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2/28/2015 8:10:45 PM

Xur, RNG and the science of earning

People say that buying from xur is not earning your item. Those people who say this will commonly say such things as 'I earned my <insert weapon/ armour>. Every body who purchased <insert weapon/ armour> didnt earn it and are scrubs. Let me translate this: [i]i am aware i earned my <insert weapon/ armour> via RNG and no skill was involved but now that others got lucky on xurs RNG, i wont look so special, people wont say 'wow look he has the <insert weapon/ armour>' and i am an insecure person. Im going to the forums to let out some stream and hope i can find others in the same situation as me. But ultimately i know i didnt earn shit because its all RNG [/i] ----- Because ultimately this is what xur is. An RNG. Just as you received yours in a random drop, so did others, only difference is that they used coins to pick from the RNG. You didnt earn <insert weapon/ armour> via xur or by random drops after strikes or chests. Both are RNG. Just as you can get carried in a raid to a chest without shooting and receive <insert weapon/ armour> from xur.. You can also go to xur on a friday and receive <insert weapon/ armour> via his rng. Facts only. I am unbias, both are ultimately RNG

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  • I got my ghorn today from normal crota. I ran sword. But I know it's not earned. The thorn, earned. Invective, earned. Bad juju, earned. But even then those weapons are lucky in the sense that getting the bounties you need to work through to get them are random drops. I hate people that can't stand not feeling like a snowflake or who have to have a superiority complex because they luckily got a weapon to drop before other people making them lesser players. I have double the play hours of one of my friends and spent roughly 7 hours farming for husk of the pit. Didn't get it. He gets it within 10 minutes of farming. I got it a little while later. But point being we both put in effort toward achieving the same goal. I put in exponentially more work though. Nothing in this game is really earned. It's all mathematically randomized. We are all, as a community, putting in work towards basically the same goals. But who receives the awards for the effort first isn't in order of who worked the hardest. I don't see why we can't just accept that we need each other to progress each other. I don't care how good you are. You wouldn't get to where you are without the people around you.

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