'm not going to get my rank Back up to Colonel.... IF the stats are being reset of course... I hope my post can be understood fairly, I both approve and disaprove of features forthcoming this month. [Edited on 09.13.2008 8:02 AM PDT]

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  • yayz i cant wait AU2.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mongoose4 Frankly, not that informative. I would probably find other places to read about golf.[/quote] more tears plz[/quote] Who the f*** cares about your golf game??? We want new informations about halo 3! And why is it so hard to know the date for the TU2? -.- Some new informations/pics for the new map pack were nice too...

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  • wats up with all the updates now? they jsut arent wat they used to be

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  • This video was beautiful, how ever boring it may be to watch 8 minutes of halo scenery. Still, despite the previous reviews of the music I feel I must still say what the hell? I get that you don't want to offset the beauty with something too heavy or fast paced, but I feel, as a viewer, that we should be entitled to some decent music for while we watch a very long video. Also, what is with the ending? Of all the places we could have stood Master Chief to do the titanic, looking out over the ocean scene, which has to be the least scenic and least dramatic possibilities. I think of the cliffs he could have loomed over, the vast oceans that could have spanned below him and I wonder if this was the right choice. Despite this rant I do want to clarify. I am shocked at just how beautiful halo is, I suppose amidst the destruction that I’m usually causing I’ve never stopped to take a look around so thank you to who ever it was that took the time to bring all of this to our attention.

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  • the ban thing for those booters should be done if not i'll beat them [Edited on 09.13.2008 7:20 AM PDT]

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  • Nice update dawgs.

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  • Bungie needs to have a bowling tournament. I am sooo excited for the TU2! Are there gonna be any new armor permutations?

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  • okay yer i kinda get it but I dont understand.....what is going to happen to our ranks after this mighty update?

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  • Im a Heroic Member OYEAH!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems This Weekly Update will sweep your leg. You got a problem with that? [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=15475] click for full story [/url][/quote] More of a concern than a problem, this new fangled banhammer thing concens me when it comes to the lag-out side of things and actualy being able to tell the genuine connection faults or true fiddlers. Being a British player (yep that little speck on the planet that only survives on tea and crumpets) we are used to rarely having host, but recently when it comes to matchmaking and connections, we get shafted. most of the team I play with have 20mb connections including myself but as soon as we get in a game it just turns to a lag fest! By that I mean hearing the opposition team shouting god damn not multi-flag on ghost town before we even get past the need more players screen, not having the option to veto and the best one where your teams there asking if the games started cause they spend the first 10 minutes of a slayer match gazing at a black screen. And don't get me started on the opposition jumping 15 kills while our team spends 2 minutes looking at a screen letting us know thats it trying to find a new host. Sorry that turned out more like a rant than a concern and a plea for better Brit connection support.

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  • Sweep my leg. Hell it didn't do -blam!- to me. Anyway, the banhammer thing is nice, I would like to see boosters in MLG playlist be banned forever and all those other second account makers. Also, you guys will improve the true skill system if the whole MM system wouldn't look for people who has the same or lower promotion medal (example: Brigadier > Captain) but the true skill LEVEL! (Example: Brigadier level 47 < Captain level 50). This would make it way more fair. Hell, we shouldn't be matched with Captains who are higher than level 40 at all. Im sick of playing with people who obviously has made their second or third account and use it to match up with a decent MLG people like myself. FIX THIS! I'm still hoping and this is the third time I will say it. I REALLY hope you guys pay attention to this. [b]Fix the bullet registrations/double reloading glitch/random hits of BR/having more forge options/having more costum options)[/b].

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  • Well, whilst there have been more informative weekly updates in the past, the end of this paragraph made me laugh: [quote] For special folks – not the kind of special that your Mammy always said you were, the kind of “why did you lick that steel pole it’s Winter” special – we’ll be retroactively applying this ban to their accounts. You see, dear reader, whenever the Banhammer strikes, records are kept and those records are sortable, viewable and actionable en masse. M-Dub and the Wolf take great pride in the numerical sorting of massive amounts of data while [b]Shishka languishes softly on a waterbed of e-tears.[/b][/quote] Classic

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  • Curse delays! Downloading Podcaste as I type, there better be some Jerome!

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  • “GOOD LAWD, HAVE MERCY!”.... Is Luke colorblind?

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  • Not a bad update, downloading the podcast now. :)

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  • Thanks Luke, made my day.

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  • what the -blam!-? golf? lol

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