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Edited by K1LRR: 7/19/2015 11:30:34 PM

Are Higher K/D Players More Respected than Lower K/D Players?

How do you feel about the credibility of a higher K/D players vs a player with a lower K/D? Should a players opinions and views be respected the same regardless of their K/D? Why should K/D be an indication for you to take a player seriously or not? Should it matter? What are you views on the matter? Discuss.

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  • I play balanced and usually with a team of friends. 2 flag caps, 2 neutral (staying near capped flags and protecting/ helping cap, 2 damage dealers. Damage dealers dont even worry about flags they roam the map and kill. I play neutral protecting flags and capping. It works most of the time (key word most) and holds me at 1.0

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  • Someone with a K/D of .8 trying to tell those with a K/D of 2 what is good and bad in the game doesn't make much sense. The fact is some people are just bad, and their opinions are less reliable because they're less educated on the subject. Like saying blink shotgun isn't too strong because they "do fine" (.8) with it and think it's okay.

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  • Respect? Meh who cares. But I think in certain topics of discussions their opinions are more believed(if it's logical). I.e. You take a 3.8kd in pvp player saying the thorn is OP, do this and that. Well, he/she obviously plays it alot. But then there's more than KD... You go look their grimoire and you notice they don't have or even use a thorn(like 100 kills). Well, do you really take their opinion that serious? Another example, same said player thinks PoE is too easy... Well, do you care about their opinion? Probably not much because it's two different worlds.

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  • All you filthy casuals thinking K/D is something to judge people. K/D is [b]meaningless. Purely bragging rights.[/b] You get someone with triple my K/D against me, I'll guarantee I'll be just as good, if not better. Tired of seeing people talk about K/D as if it matters. Must all be new to FPSs.

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    7 Replies
    • I think experience is more important than skill. Like other users have said though, if you're taking about certain things it's worth a listen but not every person with good twitch reflexes and a shotgun can be counted on to make the best plan

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    • You know what I respect? People who play this game for fun without judging or afking on matchmaking activities.

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      1 Reply
      • I go 9-0 in Osiris every week. 3 times. I'm a very good player however, I also like to enjoy the game so sometimes I'll run like a No Land Beyond or something dumb and ruin my K/D. And then people don't take me seriously.

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      • If you're an adult, it doesn't matter. If you're a child, it's important.

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        2 Replies
        • K/D doesn't matter to me. Personally I hate using Thorn/Last Word/Red Death/etc. 24/7. I prefer just to use whatever gun I feel like.. No Land Beyond to troll friends. Necrochasm to troll friends. No guns only melee/grenade/super to troll friends. Still got 1.1 k/d after all the trolling is said and done. Try Hards do get butt hurt when you come them out on something and go straight to insulting my k/d as a counter argument. Too bad I went flawless with someone that also had 1.1 k/d and .8 k/d. [spoiler]K/D doesn't designate skill but only show who actually trys to maintain them.[/spoiler]

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        • Not necessarily respected more, but I give their opinion more credibility when it comes to certain types of discussion. For example, an attempt to analyze viable PvP builds from a competitive standpoint. They have a tendency to survive encounters, therefore they use what works. Its what turned me on to the ridiculous PoE sniper Ive been using

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        • Lol kd doesn't matter. I used to play competitive cod and I went to all the events before the game got shit and no body ever had a good kd. The only people with good kds are pub stompers who think they are good because they shit on new players, and people who are messing around with shit guns. But that's most people's philosophy even tho I remember numerous times when pub stompers wanted to face me and my team because they saw our piss poor kds.

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        • Edited by highlander1590: 7/20/2015 8:50:44 PM
          It should not really matter. All players have different game styles. Some play just to win and don't care what their K/D is and I include myself in that group. I take lots of chances and jump into places where I probably should not but I don't care if I get killed at all. I am just in it to have fun. I play a lot of Control and capture a lot of Zones every match and my k/d sucks. I look at the top players at the end of matches and most times they have 1 capture or maybe 2 . . . sometimes none. So it all depends on how you like to play. In addition nobody should really care if people think they are a good player of a bad one. Everybody paid there money to play and hopefully are enjoying the game.

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        • I don't get flak when I talk about pvp stuff. Everyone should be respected but a decent kdr is like troll repellent

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        • Edited by ThyGreatestFlame: 7/20/2015 8:44:06 PM
          If someome has a higher K/D in comparison it is a result of them doing something that keeps them getting kills and not dying as much as you are (not targeting anyone just a general statement). That means that as someone with a lower K/D generally speaking if you (again not targeting anyone) give any sort of advice, it is less credible than those from someone with a higher K/D, since you've died more. Strictly speaking. Obviously if you're not playing competitvely then that's a separate story. But this only relates to the crucible. I too have seen people mention K/D as a way to undermine other people's views and that is wrong. Views and opinion outside the crucible don't have anything to do with K/D. I suppose their argument is "you don't even know how to play well" but that too is wrong.

