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3/20/2015 8:09:22 AM
Much like many on these forums, I too was expecting the (as we were told by Bungie themselves) huge, and expansive story. I was also expecting this to be a next gen game. I was wrong on both accounts. The thing is, whenever I play this game I just see a style of gameplay that belongs back in the days when Bungie first came out with Halo. It offers nothing new that hasn't already been done before. I'm inclined to believe that Bungie had a great idea, got it all planned out and when it came time to implement them Activision stepped in and told them they had to cut the game up for DLC. I believe that the game couldn't be cut up in order to be sold to us without it ruining the flow. I believe that they could not find a way to cut any part of the game up without it ruining the experience and so Activision told them to re-write it so could be. This why I believe Bungie's original story writer left 12 months before the games release as he couldn't agree with how it was turning out. Because Bungie did what they did, and that everything that they were telling us in their vlogs was complete bullsh*t, and while they're under the umbrella off Activision, I can't continue support them. I'm playing the sh*t of the game because I was stupid enough to buy the limited edition pack. For what it cost me I am going to make sure I get as much out of it as possible. It'll be interesting to see how the follow up to it fares compared to the current version of the game. But that I will have to read about as I won't be buying it.

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