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7/21/2008 2:45:22 AM

Lord Snakie's EXTREMELY Famous Flood Foum Game!

As for us from the Dev team, we’d like to announce the… “rebirth” of the Flood Forum Games. Before, we tried to narrow the spectrum with rules and ignore the success we had with the second game. Which is why 3.0 was a bust. As such, we’re coming back with shortened rules, easier ideas, and [b]NO[/b] set alliances. This game is the “Fun Game”, a game devoid of all the entrapping, ensnaring, and just downright un-fun rules we tried to encorperate into the last game. [I]We worked on this for a LONG while… please bear with the length. We suggest that you read the entire thing, then go back and copy parts that you think would be useful to have at hand so you don’t have to look through it again.[/I] --- [b][u]Credit goes to[/b][/u]: -Lord Snakie, for making games 1 and 2, and for Lead Design and compilation of 3. Also for the compilation of this “Fun-Game”, game 4.0. -ODST27 for helping with pictures for the system, and for assistance on other, more mundane items. -The rest of the previous development teams and the development teams of BGG for their massive contributions! --- [b][u]Why we play[/u][/b]: Simple; everybody wants to kill everybody else! --- [b][u]How to play[/u][/b]: * Pick a faction and declare yourself * Narrate your actions * Join an Alliance (If you want to) * Fight for you (and your allies) to control the system --- [b][u]There are a few guidelines[/u][/b]: * Keep it reasonable; No fleets of obscenely large size without building them, no instant landings or takeoffs, no quick movements. Everything takes turns * No "Instant fleets"; Reinforcements can arrive, but it must be declared that they are inbound several turns before they arrive. The only ‘instant’ fleet you get is the one your armies bring with them at the beginning, and it should be fairly small. * A "turn" consists of one post. You cannot take two consecutive turns * Don't be a prick- When you loose ships and people, admit it and keep playing * Pay attention to other people’s posts and the rules *Make sure that you don’t just constantly build. Even if you are building within the rules, you can’t build fleets and buildings all the time. Think about when your resources would run out if this was real, and stop building one or the other at that point for a few turns. The entire point of this game is [b]realism[/b], and it’s only [I]real[/I] if there’s no infinite resources. --- [b][u]Story Plots[/u][/b]: Story Plots are new things that will pop up in the course of the story. They will offer rewards of ships, technology, and many other things. But be careful- some story plots are more dangerous than others to ignore. If ignored, the enemy could gain valuable technology or ships without having to fight for them at all. Story plots will be listed in the post under the current player/faction status post. --- [b][u]The Game’s Format[/u][/b]: The game should follow one, solid format so every one of us can keep track of what the enemy has. This is how it should be done ([b][I]PLEASE NOTE: You should check your post completely before you post it! Make sure you change out old messages and comments left strewn around your posts! The smaller it is, the faster and easier it is to work![/I][/b]): [b]Your faction[/b]: [b]Ships[/b]: [b]Ground units[/b]: [b]Buildings[/b]: (What buildings you've already built. Add different sub-titles, like Buildings-Asteroid Field as you expand, so people know your full defenses at every base. Doesn't include research/upgrades. Delete buildings as they are destroyed) (You start the game with a 1-bay Space Station. Please reflect that as your first building here, and look further below as to what the differences are in Space Stations) [b]Finished Research[/b]: (Finished research goes here. Make sure to [b][I]EXPLAIN WHAT IT DOES[/b][/I]) [b]Research[/b]: (Current Research) [b]Construction[/b]: (Current Construction) [b]Ground Movement[/b]: [b]Space movement[/b]: [b]Allies[/b]: [b]Enemies[/b]: [b]Message to all[/b]: (What you would like to flash around your solar system to all who see it.) --- [b][u]Rules for fighting[/u][/b]: 1. [b]War losses[/b]: When a war is being fought, all sides must accept the defeats. The winning and losing sides lose things. They must change their posts to orient around the fight, like change the fleet numbers to it. With this comes the responsibility of deducting the amount of losses from the total fleet. 