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Edited by K1LRR: 7/19/2015 11:30:34 PM

Are Higher K/D Players More Respected than Lower K/D Players?

How do you feel about the credibility of a higher K/D players vs a player with a lower K/D? Should a players opinions and views be respected the same regardless of their K/D? Why should K/D be an indication for you to take a player seriously or not? Should it matter? What are you views on the matter? Discuss.

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  • This is such a controversial topic that is pretty insignificant in the big picture but nevertheless there's no harm in talking about it. To me, it really all depends on how they got their KD but, unless they hacked or exploited a game mechanic, a high overall KD (3.0+) is still impressive regardless of how they achieved it. It's more about how impressive their KD is in relation to their usual playing condition. For example if someone is always in a group of above average players I expect their KD to be higher than usual because they have skilled teammates to back them up. Whereas if a player is always playing by themselves my standards for an impressive KD statistic is not as high. If the player is constantly playing with PvE friends then I also don't look too much at their KD because I know playing with your PvE friends can be difficult. I think KD should indicate that you should take them seriously. Players with a high KD, regardless of how they play, are trying to maintain it. Which means they're actually trying. People who work to maintain a high KD are naturally more skilled just because they actually are putting in effort every game. I used to play with people who are all literally Top 10 KD in the world, sometimes I still do. They all try hard every game, focused, and don't make too many mistakes. I can respect the player for putting in effort to improve not so much because their KD's are high.

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  • Killing enemies outside Control Points is easy. Killing enemies off Control Points and Choke Points is a different thing. That is why the battle for "B" is crucial. No point after Capturing "A" and immediately go for "C" instead. It would just flip the spawn and "B" will always be theirs. My K/D is low cause I PTFO. I will always get outnumbered on "B" cause the rest of team are trying to be Slayers and not jumping on the Points. #PTFO

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by krazykid: 7/20/2015 5:46:05 PM
      K/D doesn't really matter or earn you respect. Who you are will. Quite often you'll find people with high K/D constantly bragging or thinking they are all high and mighty. A low person could be someone that completely sucks yet continually tries their best to do well, that'll earn them respect in my mind. Though a low person could also be someone that doesn't try and is just there to be carried through for marks. All depends on the player not the K/D Also K/D does not tell the full story. You could be constantly killed by thorn/shotguns/rocket launchers whilst you use a weaker primary, a sniper and a LMG, in most situations you will die. You could be on a bad team therefore will die a lot more than usual. You might pull out no land beyond (or just any new weapon but that one particularly) just to have a laugh and mess around.

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      • Edited by Druknbrod: 7/20/2015 7:18:34 PM
        i don't believe KD matters. If someone is helpful and friendly they have my respect and i put value on their opinion and thoughts. If a player is rude, annoying or unfriendly they're someone elses problem.

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      • My kd sucks...I played pvp to lvl up my characters from lvl 8 to roughly 18...I kept I'm much better now...

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      • Higher kd means less exposure to vagina, friends and real human interactions. That's not very respectable now is it?

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      • Yes. This goes for pretty much any competitive multiplayer games.

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      • KD does not matter. Ask anyone in ToO. That player that goes Clutch, when it's clutch time, is the best. I have watched K/D players protect their K/D likes it's their credit... and then they lose and b*tch like a baby. Clutch matters. My K/D is less than 0.8 and I have been to the lighthouse many times.

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        2 Replies
        • Unfortunately I've noticed connection matters more than anything, you can have 3 +1kds shooting someone and unable to even hit them due to choppiness...

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          • I don't care about kd. My aim is get a kill for every spawn I have if I do that I'm happy and I consider it a good game. I have had massive kd's and still lost matches. If I deleted my characters and started again like most people I would probably be 2 or above. I think I'm just an average pvp player.

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          • Edited by GiantTurtleWave: 7/20/2015 4:53:03 PM
            If you're k/D has been positive since the pre- Dark Below days then it should be considered. But if you just recently acquired a positive K/D during the rise of the Thorn, The Last Word, and far ranged Shotguns then it's not special. Just laugh at those people and move on.

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            4 Replies
            • I'm currently trying to get better with sniping because IMO it's the best option/strategy in PVP. I'm struggling to be consistent with it, when I start getting whipped I'll pull the shotty back out and go beast mode real quick. KD isn't always important...some kids know how to pick their battles well and camp. Others, like me, are aggressive which means a lot of deaths but also means a lot of kills thus giving you an average KD. In the end it's a video game and everyone's entitled to their opinion...ppl who take it too seriously mostly have tiny dicks lol

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            • Nope. Example? Shesmynerd.

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              • K/d means nothing.

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              • My KD is wrecked from sucking at crucible for so long. I'm way better now but whatever.

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                • Some of the best players in the game have rather "low" K/D's.

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                • I also play drunk an my brother plays on mine which hurts my kd but I play or fun

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                • To all the people saying they want respect for having a higher Kd that people, show me that you have at least a college degree and a well-paying job. Then I'll respect you.

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                  • Not personally to me. I play control. You can have a high KD in control but normally you aren't helping the team and are only helping your self. Not saying all people with high KDs in control are like that but I can't tell you how many times someone would snipe in the back of shores of time or on twilight gap. If b or c was going under. God forbid they'd have to move and possibly get killed. They'd sit there and let it get capped even if it was our last point all because they couldn't see it or didn't want to help out. Yea they'd have a 4 KD but I'd still lead them over points due to assist kills and caps. It's prob far different in clash, rumble and ToO. Clash though you can run into campers and if your team is bad enough they will have a ridiculous KD no matter how many times you neutralize them. ToO supposedly can be cheated so idk respected it'd held there. I'm personally aweful at it so I wouldn't have valuable input. I'm in the same boat as rumble. Not horrible at it but don't play it enough.

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                  • Edited by Wrath: 5/25/2015 1:38:43 PM
                    Players with high k/ds are better at the game, depends on if you respect someone for being good at something you also sink your own time into.

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                  • If your above 2 then normally no because they have never pulled out a necrochasm and used it they care too much about stats

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                    6 Replies
                    • K/D is always respected but every player deserves the same amount of respect.

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                    • Edited by TheCroatoan: 7/20/2015 9:01:10 PM
                      If you have a high K/D chances are usually a snobby player who t-bags.

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                      16 Replies
                      • Smoggypluto has my respect

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                      • My stats show horrible KD, that is because I like to mess around with different weapons (I don't want to just run Thorn and Party Crasher to have a high KD, I want to have fun), I also like to practice with weapons I am not good at, like right now I want to learn to snipe in PVP, my KD is going to take a hit trying to learn a new weapon. I also was not good at PVP when I first picked up Destiny (hadn't played a shooter since Reach in 2011 when I started back with Destiny), my KD has never recovered. On top of that Trials of Osiris can also knock down a KDR due to the high level of skill that most people in that game mode has, and the low amount of kill opportunities. I am now able to hold my own and can consistently get a higher then 1.0 K.D. but if anyone decided to judge me based on my stats I would never be able to party up with them. There are a lot of factors that go into a KDR.

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                      • Anytime I get tea bagged the person is holding a shot gun or a thorn.

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