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Edited by dazarobbo: 3/18/2015 5:31:12 AM

A Roc please sir, hold the cheese.

Just finished playing some strikes from the Roc playlist and was amazed at the number of players cheesing certain sections. [i]Archon Priest[/i] Players sniping from the cliff or on the ketch while clearing the 3 waves of vex. Players sniping the boss from up on the cliff. [i]Nexus[/i] Players staying up on the ledge or in the cheesing spot during the boss fight. [i]Phogoth[/i] Players sniping from the shrieker room, never really being able to contribute seeing as how the rest of us have him aggro'd down the other end of the room. Why do people do this? Is it laziness, or just old-fashioned scrubbery? Funnily enough, these players usually finished with less than half as many kills, yet were consistently awarded the best loot. "Oh look, you got 33 kills, have a Mida Multi Tool". "What's that, sir? You were dead most of the strike? Legendary Engram". *Shakes fist at sky* "Curse you RNG! Curse you.

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  • Edited by dazarobbo: 3/18/2015 8:59:44 AM
    People who say it doesn't hurt the rest of the team obviously haven't been on the receiving end of all the enemies fire. All the while they just sit there firing 6 bullets every 30 seconds, well helpful...... Edit: not saying it's cheesing though, it's just a really slow method of completing under levelled strikes. If people want to do it when I'm striking, go ahead. I'll just go make a cup of tea and chill on my phone for 10 minutes.

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    24 Replies
    • I do those during the NF, but not for Vanguard Strikes.

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      • Hanging back during the three waves of Vex makes some sense, as you get a lot of smaller mobs and a lot of elite mobs that can still screw you over sometimes. The rest however is stupid as all it does is slow things down.

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      • Cheesing? Sniping stuff is cheesing now...huh...taking advantage of IB in a spot where the enemy cannot hit me...isnt that what you are supposed to do when sniping?! If im using a sniper, im definately staying where its safe Except the nexus, that upper area is not worth the hassle. Sniping from a safe spot is how sniping works, not everything is a cheese you know

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      • I'm still trying to figure out why the archon priest is locked up with a weapon and why we even let him out? Why not just push the whole cell into the lava crap behind him?

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      • I don't consider any of these cheeses, using a cliff to snipe enemies. It's a sniper rifle ffs. Long distance. People can play how they want to, deal with it. If you can't solo a roc strike at this point, you should give up

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      • I can't speak for the rest of that but I enjoy sniping from the cliff in archon priest run. It's fun to see how many I can one shit with my sniper. It's what snipers were built to do. I come down when I run out of bullets through and put the hurt on them with fatebringer.

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      • Your face when the person cheesin is the last guardian alive and you don't have to restart the mission because they played it safe

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        3 Replies
        • Some people have bounties for completing strikes without dying. It's no surprise that they take the safe route, considering that there's a bounty for completing 5 strikes with dying. This is the only reason I can see cheesing an easy strike.

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        • But cheesing is no fun. Running ahead and getting yourself killed because you're so reckless is more fun.

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        • Well, the nexus one is the only thing I do. Even then its not a big cheese, that minotaur has wiped my fireteam a ton.

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          • If you ain't cheesin', you ain't tryin'.

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          • Ppl Cheese On ROC strikes LOL I Just Run Kill Then at archon priest since the buff Double Shottie Engaged

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          • Edited by sola gratia: 3/19/2015 12:38:56 AM
            I can't seem to really understand the purpose of this thread. Are you mad at people sitting on a cliff and sniping or shotting from far away? Or are you upset with this game's garbage RNG? I'll answer both. 1. I sit on the cliff and snipe shit and shoot shit, I end up with the most kills 80% of the time, I always focus snipers to keep my team alive, that's why people do that, unless they're shitty, then message them and explain your feelings on why they suck. Or just call them a asshat, up to you. Sitting on a cliff and not jumping around like an idiot [b]is not cheesing[/b], that's like getting mad and calling someone a camper in Battlefield when they are sniping. Though, I do agree that sniping from the shreiker room on Phogoth when it's only RoC is pretty meaningless and wastes time and is just unenjoyable, but Archon Priest, using cliffs to snipe enemies and shoot them from afar is most definitely not cheesing. 2. If you play this game knowing it's RNG is obnoxious, then it's your fault for playing the game. You might as well get the mentality that everyone will get exotics except you, be pessimistic with the rewards system so you do not get annoyed with the conclusion of a nightfall.

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          • Best fun is shoulder charging people on top of the nexus. I actually sniped the priest from the cliff because that way i could finish him in 2 minutes with black hammer undisturbed.

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            2 Replies
            • I'll admit that I do cheese, but only on Nightfalls and some Heroics.

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            • Very few people do it in my experience. I just ignore them and find a different lobby at the end.

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            • I enjoy sitting up on the ledge sniping the 3 waves of enemies but once I run out of bullets I just jump down

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            • I never do this in Roc except the stay on top of nexus its so much faster. I always have more then double the kills of the others together. But thats cause i have done almost a thousand strikes and know them very well.

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            • Some Xmas noobs have not done it any other way. It's not that they intentionally bring the Gouda they just don't know any better. I was in crota last week they were like we are gonna cheese the bridge one across and warlock self Rez. I said it doesn't take much longer to get everyone across. Three said I've never done it legit. I don't even know how. Lol it's what these guys have been shown dude not their fault they are just ignorant or lack confidence to attempt to use any skill at this game

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              • i honestly do cheeses only during nightfalls and heroics because, well, a piece of me dies when my fireteam is sent back to orbit after wiping at the final boss.

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              • The only one I really have a problem with is pho goth. A mass amount of extra wizards etc spawn when people sit back in the shrieker room

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                5 Replies
                • That's annoying during Roc strike, I agree. Nightfall is a different story. Phogoth strike - if my team doesn't follow me into the chamber to use Blackhammer then I'm not trying...

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                • Thank you! It's not like the boss can one shot cross map you the second you spawn like in a nightfall. It's just a strike with a higher level and I don't see why anyone would cheese that.

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                • I never cheese, kill everyone and finish fast. but then again, I'm not a scrub.

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                  • An* /grammar police

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