2. [b]Fighting[/b]: You must declare what you attack and how. If you just say you attack something, then it could be with just infantry and it do nothing. You must say what attacks what, and you must either outnumber, outpower, or use a surprise or tactical approach to win. 3. [b]Boarding[/b]: When boarding, it takes 3 turns, with the exception of a larger-grade ship that would take longer (for conformation if one of your ships would have a longer boarding time, PM me and give me the specifications. In my reply, I will say yes or no and give you the amount of time it would take a slow-boarding (normal) faction to take it or a fast-boarding (Flood/Borg) faction to take it. If it is different than the norm, you will have to post those times next to the ship listed in your Ships bar in your post). For a normal takeover, it’s 1 to board, one to kill crew, one to learn to fly and take control, then the ship is yours. If you have a faction such as the Borg that can terraform ships and turn all of the crew into Borg at the same time, or the Flood which can attack much quicker and take the crew itself over, it would only take 2 turns. Make sure to PM me to confirm if your faction would take 3 or 2 turns to board a ship. 4. [b]WMD's[/b]: Superweapons may be used during warfare, but be careful of the losses, if anything of yours is engaging the enemy fleet that gets attacked, they get lost along with the enemy. Also, the Superweapon normally only destroys a large number, not the whole enemy fleet. Advanced WMD rules are down a bit more. 5. [b]Shields[/b]: Shields are automatically installed to ships and units based on what level of shielding you research. The shield can protect from anything except for a WMD or EMP. You must design better shields to protect against WMDs, and the only thing that would protect against EMP is a backup shield, which must also be researched. 6. [b]EMP[/b]: We all know that EMP, if used, will knock out a ship/vehicle. EMP uses a lot of power though, and you must research it. It is classified as a WMD, and the same advanced rules will apply. 7. [b]Equal turns[/b]: If you and an enemy are fighting, you cannot do a double post. You must wait at least until 1 other person has made a post, and then you can post again. You can only post twice without the enemy you are attacking responding. From that point on, you can post but not attack him. 8. [b]Base destruction[/b]: You must get through an orbital fleet and shielding before you can destroy an enemy base. If it comes this far and your enemy has you pinned without shields, beware! If your faction loses its only base, you lose the game and cannot re-enter as the same faction. This is why building 2-3 bases on separate planets would be a smart move. 9. [b]Victory[/b]: If you win a war, your opponent that lost (as long as he wasn’t destroyed) must pay whatever the two of you were fighting for (if you were). If you were not, by the terms of whatever treaty you come up with (the treaty must be posted when finished) you can get whatever was discussed there. Be careful with treaties, however. Time spent negotiating can turn into turns your enemy has to recuperate, and can make the agreement way less than perfect. 10. [b]Nemeses… become allies?[/b]: Sometimes, it will come down to ‘The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend’ logic. If one faction teams up with another under the table, the third will likely get obliterated. Be careful to not overly piss off one faction unless you have a plan. Better to keep one neutral than have one even trade with your enemy. 11. [b]Base Listing[/b]: Wherever you set up a base, space port, space station, asteroid mine, or anything that involves building and would be considered a ‘factory’ ‘space station’ or ‘base’ of any kind must be listed. Post the info under the ‘lists’ section in the suggested guide for posting. 12. [b]Bypassing Defenses[/b]: During an attack your ships can ignore the orbiting enemy fleets and go right for defensive structures or other things....but you will suffer an automatic 50% loss in ships and personnel. (If you have an odd number of something, round UP) 13. There is a limit of 8,000 units recruited per planet per turn. [Edited on 10.17.2008 9:44 AM PDT]
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  • Your faction: Protoss Ships: 1 Mothership 20 Carriers 5 Arbiters 10 Observers 50 Scouts Ground units: 300 Zealots 100 Dragoons 50 Templars 50 Dark Templars 10 Archons 10 Dark Archons (mind control unit) Buildings: 1 Bay Space Station Finished Research: Research: Enhanced Armor (3 turns) Ehanced Sheilding (10 turns) Ehanced Weapons (5 turns) Construction: Nexus (3 turns) 3 Pylon (1 turns) Gateway (4 turns) Ground Movement: Space movement: Allies: Enemies: Message to all: (i wish to allie with the colonials do you accept?) turns left: 4

