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7/19/2008 1:26:55 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 7/18/08

It's Friday yet again! Hooray? [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14814] click for full story [/url]

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  • Nice update, was hoping for more info on the next game but atleast we know we'll be getting info on it soon.

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  • You do realise that Frank O'Connor no longer works for Bungie, right? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Spank Di Hos Wow, another lazy update, please replace Frank with some one who actually wants to work and not OVERTLY try to show off as a human thesaurus. Fail[/quote]

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  • Cool stuff again this week, guys! 1.3 Million Downloads.... makes it all worth while, right?

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  • Bungie are working on three games? Wowsers.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Spank Di Hos Wow, another lazy update, please replace Frank with some one who actually wants to work and not OVERTLY try to show off as a human thesaurus. Fail[/quote]Fail indeed... On your part. Frankie doesn't work at Bungie since about 4 months ago. Plus, there would have been more to write about if Microsoft hadn't canceled Bungie's announcement.

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  • "Rest assured, there are multiple machinations afoot at Bungie, one is so close you can feel its familiar warmth on your cheek while you sleep; another so far off and foreign that like a faint star in deep space, you can only look to the heavens as its light speeds ever closer. Lo, there is still another." That is some really good imagdery. Really good actually. I patiently await the light.

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  • Bungie is working on 3 games!? Or at least, 3 different projects...

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  • Dearest Bungie, First off, thanks for the update; it was a bone thrown to your carnivorous customers in a time when invertabrates dominate the entree menu. I came to the realization recently that you never specifically confirmed whether or not Microsoft is the publisher of this mystery project. I was wondering if you could do so under the undoubtedly draconian terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement that so recently muffled your notoriously mellifluous loquaciousness that would certainly have otherwise heralded the long-awaited coming of what will no doubt be none less than a digital messiah for your collective religious following.

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  • What I find so interesting about this mess is that Microsoft must have been on board until the last second. This leads me to believe that the idea they decided this anouncement would overshadow other E3 anouncements is incorrect. There were many rumors of a new motion Microsoft controller which many thought would be unveiled at E3 (even Nintendo who pushed forward their anouncment of motion plus). Is it possible that these two are connected? **Spoiler Alert** The anouncment was for Mister Chief's Energy Sword Wars 2

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cadillac Ferd lol, update. I like how 90% of it was just one big image. I'm still so amazingly pissed off about how Microsoft had the nerve to shut down Bungie's plans because they decided that there wasn't enough time in their presentation and that it would pull attention away from the games coming out later this year AND THEN they had the -blam!- nerve to completely pull the all the exciting suspenseful air out of their sails by announcing that Bungie is working on another Halo game. What the -blam!- guys, where did MS find these people to make these lame ass decisions? [/quote] If MS thought the announcement would take away attention from the other games, it's almost certain a very big announcement, isn't it?

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  • Thanks for sharing your feelings with us, your honesty is appreciated. I found my remedy in belief. Lets put it behind us, learn from it and believe in the teachings of those at Dagobo.

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  • [quote]Despite whatever eased into the ether regarding what we’re working on at Bungie, speculative hunches and guesswork certainly don’t tell the full tale. I’d go so far as to say these ramblings are barely even a Prologue, not even a Foreword to the storybook we’re putting together. Rest assured, there are multiple machinations afoot at Bungie, one is so close you can feel its familiar warmth on your cheek while you sleep; another so far off and foreign that like a faint star in deep space, you can only look to the heavens as its light speeds ever closer. Lo, there is still another.[/quote] Awesome. Thats all the update I need. And no thats not brown stuff on my nose. I'd rather not see any kind of teaser, I know that whatever is comeing, will come. Maybe everybody at bungie should have come together to make the bigest update ever,only to quench the thirst for more info a little longer. This ofcourse will prolong the production of a new bungie title! So great update bungie, I can wait for that Rad Thing. Meanwhile I,m going to play some more Halo. [i]Kill maim'N Destroy!![/i]

