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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
5/16/2012 1:56:35 AM

If a baseball and bat cost $110...

..and the bat is $100 more than the ball, how much does the ball cost? According to research, if you answered $10, then you're more inclined to be a person of faith. [quote]Your answer to the following riddle can predict whether you are a believer in religion or a disbeliever: Q: If a baseball and bat cost $110, and the bat costs $100 more than the ball, how much does the ball cost? A: If you answered $10 you are inclined to believe in religion. If you answered $5 you are inclined to disbelieve. Why? Because, according to new research reported in tomorrow's issue of the journal Science, the $10 answer indicates that you are an intuitive thinker, and the $5 answer indicates that you solve problems analytically, rather than following your gut instinct.[/quote][[url=]link[/url]] Thoughts?
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  • religous talk and debating are not allowed in this forum, please dont post this stuff again. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Philip J Fry [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Snake Plissken [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Chobo 66 Why do you guys hate God?[/quote] Know just what you mean. People will find just about any excuse to dress up religious discussion (like this thread) so they can get away with bashing it. [/quote] I'm not even going to dress it up. Religion is illogical. Religious texts are no different than books of fairy tales, but for grown ups. It doesn't teach logical, rational thinking. Talking snakes? Burning bushes? Parting entire seas? Millions of animals on a boat during a world-wide flood? Suuurre... I don't care if you're a person of faith; it doesn't bother me. You're more than welcome to practice your religious routines at home, and even in public. But as soon as you start stepping on the toes of others [namely those who aren't people of faith], it's a problem. Don't tell me I'm going to hell for not believing in your deity. That's like a hippie telling me he's going to punch me in my aura; it's not a threat. Even if there was a heaven and hell - if I have to behave a particular way in order to get in, it's flawed. You shouldn't be a good person because you want to go to heave. You should be a good person because it's the right thing to do for humanity. I wish more religious people would speak out against those people and groups who use religion as their foundation of hatred. I haven't met one LGBT person who goes to church anymore because nobody wants them, and they're more than willing to make them feel unwelcome. Isn't that the exact OPPOSITE of what the Bible teaches? I'm sick and tired of the blatant hypocrisy. [/quote]

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