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  • [b]Your faction[/b]:Colonials (Battlestar Galactica) [b]Ships[/b]: 100 Viper Mk Vs 25 Viper Mk VIIs 50 Combat Raptors 10 Cygnus-Class Firestars (Fast, light armament, small hangars, little protection) 5 Defender-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Strikestar-Class Battlestars (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Tiger-Class Battlestars (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 2 Columbia-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Mercury-Class Battlestars (Medium, heavy armament, medium hangars, massive protection) [b]Ground units[/b]: 1,000 Marines 150 Pilots 50 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) [b]Buildings[/b]: 2-bay Space Station Advanced base Basic Mines Basic Landing Zone [b]Finished Research[/b]: [b]Research[/b]: Total settlement procedures- 2 turns Shielding- 3 turns Maximum mining- 3 turns [b]Construction[/b]: 60-mile radius base- 3 turns Shielded base- 6 turns Advanced mines- 2 turns Advanced landing zone- 1 turn Cygnus-Class landing zone- 3 turns [b]Ground Movement[/b]: Colonials begin to upgrade their basic settlements on the planet. [b]Space movement[/b]: Scans of the disk-like object continue. 9 turns until complete analysis. [b]Allies[/b]: Vasari [b]Enemies[/b]: None [b]Message to all[/b]: Colonials accept. Welcome to the fold, Asari Bretheren! [i]Turns until I can be attacked: 3[/i]

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  • Your faction: Protoss Ships: 1 Mothership 20 Carriers 5 Arbiters 10 Observers 50 Scouts Ground units: 300 Zealots 100 Dragoons 50 Templars 50 Dark Templars 10 Archons 10 Dark Archons (mind control unit) Buildings: 1 Bay Space Station Finished Research: Research: Enhanced Armor (4 turns) Ehanced Sheilding (11 turns) Ehanced Weapons (6 turns) Construction: Nexus (4 turns) 3 Pylon (2 turns) Gateway (5 turns) Ground Movement: Space movement: Allies: Enemies: Message to all: (What you would like to flash around your solar system to all who see it.) turns left: 4 [Edited on 07.20.2008 6:56 PM PDT]

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  • Your faction: Vasari (Sins of a Solar Empire) Ships: 1 Kortul Devastator (Heavy battleships) 1 Jarrasul Evacuator (Worldships) 50 Skarovas Enforcers (Medium battleships) 10 Stilakus Subverters (Shield-weakening, ultra-precise ftl) 5 Jarun Migrators (Cityships) 25 Junsurak Sentinels (Anti-Fighter Escort) 10 Kanrak Assailants (Long-range combat) 10 Karrastra Destructors (Orbital-bombardment) 30 Jakara Navigators (Stealthed strike-team transport) 100 Ravasta Skirmishers (Light battleships)) All ships carry a compliment of fighters and bombers equivalent to their size. Ground units: NOTE: The Vasari are entirely space-based, and have no ground forces. That is why our starting navy is larger than most. Buildings: Finished Research: Research: Shielding (4) Shield Modulation (4) Phase Jump Technology (6) Phase Gates (9) Phase manipulation (4) Construction: Ground Movement: Space movement: Sending mining drones to search for resource deposits in belt 1 (2) Sending fleet to Planet 3 (4) Allies: Enemies: Base: In orbit of planet 3 Message to all: Alliance request accepted, colonials. We just need shelter! Turns left: 4 [Edited on 07.20.2008 7:01 PM PDT]