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  • bungie says theyre doin stuff at bungie studios and they say alot of things are in our near future but bungies definition of near future is a whole freakin season. theyre not doing anything to keep ppl playin halo 3. bungie is all happy about the cold storage downlaods but cold storage really blows. ppl download maps so they can play them but ppl wont wanna play them if it blows the first time they play it which is the case of what happened with cold storage. the gameplay sucks -blam!- and the forging licks nuts. people wanna make a cool map with forge but instead cold storage has corner walls intended for a map like foundry but instead on the tiny rooms of cold storage IT DOESNT WORK. it has cool teleporters but what are teleporters for? teleporting into another room but there arent rooms with enough space to customize to make the teleporter even worth while!! the only reason people downloaded cold storage was so they could see if its a good map or not and it isnt. another reason they downloaded it was so they could continue playing some playlists because bungies so -blam!- that they make you use up hella space on the harddrive so that you can play the freakin playlists that you want to play. halo 3s gameplay licks and the only good part in my opinion is forge because otherwise in matchmaking too many little kids are playing and you cant freakin get anything done with little kids who arent tactical at all and just jump into the middle of three people and get raped. the other team practically instantly wins and you have a little kid getting killed alot screaming at his teammates for help because hes so stupid to run into the whole other team without a plan. my point is matchmaking sucks because its hella hard to rank up and then you lose a match and you rank down like 3 ranks and its hard to rank up with little kids screamin at you.the only good forge maps are foundry and avelanche even with avelanches uneven ground except for hte ice patches. those are the only 2 worthwhile forging maps. BUNGIE PEOPLE ARENT MAD ABOUT NOT RELEASING ANYTHING AT E3 WERE MAD ABOUT BUNGIE NOT MAKING ANYTHING COOL SINCE FOUNDRY Sincerely & Truthfully Slai Ops

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  • Wow, another lazy update, please replace Frank with some one who actually wants to work and not OVERTLY try to show off as a human thesaurus. Fail

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  • how do u get RECON

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sillybingleton2 God damnit bungie. I understand it wasn't your fault that you didn't announce the new game or w.e, but can you please stop rubbing it in? This entire weekly update" was simply Luke telling us about how awesome it is and that we still aren't allowed to know what it is other than it's soooo cool and only he can know. -blam!-.[/quote] Well is that it..... You can't just tell us......... But you need a way to keep us playing Halo 3. whats the point of saying something and not telling us s**t. But everyone who is pissed and is tired of the crap whats the point of talking if they wont

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  • Also does anyone else see the web address... WWW.E32008THEMOVIE.LUKE ....ha!

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  • lukems does write beautifully doesn't he.

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  • God damnit bungie. I understand it wasn't your fault that you didn't announce the new game or w.e, but can you please stop rubbing it in? This entire weekly update" was simply Luke telling us about how awesome it is and that we still aren't allowed to know what it is other than it's soooo cool and only he can know. -blam!-.

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  • i bet its leia. the other oh wait wrong sci-fi

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  • I actually thought this was an interesting update, even though there was nothing new. Especially the part about the [I]other[/i] announcement. And the end, where one is close, and the other is far.

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  • Something tells me we'll never see those "Mermaid Ho -blam!-es".

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Icon 1067B [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Random Antihero ummm... Have you played Wideload's games? They're funny as hell, but the gameplay doesn't deliver. Go download the demo for 'Hail to the Chimp'... you'll have nightmares. But the WL symbol is there, so... hmmm... what could it mean?[/quote] I'd just like to see the band back together.[/quote] It could work. Imagine a Pimps @ Sea game with Wideload creating the funny and Bungie in charge of gameplay. Even though I'm a Halo fan, I was hoping the announcement was something outside the Halo universe. I want to see what they can do with a new IP... maybe even a new genre. [edit] I loved the humor of Stubbs (nice costume btw), but the gameplay just got too repetitive for me. [Edited on 07.18.2008 11:26 PM PDT]

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  • Dont ya get it guys, what happened at E3 and here on Bnet is like if you were watchin this hot chick teasing you and teasing you.You get all excited and right when shes about to show you her awesomeness in all its glory...the lights go out!!!!!!!!!!and you cant see S!@#T.You start yellin n screamin because you cant see anythin n obviously yer pissed, but dont be pissed at the hot chick (unless she did yer wiring) be pissed at the electric company for not doing their job.but think about it, maybe when the lights come back on the hot chick will already be on ya ;) n youll find that the wait was worth it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Random Antihero [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Icon 1067B My guess at the details of the update: [...] Hippo in bottom of Poster = Reunion with Wideload. I hope.[/quote] ummm... Have you played Wideload's games? They're funny as hell, but the gameplay doesn't deliver. Go download the demo for 'Hail to the Chimp'... you'll have nightmares. But the WL symbol is there, so... hmmm... what could it mean?[/quote] I'd just like to see the band back together. - Edit: I loved Stubbs the Zombie. Even made a [url=]Stubbs costume[/url] for a Zombie Party [Edited on 07.18.2008 11:17 PM PDT]

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  • Kinda a pointless update, but whatever. I wanna see more about the big changes coming to Halo 3. Because right now, Halo 3 isn't much worth playing anymore. Halo 2 still beats it by a longshot.

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