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        • Yes. You have mental deficiencies if you don't have a positive k/d. But people with a k/d over 2 just have a good internet connection. They aren't good.

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          6 Replies
          • You should definitely respect them both the same. Now when a person with zero raid completions starts crying for match making.... I get a little snooty... Since I used to... Be... One of those.... Ahem.... So I understand how large the pile of nonsense they are spewing is.

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          • In a game where each death makes the enemy close to victory, I'm pretty sure KD matters. If you say KD is nothing it probably just means you have a low KD, so you make up excuses to make yourselves feel better. Like "ohh I play objective," "ohh I don't play in a fireteam," etc etc. It doesn't matter what the hell you're doing, if you're dying you just straight up suck. No excuses. Its pretty common sense and logic but hey, I don't blame those brain dead people.

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            7 Replies
            • I think so.

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            • Yes K/D matters, but only to a certain extent. For example: I go in to a lot of games with No Land Beyond. Must I say more? Sniper in Hand - a Destiny Montage - Enjoy!:

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            • Well I let friends of mine who love PvP but dont have destiny to a little bit of jam hurts my k/d but I like watching love for destiny grow. Its a win/lose really lol

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            • No. Sometimes I get left behind on a control trying to cap. Then you have the guys who get a certain amount of kills and no deaths and leave the match. Cheaters.

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            • I hover around 1.0 and all my characters but i do it to change the pace or when banner comes in. This past iron banner though i wasnt as focused as previous ones. Ill do pvp with buddies when doing bounties but i hardly step foot in it till IB rolls around. Am I awesome at it? No...i get by. I have my crap matches where we are beat by 10k and other way around. Sometimes im just trying different guns out or class set ups to see what works.

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              3 Replies
              • Edited by BannedMythicAccount: 7/20/2015 5:23:36 PM
                Higher K/D players aren't respected on these boards. Lower K/D players always try to find an excuse like, 'oh you just camp' or 'you don't play the objective in control'. Lower K/D players who bash higher K/D players tend to have a higher ego and double standards. They don't care about stats yet they will refers to theirs in a positive light even if its bad. They always go by their best game and parade it around like thats their average play yet they always fail to account for their worse ones. They have no perception of consistency. They don't respect the opinion of a better player if it doesn't fit in line with their view of the game. Lower K/D players value 'honor' the idea of not using 'crutches' as it makes them feel 'dirty' and a false overconfidence of their in game impact when they think their k/d is lower because they are 'objective players'. Lower K/D players who lecture higher K/D players on how to play the game are the scum of this forum. Only because they're not willing to take in an insight that differs from them that is proven to work better [Hence K/D disparity]. Higher K/D players aren't always right, but when they're giving out advise and insight that differs from average players. People should respect that it comes from a place of strength in proven performance. Lower K/D players with high egos need to go. I'm not trying to promote elitism with higher k/d players but elitism stemming from lower k/d players make no sense and I have no respect for it at all.

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                8 Replies
                • It matters nothing to me at all having a high k/dr in pvp does not mean they are a better player or know the game better than anyone else ever. And no these forums should not ever be based upon who has the higher k/dr as to if their view or opinions matter at all.

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                • This is such a controversial topic that is pretty insignificant in the big picture but nevertheless there's no harm in talking about it. To me, it really all depends on how they got their KD but, unless they hacked or exploited a game mechanic, a high overall KD (3.0+) is still impressive regardless of how they achieved it. It's more about how impressive their KD is in relation to their usual playing condition. For example if someone is always in a group of above average players I expect their KD to be higher than usual because they have skilled teammates to back them up. Whereas if a player is always playing by themselves my standards for an impressive KD statistic is not as high. If the player is constantly playing with PvE friends then I also don't look too much at their KD because I know playing with your PvE friends can be difficult. I think KD should indicate that you should take them seriously. Players with a high KD, regardless of how they play, are trying to maintain it. Which means they're actually trying. People who work to maintain a high KD are naturally more skilled just because they actually are putting in effort every game. I used to play with people who are all literally Top 10 KD in the world, sometimes I still do. They all try hard every game, focused, and don't make too many mistakes. I can respect the player for putting in effort to improve not so much because their KD's are high.

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