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  • [b] Faction: [/b] Necrons (of Warhammer 40K) [b] Ships: [/b] 1 Cairn-class Tombships (Battleships) 5 Scythe-class Harvest Ships (Cruisers) 15 Shroud-Class Cruisers (Anti-Fighter Cruiser) [b] Ground Units: [/b] 1 Necron Lord 500 Necron Warriors 250 Necron Immortals 2000 Scarabs in swarm [b] Buildings: [/b] Underground Catacomb Labyrinth Base under Planet 6 Crust [b] Research: [/b] Basic Necrodermis Metallurgy (armor) (2 turns) Basic Gauss Weaponry (2 turns) Basic Necron Shielding (2 turns) [b] Construction: [/b] Tomb Factory (basic Infantry production) (2 turns) Repair Sepulchre (building for mass-repairs) (2 turns) Mortuary Heavy Factory (vehicle production) (6 turns) Basic Gauss Defenses (4 turns) [b] Ground Movement: [/b] Construction of Catacomb Base under surface of Planet 6 [b] Space Movement: [/b] None [b] Allies: [/b] None [b] Enemies: [/b] None [b] Message to All: [/b] [b] Turns Until I Can Be Attacked: 5 [/b]

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  • tl;dr

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  • [b]Your faction[/b]:Colonials (Battlestar Galactica) [b]Ships[/b]: 100 Viper Mk Vs 25 Viper Mk VIIs 50 Combat Raptors 10 Cygnus-Class Firestars (Fast, light armament, small hangars, little protection) 5 Defender-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Strikestar-Class Battlestars (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Tiger-Class Battlestars (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 2 Columbia-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Mercury-Class Battlestars (Medium, heavy armament, medium hangars, massive protection) [b]Ground units[/b]: 1,000 Marines 150 Pilots 50 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) [b]Buildings[/b]: 1-bay Space Station Basic base [b]Finished Research[/b]: [b]Research[/b]: Advanced settlement procedures- 1 turn Total settlement procedures- 3 turns Shielding- 4 turns Advanced mining- 1 turn Maximum mining- 4 turns [b]Construction[/b]: 2-bay Space Station- 1 turn Advanced base- 1 turn 60-mile radius base- 4 turns Shielded base- 7 turns Basic mines- 1 turn Advanced mines- 3 turns Basic landing zone- 1 turn Advanced landing zone- 2 turns Cygnus-Class landing zone- 4 turns [b]Ground Movement[/b]: Colonials find the “promised land” and begin settling down and forming a perimeter to ward off Cylons on the third Planet. [b]Space movement[/b]: Scans of the disk-like object continue. 10 turns until complete analysis. [b]Allies[/b]: None [b]Enemies[/b]: None [b]Message to all[/b]: Vasari, we will shelter you if we may have your armies for alliance! [i]Turns until I can be attacked: 4[/i]

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  • I activate halo, destroy everything, I WIN!!!!

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  • Say what?

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  • THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE HIGHLANDER! Sorry for the inconvenience, move along.

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  • Your faction: Protoss Ships: 1 Mothership 20 Carriers 5 Arbiters 10 Observers 50 Scouts Ground units: 300 Zealots 100 Dragoons 50 Templars 50 Dark Templars 10 Archons 10 Dark Archons Buildings: 1 Bay Space Station Finished Research: Research: Enhanced Armor (5 turns) Ehanced Sheilding (12 turns) Ehanced Weapons (7 turns) Construction: Nexus (5 turns) Pylon (3 turns) Ground Movement: Space movement: Allies: Enemies: Message to all: (What you would like to flash around your solar system to all who see it.) turns left: 5 [Edited on 07.20.2008 6:53 PM PDT]

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  • I don't get whats going on here :/

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  • ???

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  • Your faction: Vasari (Sins of a Solar Empire) Ships: 1 Kortul Devastator 1 Jarrasul Evacuator 50 Skarovas Enforcers 10 Stilakus Subverters 5 Jarun Migrators 25 Junsurak Sentinels 10 Kanrak Assailants 10 Karrastra Devastators 30 Jakara Navigators 100 Ravasta Skirmishers Ground units: NOTE: The Vasari are entirely space-based, and have no ground forces. That is why our starting navy is larger than most. Buildings: Finished Research: Research: Shielding (5) Shield Modulation (5) Phase Jump Technology (7) Phase Gates (10) Phase manipulation (5) Construction: Ground Movement: Space movement: Sending mining drones to search for resource deposits in belt 1 (3) Allies: Enemies: Base: Searching... Message to all: We are the Vasari Exodus Fleet. We need a planet to operate from, and a faction willing to provide ground support. We, in turn, will put the full might of our fleet and defenses behind your endeavors. Turns left: 5 [Edited on 07.20.2008 6:48 PM PDT]

