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5/24/2012 2:59:54 AM

Master Chief Mk VI Helmet IRL

[quote] A ninja messaged me and told me to post this here once I finished, so here it is. :D[/quote] [url=]A stack of paper.... not much to see here.[/url] [url=]Just the front finished.[/url] [url=]Paper helmet[/url] [url=]is finished and [/url][url=]wearable.[/url] [url=]Started resining.[/url] [url=]About 70% done fiberglassing the inside.[/url] 4/27/2012: I have applied a 2nd coat of resin, doing the fiberglass on the inside tomorrow. I have also ordered [url=]this visor[/url], let's hope it fits. 4/28/2012: I did some of the [url=]inside fiberglassing.[/url] 5/1/2012: I put a coat of primer on the helmet and started to bondo to make it more smooth. [url=]Primer[/url] [url=]More primer[/url] [url=]Bondo[/url] [url=]More Bondo[/url] 5/2/2012: The visor came in! It's not in the helmet yet but here is some pictures of it. [url=]In the light.[/url] [url=]In the dark.[/url] *** 5/19/2012: I am nearly finished now, not much remains to be done and I'm shooting for Wednesday to be finished. I still want suggestions for the color I should paint it. [url=]Angled View[/url] [url=]Front View[/url] [url=]Top View[/url] [quote] [b]I AM DONE[/b] 5/23/2012: I AM DONE (for now at least). When I put the first coat of green paint on, the paint started cracking. This made me take off all of the paint, bondo, and liquid putty until my last coat of fiberglass (which was a lot of bondo and liquid putty). The project was due today, so I could not go back and re-do everything. There are dips and dents in the helmet, but I don't think that takes away from it much. I may do another helmet, I'm thinking a Recon helmet, and it will definitely look 100% better than this one. Stay tuned. Now for the obligatory pictures. :D [url=]Before the cracks.[/url] [url=]Disaster Strikes (cracking)[/url] [url=]Front View, after a swift recovery.[/url] [url=]Back[/url] [url=]Top[/url] [url=]Side[/url] [url=]Padding (real Spartans wear pink)[/url] And of course, everyone wanted to wear it. [url=]Friend[/url] [url=]Another Friend[/url] And a whole bunch of other people I didn't photograph. [/quote] [Edited on 05.24.2012 2:46 PM PDT]
#FanArt #Gallery

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