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Edited by Kernel: 3/8/2015 4:35:21 PM

If there was a 4th class what would it be?

So, like I was wondering if we should have 4 char slots and everyone was all if there was a 4th class So any ideas Be as specific or as vague as you want Update idk if you guys put this but subclasses work too UPDATE Seems like trending classes are Engineer And A medic type I'm not saying they're the only ones but they seem to be the most posted Cool ideas :) UPDATE 3.5.15 Wow 850+ replies so many spectacular ideas :) [b]BUMP IDEAS YOU LIKE :)[/b] [b]GUIDELINE KINDA THING [/b] [spoiler] [i]TRY NOT TO HATE IDEAS YOU DONT LIKE EVERYONE HAS A UNIQUE WAY OF SEEING THINGS [/i] [/spoiler] [b]FUNNY AND RANDOM IDEAS ALSO WELCOMED LOL. [/b] So close to 1000 Only 2 more posts needed 1000+ :) 3.7-8.15 keep it up Made 3.3.15

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  • Druid. Wields a futuristic type staff that shoots Arc, Void, Solar, Kinetic type magic from it depending on what type of staff you are wielding.

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  • Class: Hive Knight Melee: Hive Knight shield. Last for 5.00 seconds. Blocks all incoming damage from a frontal attack. Grenade: 1: Void Grenade (Lasts 3.00 seconds) 2: Void Chain (Max chain of 5) 3: Void Trip Mine (Same radius as trip mine) Super: Spawns "Hive Knight" Sword in the users hand for a total of 20 seconds. Deals kinetic damage. Unable to harm Crota. Stats: Armor: High Recovery: Medium Agility: Low It may be uncreative, but it sounds as if it would be a fairly decent class after I put a little thought into how it could be set up. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

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    7 Replies
    • My guess would be some intense fallen vandal type guy. Dunno about abilities but I'd be down.

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    • Well, we already have our fantasy bases covered. We have the Warrior (Titan), Rogue (Hunter) and Mage (Warlock). Do we really need a third class? No one wants to play as a bloody cleric. A class like an engineer (which I would love to play as) wouldn't be in keeping with the fantasy inspired theme and would be easily exploited and difficult to balance.

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    • Edited by Underdog8274: 3/5/2015 10:57:54 PM
      The "Centurion" kinda a mix between all three: Wise/knowledgable like the Warlock, Tough like the titan, yet the Lone Wolf feel of a Hunter! :) Could be cool

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    • A space cat! They have nine lives and beat the crap out of everything with the supers off: Furball Fury and Birth Rage

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      • Some kind of healer class or pet class

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      • Edited by alegramo: 3/5/2015 2:19:46 PM
        A vex time controlling class like (still in dev) Super: timebreaker : a more powerfull version of the dimensional gap, larger AOE (very large) , lasts for 5 seconds, enemies inside cannot move or use any type of abilities (in PvP basically you cannot do anything aside from going to the menu or to the inventory) ( bosses and majors will only get slown down, still more effective then dimensional gap) Jump: a more powerfull version of blink, breaking apart the space time continium this jump creates a bridge between more universes allowing you to pass trough thin walls(the same walls that armor piercing on a sniper would pass trough). Grenade: dimensional gap: using vex's tecnology, this grenade generates a bubble that deforms time slowing down the speed of enemies and enemies' projectails that are inside of it for a small amount of time ( lasts for 3 secs,turning around is slower aswell) melee:sacrificing damage, this melee teleports you behind the target effected by it.( if there's a wall or anything that you shouldn't go trough behind the said target, you won't teleport and the ability won't be used.) skill tree abilities: -clockdown: timebreaker and dimensional gap last longer. (+2 secs) -inverse time: dimensional gap and timebreaker boost your speed while you are inside them. (+50 percent) -universe's expansion: dimensional gap and timebreaker have larger AOE. -clockwise: after using "melee ability" you will automatically turn 180° facing the target's shoulders with "slow down speed" i basically mean slow-motion. This is noy finished yet, i still have a lot to think of Hope you guys like what i came up with so far. edit:thanks for the likes and comments!