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  • [b] Faction: [/b] Necrons (of Warhammer 40K) [b] Ships: [/b] 1 Cairn-class Tombships (Battleships) 5 Scythe-class Harvest Ships (Cruisers) 15 Shroud-Class Cruisers (Anti-Fighter Cruiser) [b] Ground Units: [/b] 1 Necron Lord 500 Necron Warriors 250 Necron Immortals 2000 Scarabs in swarm [b] Buildings: [/b] Underground Catacomb Labyrinth Base under Planet 6 Crust [b] Research: [/b] Basic Necrodermis Metallurgy (all armor) (3 turns) Basic Gauss Weaponry (3 turns) Basic Necron Shielding (3 turns) [b] Construction: [/b] Tomb Factory (basic Infantry production) (3 turns) Repair Sepulchre (5 turns) Mortuary Heavy Factory (vehicle production) (7 turns) Basic Gauss Defenses (5 turns) [b] Ground Movement: [/b] Construction of Catacomb Base under surface of Planet 6 [b] Space Movement: [/b] None [b] Allies: [/b] None [b] Enemies: [/b] None [b] Message to All: [/b] [b] Turns Until I Can Be Attacked: 5 [/b]

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  • [b]Your faction[/b]:Colonials (Battlestar Galactica) [b]Ships[/b]: 100 Viper Mk Vs 25 Viper Mk VIIs 50 Combat Raptors 10 Cygnus-Class Firestars (Fast, light armament, small hangars, little protection) 5 Defender-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 5 Strikestar-Class Battlestars (Fast, medium armament, medium hangars, little protection) 5 Tiger-Class Battlestars (Medium, medium armament, medium hangars, medium protection) 2 Columbia-Class Battlestars (Slow, heavy armament, large hangars, massive protection) 1 Mercury-Class Battlestars (Medium, heavy armament, medium hangars, massive protection) [b]Ground units[/b]: 1,000 Marines 150 Pilots 50 R.A.Z.O.R.S. (heavily trained and armored marines) [b]Buildings[/b]: 1-bay Space Station [b]Finished Research[/b]: [b]Research[/b]: Basic settlement procedures- 1 turn Advanced settlement procedures- 2 turns Total settlement procedures- 4 turns Shielding- 5 turns Advanced mining- 2 turns Maximum mining- 5 turns [b]Construction[/b]: 2-bay Space Station- 2 turns Basic base- 1 turn Advanced base- 2 turns 60-mile radius base- 5 turns Shielded base- 8 turns Basic mines- 2 turns Advanced mines- 4 turns Basic landing zone- 2 turns Advanced landing zone- 3 turns Cygnus-Class landing zone- 5 turns [b]Ground Movement[/b]: Colonials find the “promised land” and begin settling down and forming a perimeter to ward off Cylons on the third Planet. [b]Space movement[/b]: Fleets stabilizes and enters orbit of Planet 3. Begins manning perimeter and scanning strange disk-like object. [b]Allies[/b]: None [b]Enemies[/b]: None [b]Message to all[/b]: The Colonials claim Planet 3 [i]Turns until I can be attacked: 5[/i] [Edited on 07.20.2008 6:48 PM PDT]

