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Edited by WolfsbaneXI: 5/9/2015 10:59:17 PM


Before you continue developing the second game to this series, i ask you to read and just listen to what i have to say. I am begging you. I just read the reddit post about the backbone of Destiny straight from an employee. I have a few things to say. But before i begin, i do realize that i don't know about everything that goes on. 1. First of all, why do you still need to have someone else publish/produce your games (Activision, Microsoft before them) if you are one of the highest grossing game development companies of all time? You can't afford to do that on your own? 2. Those "higher-ups" have screwed everything up. You should not have to listen to another company tell you how to make a game if YOU are the ones making it. Just because the big whigs tell you to cut something because it could be "bad for sales" doesn't mean you should! I'm pretty sure everyone wanted exactly what you started making. A HUGE sandbox MMO fantasy game with massive amounts of story. You listened to that half of people and look where it got you. I'm not saying ignore your superiors, but try to persuade them from their ways if you're able to. Bad business decisions can be made by anyone (including bosses). 3. I take it that Activision and anyone else who thought the same, wanted it this way because they have it in their heads that everyone wants an fps like call of duty. Because let's face it, that's where the money is. That's exactly it though, they don't care about what we really want, all they see are charts and dollar signs flying through the air. 4. Yes, this game made enormous amounts of money. But are people pleased? Yes and no. Some are like me who are okay with it (for the most part), and then others despise it because of multiple reasons. But think of what would have happened if you had stayed the course and made this game what it was meant to be. This community would still be a COMMUNITY, but instead it's nothing but trolls and haters creating every single freaking thread. You also would have made even more money because it would have lived up to the hype, thus leading to more people having the desire to buy expansions or turn them away from selling the game. That long-term decision of listening to the fools who said less is more may have even affected the sales of the next game! 5. Many of us would have been happy if you had made the game like the first gameplay reveal a year ago. I miss that certain feeling it gave me when i watched it. But now it's just dissapointment :/ For example seeing a ship drop someone off when they enter your game. C'mon, that was freakin great!!!! It was part of that reveal and then was cut. Which was dumb. 6. Which brings me to a similar point. At one time someone said that all of the land you see, which were the mountains and hills at the very beginning of the game, would be playable. It may not have been a Bungie employee, but this open world MMO sandbox shooter thing was exactly what many of us were thinking it would turn out to be. Like if the elder scrolls and mass effect had a child with fallout and halo being their grandparents. Just to make it clear, this is STILL what we want (from what i can tell). 7. If you have not read anything else then please, for the love of all that is holy, read this and [b]DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE WITH THE SECOND GAME[/b]. Forget what the bosses want and tell them it will make just as much money if not more (that is coming from a consumer). I trust Bungie as a developer to make a truly outstanding game that everyone loves and i believe you know what to do now that you can clearly see the feedback from some of the more critical players. I love you guys and i really hope you look at this because it's almost 5:10 and i'm very tired so this could have been for nothing. I've spent more time on this than i did most essays in highschool. I would also like to apologize if my feedback seemed unorganized. What has been written was every crude, unpolished thing that came to my mind. Edit: I realize that the "higher-ups" could have meant Bungie execs and not activision. So i apologize for that. Edit: Thank you all for the bumping. Keep'em coming and someone may take notice :D Edit: 500+!!! Thank you all for the support and mostly level-headed critisism Love, Christian Light

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