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        5 Replies
        • Jesus

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        • Cryptarchs.

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          • [b][i][u]Necromancer[/u][/i][/b]. Do with that what you will.

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          • A paladin class with a tank and healer subclass. Something like where if the healer throws grenades at team mates it heals them but also damages enemies nearby. Same would go for the super as well only it would deal massive healing. BUT there is also flaws with this type of set up too. I think if there ever was a new class it would be a cool one. And for tank I mean legit tank style. Someone who could soak up the hits and have significantly more armor and health than others. Also I think class specific weapons could come in handy too. Yw Bungie for the ideas.

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          • Assassin Warlock magic abilities Invisibility Agile

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          • I bet Bungie are thinking about this right now. My prediction is that The Fallen will be redeemed and rejoin with the light - thus becoming the fourth playable class.

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            3 Replies
            • Edited by Th3 JaBBeRWoCK: 3/5/2015 5:38:10 PM
              I think we need something to do with ice. Maybe not an entire new class, but a new Guardian ability/subclass. Maybe they could introduce it when we get to go to Titan or another cold Moon/Planet. I think it would be neat to have either ice projectiles (like the hunter throwing knife), a frag type grenade that contains ice shrapnel, or just freezing and smashing enemies.

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              2 Replies
              • I don't think we will ever see a medic class. If we ever get a new class it will come with a new damage type. I could see them coming up with like a green energy from thorn. Kind of a siphoning/death class maybe like a decoy super or something

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              • Box Supers: rain boxes Incognito Box All supers call a tactical nuke that ends the match.

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              • Take a page out of Borderlands and play as a low level character (cl4ptrp in borderlands). Either a thrall or a dreg.

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              • Edited by el GypsyKing: 3/5/2015 3:27:26 PM
                Forum poster [b]Subclass 1: Desticle[/b] Support class that gives exessive amounts of trivial buffs to teammates to the point where its annoying. However if there is a forum poster using forum poster's second subclass in the game, desticle always auto aims on them and shoots at them repeatedly (yes friendly fire is still off). Receives buff when subclasd 3 uses super. Buff raises dance speed and allows player to temporarily ignore SC2 [b] Sub 2: "THIS GAME BLOWS I QUIT!"[/b] Receives a temporary buff when quiting a game and rejoining called "attention seeker" Receives a small stackable debuff called "my fireteam sucks!" Every time a teamate dies, 3x stacks when you die. Debuff causes minor accuracy loss per stack. Much like desticle SC, this subclass will auto aim and fire on subclass 1 and subclass 3 when it finally comes out. [b]Subclass 3: Community manager[/b] Super is irrelivant forum update. It invites a random guardian none of the other players know to the game. Invited player cannot shoot or attack and can only dance. Players using SC 3 buff all SC1 players and ignore all other players in the fireteam, especially SC2. Community manager slows movement speed of all friendly players and buffs all aspects of enemies while in game.

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              • I would like to see a class that gives us a great number of skills and passive abilities that could really change the way we play. Oh wait it's destiny... Nevermind

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              • Maybe like a reflector class? And the subclass with it will be a medic type. Like in PvP if a Hunter threw a sticky grenade at you while your super is active, it'll fall off (not necessarily bounce off). And the medic one will be fast but strong, the super will be to increase your health a significant amount, and increase your revive speed greatly for situations in PvE when you're in a nightfall and your buddy just died surrounded by enemies. Last around seconds. I think that'll be cool

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              • The chosen one, it's a titan that can wear warlock armor and can wear a cloak self-rez striker that can go invisible

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              • Trapper by far the most technical class

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              • The 4th class would be the "traitor" where you get to be a Minotaur/captain/knight/colossus

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              • Homunculus

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                • "The turncoat". Play as a fallen captain! Yaay

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