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  • [b]Factions participating in the game, their leader, their positions, and their alliance[/b]: *The Colonials (Battlestar Galactica, New Season) - Lord Snakie- Planet 3- No Allies *The Vasari (Sins of a Solar Empire) - WalkinBonfire- Planet 3 (orbit), Asteroid facility- Axis Entente *The Necrons (Warhammer 40k) - rst7503- Planet 6 (underground)- Axis Entente *Protoss (Starcraft) - Mastersniper_123- Planet 8- No Alliance *Rebel Aliens - A Dumb Door- Planet 2- No Alliance *Scrin (Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium) - Pyroshark- Planet 2- No Alliance *Human Space Mercenaries (Halo)- Jakebizzy 07- Asteroid Field 1- Hanchex Pact *Independance Day Aliens (Independance Day) - Cooley470- Planet 5- Hanchex Pact *UNSC- WaNaBeSnIpEr- Planet 1 Moon- Ofori *Galactic Empire (Star Wars) - Seargeant Matt- Planet 3- Axis Entente *TimeSplitters (TimeSplitters 2) - Eleventh Sniper- Planet 3- No Alliance *Tau (Warhammer 40k) - holme118- Planet 1 Moon- No Alliance *Locust (Gears of War) - Evil Spartan 96- Unknown Planet- No Alliance *Xenomorph Horde (Alien) - Swords and Scales- Planet 7, Planet 5- No Alliance *Goa'uld (Stargate-SG 1) - SpartanElite117- Unknown Plnaet- No Alliance *Mixed Races - UNDEAD- Planet 3- Hanchex Pact *Covenant Union- Fleet of Divine Salvation - Ninja 2000- Planet 4- Hanchex Pact *Colonist Expansion Corporation - II Hunt3r II- Planet 2 (soon-to-be)- Hanchex Pact *Star Trek: Voyager Era - SPARTAN CMDR 125- Planet 1's Inhabitable Moon- Hanchex Pact *Transversal Union (Group of allied species) - BK Burger Boy- Planet 4- Hanchex Pact *Human Traders- mysixe24hoof- Planet 3- Hanchex Pact *Orfoi- defcon11- Unknown Planet- UESC, UNSC *UESC (Marathon) - fingersticks123- Planet 2, Planet 1 Moon- Orfoi, UNSC *Geth Army (Mass Effect) - SilentScreams- Planet 2- No Alliance *The Flood - UnholyFurball382- Planet 3- Axis Entente *Sontarans - llamalizard- Planet 1 Moon- No Alliance *Scout Council – JaredPUNK_2007- Planet 1 Moon- No Alliance *Palini – PaladinKnight02- Drifting Space Colony- No Alliance *U.N. – LiquidNazgul42- Planet 4- No Alliance *The Random People - haloplayer2kill- 1st Asteroid Field- No Alliance *The Space Pirates (Metroid) - Attacaine- No Alliance [b]Current Story Plots[/b]: [i]NO CURRENT STORY PLOT![/i] [b]Battles[/b]: [b][u]Colonials/IDA[/u][/b]: [i]Colonial nuclear ship detonation over IDA planet 5. IDA took severe damage.[/i] [u][b]IDA/Cylon Mini-Faction[/b][/u]: [i]IDA took extreme damage from the Cylon Mini-Faction during an IDA assault. [Edited on 07.28.2008 11:50 PM PDT]

