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8/2/2008 1:42:37 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 8/01/08

Look today is a Palindrome! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14994] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Onomi 1. make swat good, me and my brother invented it and played it alot, you guys put it on matchmaking and made it stupid, [/quote] wait, wait, you invented SWAT? The truth is revealed! The chosen one has been found! All hail...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] a 13ig 13oy Well then why does playing with a booster help so much more.. I mean the system should realize that they are not knew so it shouldn't level up the person playing with them faster?[/quote] All the system does is see that your a recruit with 0 xp. So your new, so therefore if you dominate some captains, of course your going to level so fast...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JeSTeR iZ BaK so even tho i hav my 50 in ts i will have to win another 600 more games to show general. I dont even want to play on my 50!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] No to become a TRUE GENERAL, you do what you ALWAYS HAVE! 50 Rank in a playlist, and 600 exp EARNED NORMALLY THROUGHOUT ALL WON GAMES!!! You DO NOT NEED to get 50 skill and 600 exp in the same playlist TO BECOME A TRUE GENERAL!!! Only if you want it in that playlist!

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  • this could actually be good because now u can speclise in one playlist and i dont no y generals are moning there still gona be geneals! they arnt losing there 50 its still there for god sake STOP MONING GENERALS UR STILL A GONNA BE A GENERAL!

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  • ok its nice that you guy/girls are doing somthing new on matchmaking. but there is a lot of things wrong with matchmaking or things that would make matchmaking much much cooler. 1. make swat good, me and my brother invented it and played it alot, you guys put it on matchmaking and made it stupid, with the 150 dam resistance you put on, the grenades dont even do anything so whats the point. ina side note about swat, ther isnt suppose to be any shields what so ever no resistance, just a br and pistol thats it. i unloaded a full clip into a guys skull didnt die, turned around and killed me. i see crud shots to when someone should have killed me and i should have been dead and already been spawning. 2. Zombies: your living end playlist sucks, zombies arent suppose to have shields and or cloak, then its invisable zombies, and that just sucks, even if we spartans have rockets we still cant see them. just make them like swat people and make them sorta fast and have only swords. put it on big maps like sandtrap with only one vehicle like a gause warthog so the zombies have a chance to kill the gunner. and make a safe house for the spartans. with only one heavy weapon with low ammo. so survival is neccesary. 3. why did you guys take out the hornets rockets on avalanche, its so ridiculous, you guys make somthing cool but slighlty more power full, then take it out half way, its stupid just make it optional in the custom game variant menu, to no missles, no heat seeking, or just reg missles. thats all you had to do. now it take me five min to TRY and kill a wraith, and by the time i get it pined down a guy with a rocket shows up and blows me to pieces. el stupido. 4. BRING BACK CLAN MATCH it was so cool, you have rid the world of halo 3 of mods and glitches. so whats the big deal. why havent you brought it back, bungie would get alot more players if there was somthing new but old into the field. > 1v1 clan representitives: so the highest ranked player in the clan is the representitve. > 4v4 clan slayer and objective >BTB Clan match: slayer and objective sorry if i was crabby but i only complain to make things better Onomi is my tag look me up and well talk.

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  • This new update for the ranking system has got to be officially the worst update. What about those people who worked hard to get a lvl 50 and what about those 5 star generals, their all going to go down to recruits. So now all those staff captains all those people that cant even get to lvl 30 will be a general? I think this was the worst update you guys have ever thought of. Now what is the point of playing halo when you see generals who are supposed to be unique players playing terrible and no longer feared, they will be going -15 kd spread and what was the point of getting a 50 without skill. This update took away the dignity from halo.

