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7/19/2008 1:26:55 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 7/18/08

It's Friday yet again! Hooray? [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14814] click for full story [/url]

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  • halo 4

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  •'s not gone be k. I was hoping for a more insightful update but... i guess this does some work.

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  • thanks for putting the brown note picture in my head.

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  • As elegantly handled as we have come to expect from your trained hands, luke me boyo. All things considered, this week's WWU ended on a high note. Peace, -HalfthereVII

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Weebl Guys, some of you need to cut the fine people at bungie some slack, they are probably more bummed than us right now. They've planned for months to anounce something to make us, the fans, happy with happyness and joy, and instead its been yanked from both of us. Just remember, they've got the content for an extremely awesome update, but they cant talk, its like being forced to keep the best secret of your live, just not fair. Hey I totally agree with you. I know that when I find out something that NOBODY knows about, I just wanna go tell everyone about. I actually think they are more bummed. It truly is a unique feeling to know something no one else knows. anyway, thankyou for the update, i enjoy my friday filler of bungie, thankyou lukems, stosh, shishka and everyone else who make this community great. <3 Dr Weebl.[/quote]

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  • "I’d go so far as to say these ramblings are barely even a [U]Prologue[/u], not even a [U]Foreword[/U] to the storybook we’re putting together." Curious.... Why capitalize the letters? Maybe a Halo Prequel?

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  • Is it true that the new Halo game is a cross between Gears of War and Ghost Recon?

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  • The above comment is intended for the guy a couple pages back.

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  • You don't have atrocious grammar.

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  • Lol I tryed the URL on the picture ([url]HTTP://WWW.E32008THEMOVIE.LUKE[/url]) and it didn't work. Not that I thought that it would, I just would of laughed if it did. [Edited on 07.19.2008 3:36 PM PDT]

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  • yeah. like whats up with wideload studios being on the living the dream poster? mr. seropian's new development team involved? because then i might live a wet dream. lol

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  • i am actually totally chuffed with this weeks update. its awesome that we got one, and the teaser paragraph at the end is enough to get me thinking again. every time, i think i won't get wound up about these things, but damnit bungie know how to drop hints. props to bungie for actually caring at all about their fans, and making sure that the forums are always foaming at the mouths like rabid nerd-dogs.

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  • Well, if you all want more proof of the upcoming project go here, although it's just proof from the MIcrosoft VP whose info. could be completely wrong. LInks are below. This first link says that the new Halo will be first-person like GR. In this article there is wrong information corrected below. There is no proof of this that I can find as of now... These next links have correct information as far as correct information can go... The list link under comments read Kaerlis's comment. It is interesting. There's the proof of what Microsoft VP Mattrick has spoiled for everyone...even though we all knew that. I have actually never seen the Hippo Icon in Halo 2. Either I'm blind I"m guessing...or I"m blind....... HOT DANG! Why did MS have to ruin it! Beaner...what is the precurser? [Edited on 07.19.2008 2:51 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems We feel pretty confident that this piece of history would’ve been an awesome fit in an E3 Lineup; but we read on the Internet that sometimes there just isn't time to fit everything in.[/quote] -blam!- Microsoft, sons of -blam!-! -blam!- them with a -blam!- turkey -blam!- right up the -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- pony -blam!- -blam!- Pikachu -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- jelly sandwich!!!!!! [quote][b]lololololol by:[/b] lukems Maybe someday we’ll press a version of E3 2008: Livin’ The Dream™ on Blu-ray Laser Vision Disc.[/quote] lolololololol Btw, why is everybody here either completely going insane and blaming Bungie, or treating Bungie like a 3-year-old who had his Grunts-n-Cream ice cream stolen by some bully? They dont need to be babied...They ARE adults, ya know lol. -blam!- happens, let's just move on. So something cool is coming out soon, possibly the "major changes to the Halo 3 online experience" or a map pack. Something else is far but speeding closer. A game? And something completely unexpected is also in the works... By the way... Prologue=Precursors, Foreword=Forerunner???? [Edited on 07.20.2008 12:08 PM PDT]

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  • well. itll take more than that steamy heap of censored to get me to forgive you. i dont care if you had no power over it, you shouldnt have done it at the last second. you guys are ungrateful. not even an explanation.

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  • [b]Oh Bungie, you have been clever. I understand this whole E3 situation wasn't your call, but your weekly updates are something more than a treasure.[/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [quote]"One is so close you can feel its familiar warmth on your cheek while you sleep." [/quote] This is good news, my friends. [quote]"Another so far off and foreign that like a faint star in deep space, you can only look to the heavens as its light speeds ever closer."[/quote] The future will welcome your masterpiece with open arms [quote][i]"And lo, there is still another"[/i][/quote] And it came to pass that there was silence in heaven for the space of half an hour...

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  • I wish we had more images for use as the top story icons. Maybe sometime later though, eh?

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  • wat does lo mean can somebody message me and tell me its botherin me really bad cause of the little cliff hanger they put at the end of the update

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  • Ugh...maybe this is Microsoft's revenge on Bungie because Bungie left them... If anything, I hope their next new game comes out on the X-box 720 if that will be it's name. And Microsoft just had to make all-oopd- most gamers that play a 360 mad at them. Oh well, we might as well go jumping down the yellow-brick-road... Come On Mythic Map Pack!

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  • I thought this was the whole point of the split with Microsoft! You guys wanted to do you own damn thing. Then here comes the wonderful people at Microsoft to ruin the suspense that you guys like to keep your community deeply embroiled in. I don't know Bungie..... but I do know I will love whatever you guys are working on next. P.S. - I love the cryptic stuff at the end of the update Lukems!

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  • This update tops out the one that was supposed to be the [url=]Officially and Unoffically the worst update of all time[/url]

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  • Nothing on the Recon Challenge. Did anyone win?

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  • any one else find the last paragraph pretty interesting?? i think the wording was pretty funny....bungies gears are turning

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  • I wonder what it means my "Lo, there is another." Maybe another Spartan other then John 117 floating about in space.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cadillac Ferd they had the -blam!- nerve to completely pull the all the exciting suspenseful air out of their sails by announcing that Bungie is working on another Halo game. [/quote] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... What? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cadillac Ferd they had the -blam!- nerve to completely pull the all the exciting suspenseful air out of their sails by announcing that Bungie is working on another Halo game. [/quote] They did? when? where? Send me a message.

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  • Like many others on this thread, I just want to know what this "mysterious project is". It sounds too big to be a map pack. Halo 4? Probably not, Halo 3 hasn't even been around for a year. Perhaps it is a campaign expansion that will solve many unanswerd questions of the Halo universe. Also, remember Bungie announcing a possible comeback of the Marathon series? It will be nice to get this horrific burden off of my shoulders once this mystery is solved. [Edited on 07.19.2008 9:56 AM PDT]

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