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  • [b][u]Advanced Rules:[/u][/b] [b]WMD restrictions[/b]: -You have a base -You have studied Nuclear fission and fusion -You have a very high level nuclear materials mine -You have stores of your particular ingredient of nuclear material Atomic weapons aren’t the only type of weapons that are WMDs. A WMD that is not an atomic weapon is judged by this- it is a WMD if it can take out more than 2 capital ships at once, or more than 1000 people at once. You must do the following before making one of these types of weapons: -Study that particular branch of Energy, Plasma, Magic, ETC -Produce something to channel the energy -Build up stores of energy -Produce the actual weapon (It should be noted that a WMD that is not an Atomic weapon can ONLY be made after base Atomic research is completed. That’s just a simple rule- a lot of these are more powerful than atomic weapons) [b]After this, I’ve also added 2 other variables[/b]: -You can only begin building a base atomic bomb. Upgrades to hydrogen bomb and so forth must be studied. -WMDs that are destroyed after one use do not have this effect. But WMDs that remain active, such as a ‘WMD Laser’ or something, do. There is an allowance of one ship/base per turn for a WMD to take out. Any more than that results in shutdown for the WMD for a time. (Number of ships destroyed-1=Number of turns inactive. OR- If a remain-active WMD takes down one ship, it can be used the turn after that. If it takes down 2, it can be active in 1 turn. If it takes down 3, it can be active in 2.) --- [b][u]IN ADDITION[/b][/u]: There is now a 5-turn period when newcomers cannot be attacked. This is so they can get settled. All new members should have a counter at the bottom of their posts that counts down each time they post. After 5 of their turns, they’re open to be attacked. --- [b][u]Your Battleground[/u][/b]: Your battleground is in a solar system with 4 inhabitable planets, three uninhabitable ones, several moons, and two asteroid fields. I will explain it here: [I][b]Uninhabitable Planet 1(also known as Planet 1)[/I][/b]: The planet closest to the Sun of this solar system is the uninhabitable planet. It is very hot, so you organics need advanced space suits to settle on it (these must be researched). It is relatively small, but has three moons. All of it’s moons are about the same size as it, except for a very small but habitable moon. It is very hot there also, but not lethally so.[url=]Planet 1 and it's moons[/url]. [I][b]Asteroid Field[/b][/I]: This asteroid field is located about halfway between the uninhabitable planet and the first habitable one. It’s a great place to hide, but the asteroids could very easily destroy, or be used to destroy, your equipment. [I][b]First Inhabitable Planet (Also known as Planet 2)[/b][/I]: The first inhabitable planet is a slight way away from the asteroid field. Temperatures here are mild, and it is one of the best planets to be on. It is made up of two great oceans, and about 35% landmass. It has one moon, which is uninhabitable but fairly large. [url=]Planet 2[/url] [I][b]Second Inhabitable Planet (also known as Planet 3)[/b][/I]: This planet could almost be a sister planet to planet 1; it’s only on a slightly different orbit. It is a bit further out, however, so it will be a bit colder here. It has several rivers running through it’s landmass, but only a small ocean. It’s about 60% landmass. It has two moons, one inhabitable but extremely cold, and one uninhabitable. [url=]Planet 3[/url] [b][I]The Halos[/b][/I]: When the Covenant took this system, they disarmed Alpha and Beta halo and put them into the orbit of planet two and three to show their power and holiness. The Covenant have since been wiped out from this system, but their Halos remain as a testament to how much power the combined Covenant held. Alpha orbits two, while Beta orbits three. (NOTE: The Halos DO NOT have the superweapon that kills all life.) [url=]A Halo[/url] [b][I]Second Asteroid Field[/b][/I]: This asteroid field is located directly behind Planet 3, and is filled with small asteroids, and only few are big enough to be settled upon. The Embassy Asteroid is located here. There are many relics of the past hidden in these asteroids, however, and perhaps some of them could be used to help your faction… [I][b]Embassy Asteroid[/b][/I]: The Embassy Asteroid is where all trading diplomacy takes place. Every faction has a non-military base here. It is also the location of the game's police, the Embassy Asteroid Port Authority. The asteroid cannot be attacked, and no military ships may enter its airspace. [I][b]Uninhabitable Planet 2 (Also known as Planet 4)[/b][/I]: This planet is a ball of rock, Icy and cold. It has little natural resources, but plentiful land. If this planet could be settled and held, it would be near-impossible for anybody to take it from them. [url=]Planet 4[/url] [b][I]Third Inhabitable Planet (also known as Planet 5)[/b][/I]: This planet never really gets above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and will remain an icy ball of dust. It is so small it’s normally overlooked. Ice suits will need to be researched to settle here. [url=]Planet 5[/url] [b][I]Fourth Inhabitable Planet (also known as Planet 6)[/b][/I]: This planet, through the use of greenhouse gasses, maintains an excellent balance, very similar to that of Earth. It could very well be the best planet to settle on. [url=]Planet 6[/url] [b][I]Uninhabitable Planet 3 (also known as Planet 7)[/b][/I]: This planet is basically an asteroid, but it isn’t in a belt and it orbits like a planet, so it’s called a planet. It’s rocky and bumpy like an asteroid, so maybe this planet would be best suited for tunneled, underground bases… [url=]Planet 7 (asteroid)[/url] [url=]Solar System Map as of 7/7/08.[/url]ODST27, in his infinite amazingness, has comprised all of the above images, and this system map.

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