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  • Living Dead!!!!!!!!! I wuv u Bungie :D :D :D

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  • nice update. funny stuff. I loved the last question in particular. lolololoololol. I like the new aspect of the playlists. It sounds confusing as heck the first read through, but one just has to read through a few times; if not, just wait for it to come out. It'll make sense in time. God, the first time someone tried to explain semi-block schedule when our high school started using So i've been there before. as for all the whiny 10 year olds (aka generals who hate their developer) your general symbol isnt going away, neither is your 50. It's a stair-step effect. More complex. Complexity may be a difficult thing to grasp, but wait till you discover women. This will seem quite trivial, as it is to the rest of us. EDIT [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sheepdog136 not sure exactly is going on with MM but ill guess ill just find out[/quote] exactly! it'll make sense when we all get into it. Just play it cool and itll fall into place in time. no pressure, guys. [Edited on 08.02.2008 12:51 PM PDT]

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  • not sure exactly is going on with MM but ill guess ill just find out

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  • omg cant wait until whatever this mysterious "big" change(s) is(are) for this September! i like the new rank system as far as i can tell, i'd like to see it in action also the playlist updates are pleasing :)

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  • every nice update can not wait for Double EXP Weekends Legendary Brawl (Ranked) Grifball Team Snipers Living Dead

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  • Awesome! You took off Shwatguns! /sarcasm

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JeSTeR iZ BaK so even tho i hav my 50 in ts i will have to win another 600 more games to show general. I dont even want to play on my 50!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] Is it because you know you can't win 600 games and stay a 50? Seeing as that's a second account and all, I can't blame you. Boosting that exp must have been really hard in griffball. Play the game for competition if that's fun for you, but don't complain about having to win games at your true skill level.

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  • When you click on your Service Record, your highest Rank, and total experience will still be displayed, unchanged from current correct? Its just changing the pregame lobby look? "Q: OK, I’m really, really, really sorry that I filled my File Share with pictures of naked women. I won’t do it again. Can I have my File Share back please? A: lololololol" >:P

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] killallnite42 D1Mik AU2 is Auto Update 2 looks like u missed last nights weekly update thats all it means less type more space for all the crying people in halo. [/quote] tks ;) but "read between the lines"

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  • "yo bungie just punishe the player that put it on there not every one that has it . Thats not cool now i love halo and bungie but this is a like xterme . Now i love u guys but u r taking way to far people ."

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  • when dus the ranking change?

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  • Thanks for the update. Very Interesting. Can't wait until the update comes to see how this new rating system plays out. [Living Dead!! Yay! Finally. XD]

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  • lolz, prizes. I don't know anyone who was handed that one-way ticket to bansville, but i'll wait and see whose account mysteriously disappears from my friends list ...and unfortunately with boosting, the system does not recognize "new" accounts as being owned by an actual experienced player. they play with a friend who has a high rank so as to get in a match with higher-ranked players and level up faster. thats why i hate playing doubles now. hopefully AU2 will alleviate this [Edited on 08.02.2008 11:44 AM PDT]

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  • AU2 is so much better then finding out the new "halo Game cough cough luke (halo chronicles. Robins perch. oni)

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  • Well then why does playing with a booster help so much more.. I mean the system should realize that they are not knew so it shouldn't level up the person playing with them faster?

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  • so even tho i hav my 50 in ts i will have to win another 600 more games to show general. I dont even want to play on my 50!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] a 13ig 13oy A sixty niner... So a Brigadier playing against 3, 4, and 5 star generals (people who have as much as 4k more exp then they do) and winning doesn't seem like they are playing good? I mean that make sense... doesn't it?[/quote] No no no you dont get what im saying. When you start off with a brand spanking new account. The Halo system recognizes you as new. So if you start coming in a rapein the crap out of everyone and there so many ranks ahed of you. Your going to level much much faster, becauses it SEEMS like you are doing far beyond better than technically you were supposed to. Which is why all the new account spamming goes on...

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  • D1Mik AU2 is Auto Update 2 looks like u missed last nights weekly update thats all it means less type more space for all the crying people in halo. There pretty good but my three year old has the beat. hahahahaha IWANTMYJUICE.

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  • A sixty niner... So a Brigadier playing against 3, 4, and 5 star generals (people who have as much as 4k more exp then they do) and winning doesn't seem like they are playing good? I mean that make sense... doesn't it? [Edited on 08.02.2008 11:28 AM PDT]

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  • I'm excited about those playlist rank things. It's about time, I was beginning to think it would never happen... the number level just isn't enough.

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