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2/19/2015 3:37:46 AM

Not All Guardians Are Created Equal [Ins. #3]

Bright green eyes stared up into the bright cyan optical sensors of the Exo before her. The way the facial plates moved, the hesitation was plain. He didn't think she could do it. Looking up to him she set her pale little jaw and squinted. " Ikora has a gun, and Cayde. I can shoot, just like they can." This caused Cayde to look down at her, a tilt to his head. Jadis looked from one Exo to the other, defiance lacing her stance. Ikora smiled and looked to Banshee-44. " You heard the girl, get her a gun." At this Banshee-44 shook his head and turned away, gathering a few parts and punching in a few keys on a glimmerprinting machine. He looked down at Jadis and held out his hand. " Would you hold out your hand?" The child she was she automatically gripped it, but her maturing brain urged her to refrain, so she instead turned her hand face up in his. He was...warm? Exos were made of parts, metal and rubber and plastillite, right? Exos... She furrowed her brows and a flash of memory hit her. Fires raged but it was dark here. A trio of lights and a warm voice, the largest pulsing in time with the words. Strong warm arms carrying her across a burnt landscape. Eager, scared and hungry... She squeezed her eyes shut and wrinkled her nose deeply in a grimace, taking her hand out of his and clenching it. Small sparks arced away from her closed fingers and she groaned. Ikora put a hand on her shoulder, jumping as arc energy set off the static of her robe with a crisp pop. " Are you ok?" Her bright amber eyes hooded with concern. Jadis touched her face with the hand she had recently unclenched. " Yes, im ok." She nodded and put her hand down. He did not speak but Cayde-6 looked down upon her with concern in his eyes as well, sure none of the others could see him as they were focused on the small Guardian. When she recovered he gained his dismissive air and sighed. Banshee-44 sighed and pulled away, entering more digits into the glimmerprinter. " It'll be about a day or so until this gun is ready, but i have a Scout Rifle i can tweak for her in the mean time." He said this even as he was doing it; fitting it with a smaller stock and adjusting a few parts on and in it. He handed Jadis the Scout Rifle an smirked. " Not my best work, but darn good. She can take this down to the testing range, fire off a couple of blanks and se what she thinks of it." He handed Ikora a clip and an ammo synthesis, smiling down at Jadis. " Young Lady, be careful with this ok?" He looked pointedly at the weapon in her hand. Nodding her head resolutely she gave a half smile that immediately reminded Ikora of Cayde-6; confident and ready for anything. Looking at him she saw a slight mirror of it on his face, before he noticed her looking at him and immediately looked away like nothing had transpired. Ikora shook her head and patted him on the back, smiling. " Well, you heard him. Go teach your Hunter how to Shoot." Ikora walked away from his metallic sputterings, Jadis looking expectantly up at him. Banshee-44 laughed once at the situation and turned back to his work, ignoring the indignant and pleading look he was given. Looking down at his new charge he sighed, touching his faceplate. Oh boy. ----------- He led her into the small walled in area, listening to the other Guardians firing at the holographic targets. These were used in place of actual materials to show the angle of entry and approximate damage done to internal organs. The most common holo was a Captain of The Fallen. Jadis stared interestedly at these, even as they were filled with bullets. The entry and exits were marked with bright red in the translucent blue of the holograms body. She watched a guardian in full armor approach the holo and begin to examine its, his, work. Was she going to do that? She looked to Cayde-6, who was heading into a small room. Following him she saw him draw a box up to a half wall, overlooking a range. Looking to her he pointed to the box. " Stand up there, aim at that dregs head and fire, pull the trigger." He stepped back and motioned to her with his hand. " Go on." She was hesitant as she climbed up onto the box, hefting the weapon onto the extended lip. She pointed the gun in the direction of the Holodreg and looked back to Cayde-6, who nodded. She held her breath and pulled the trigger, crying out as she felt the gun come back and strain her arms. She stood and shook for a second, until she felt Cayde-6's hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see him pointing ahead. Looking forward she saw a red rip, right through its shoulder. She had hit it!! Looking to him she saw him sigh, rubbing his faceplates again. Maybe he could make a marksman out of this kid afterall. Setting his shoulders he knelt beside her. " Ok. Put one hand here," He moved her left hand further up the weapon, and adjusted her finger on the trigger. Still beside her he pulled up the gun to her eye level. " And use the scope to zero in on what you want to hit. The x, where the lines cross, that it where your bullet will go. Align that with where you want to shoot, for the Fallen its always the head. Align those crosshairs. Lower that arm, relax your shoulder." He pressed on her at angles, rough but not enough to bruise. She followed his orders and blinked. " Now tense your finger and inhale. As you exhale, squeeze." She tensed her lower back, knowing it was going to push her backwards. Exhaling quickly she pulled the trigger, stumbling slightly as the round left. Dropping the gun to the lip she looked at her progress. A single dot, just below the eyeslit on the Dregs helmet. Cayde-6 looked down at her, his eyebrow plates furrowing. Impressive. Maybe she did have what it took to be a Guardian. He set his jaw motors. " Good, Again." Jadis sighed and lined up another shot. He needed to see [i]just how[/i] good she was. _______________________________________________________________________ OK, SO: Subscribe to #jadis to get immediate updates or PM me '#jadis' and i will put you on a mailing list. When i put out the next ins. i will pm you all and we can get our Jadis fix lol In The Next Installation: Jadis makes a name for herself and meets a new friend!

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  • This is really good! You're writing is amazing!! Just wondering, are you planning to do a time-skip kinda thing where she gets older after a while??

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