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3/2/2015 7:01:01 PM

New Weapon Ideas (Subclass Exclusive, Exotics, Consumables, Etc.)

With the HoW release date pushed back, Bungie needs to do something to keep people playing. I think new exotic weapons would be a great way to keep people playing at least a little bit longer than they might have. Since all three classes and subclasses have very different play styles, why don't they also have unique weapons and weapon abilities? These weapons would also entice players to use a subclass they might not use normally. Gunslingers- [spoiler]The staple weapon for hunters, particularly gunslingers, seems to be hand cannons. Gunslingers could get a dual wield hand cannon. One could deal solar, and the other could do arc or void damage. It would be awesome to run around hip firing double hand cannons in a crucible match. [/spoiler] Bladedancers- [spoiler]A good weapon for bladedancers could be a sort of ballistic knife. It could do arc damage and electrify it's targets, dealing a small amount of damage over time. [/spoiler] Hunters in General- [spoiler] An awesome subclass neutral weapon for hunters, and possibly my favorite of all, would be called "Arrow to the Knee". This would be either a modified crossbow or bow and arrow because it fits perfectly with hunters. When you shoot someone in the knee with this weapon, it immobilizes them, only allowing them to turn and shoot. (So the left joystick wouldn't do anything, but all the other controls would act the same.) This would be awesome, especially in Crucible. It could also have two special perks, one for each subclass. The bladedancer perk called "Dance of Blades" would increase precision and melee damage for a short time after dancing. The gunslinger perk called "GunSlingin' " would allow this weapon to be equipped in either the primary or secondary slot, however if it is put in the secondary slot only a hand cannon can be put in the primary slot.[/spoiler] Voidwalkers- [spoiler] A cool voidwalker weapon would be a shotgun, that can only be hip fired, called "In The Paint". This shotgun would have the special perks "Hops" and "Dunk'd On". Hops would increase jump height by 2x when this weapon is held, and Dunk'd on would be an ability activated by L1 (what would normally be for ADS). On activation, the player jumps into the air, forms a small basketball sized void ball, and slams it down into the ground. On contact bolts of void energy will stream out on all sides, flinching all enemies in a small radius. This ability would use up one full clips worth of ammo from all your slots. [/spoiler] Sunsingers- [spoiler] The sunsinger exclusive weapon would be a heavy flamethrower. The perks would include "Burn Baby, Burn" which sets the victims on fire dealing a damage over time, and "Wrath of the Sun" which increases damage, agility, armor, and recovery for a short time after every kill with this weapon, as long as there are no objects above the user (Sun accessible).[/spoiler] Warlocks in General- [spoiler] The subclass neutral warlock weapon would be a magic staff. It can be shot semi-automatically like a scout rifle, or charged then shot in a burst like a pulse rifle for bonus damage. The damage type will switch depending on subclass. Like with the hunter, it would have two different perks for the subclasses. These would be abilities activated by hitting L1 (to aim). For sunsingers, the ability would be called "Release the Sun". This ability surrounds the player in a ball of solar energy, which expands outward for a short time. This ball of energy deals massive damage at a very close range, with steep drop off as it expands. The voidwalker ability would be called "Into the Void". This ability creates a pool of void energy in a ring around the player, and when any enemy steps into it they are teleported far up into the air and dropped, taking fall damage.[/spoiler] Strikers- [spoiler] The striker titan weapon would be a set of brass knuckles that are equipped in the secondary slot. The abilities would be "Fists of Fury" which increases melee attack speed, damage, and recharge time, and "Pain and Gain" which makes enemies bleed, doing a damage over time, as well as flinching them. However, when this weapon is equipped with this perk active melee attacking doesn't use storm fist, and none of the perks in that tree are expressed. [/spoiler] Defenders- [spoiler] The weapon for defenders would be a heavy minigun. When this weapon is held, movement speed is radically reduced, to the point where movement is practically impossible. This weapon would have the max fire rate in the game, firing 2x as fast as a HMG an only doing slightly less impact. This weapon's special perk would be called "Channel the Void" which allows bullets to be fired through Ward of Dawn, although doing less damage and becoming less accurate. [/spoiler] Titans in General- [spoiler] The subclass neutral titan weapon would be a large axe. This axe would be in the special slot and is able to be thrown or used as melee. It deals solar damage. It's ability "Master of Flame" causes enemies to light on fire after every precision hit. This weapon also has two abilities activated by L1. The striker perk, "Strike Them Down" slams the axe into the ground and sends out a wave of arc energy forwards and backwards. The defender perk, "Ward of Dusk" creates a small version of the Ward of Dawn, that moves with the player. This is similar to cleansing using the relic during VoG. It is able to withstand a few hits or stay up for 5 seconds. It also applies whatever effect ward of dawn would. (ie. blessing armor or weapons of light) [/spoiler] Those were my ideas for special class weapons! I hope you guys liked my ideas, leave suggestions in the comments below as I will be updating this later with more fancy weapons. Lets get bungie to see this! Thanks Guys!!! Note: The abilities wouldn't have to use L1, that was just my first idea. I'm open to other suggestions for buttons The leak detailing the Comet expansion showed that 2 new weapon types would be added to Destiny. I think this is a great idea. Here are a few of my ideas for new weapon types that could add an interesting element into the game. Consumable Weapons- These would be short and long range weapons that could either be equipped into the secondary slot or given their own slot. They could be activated by holding Square (X on Xbox) or some other key. The player could only hold X amount, and more cannot be picked back up. The only way to get more, would be going to a specific vendor in the tower and crafting them. Different weapons would use different materials to create. This would also give veteran players a use for currently useless materials. These weapons could include- Throwing Knives Throwing Stars Molotov Cocktails Blow Gun (Could be poison, burning, etc) Small Tripmines They wouldn't have to be just offensive items. They could also be used for support- Medkit Potions Shield (Lasts for X hits or X seconds) Melee Weapons- These would be short range weapons. They could also have their own slot and could be equipped by hitting the right joystick (just like knifing in CoD and other FPS games). These weapons could include- Brass Knuckles Swords Axes Hammers Staff Club/Mace Spears What do you guys think? Comment ideas and suggestions below!

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  • Edited by tailwhip10: 3/29/2015 11:25:34 AM
    The gunslinger dual wield hand cannon is cool but you might want to add something like persicion kills recharge 50% of your throwing knife energy, or it could actually allow you to equip another handcannon but it would have to be an exotic handcannon like last word or thorn or hawkmoon. And on the hunter specialization neutral one the bladedancer upgrade should not have to do with persicion persicion is more of a gunslinger thing. And throwing knives for a consumable weapon is probably to much like a hunter gunslingers melee. Also wondering why the Titan neutral one is solar I like the idea of it changing based on your subclass damage type. Otherwise that is pretty cool.

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