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7/19/2008 1:26:55 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 7/18/08

It's Friday yet again! Hooray? [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14814] click for full story [/url]

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  • i lv bungie i wish i could work i lv desighning new things for any workers hereing this i would lv to work for u i like meeting good frends nt bad 1s for all the people as a member stay cool and have a great time playing halo and keep on rocking bungie inspired me 2 work there cuz desighning my thing ilv to think of ways to keep plaers having a great time playing so ya thanks a people remember we r cool [Edited on 08.14.2008 5:24 PM PDT]

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  • OMG think god

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  • why didn't bungie make flood grunts or jackals

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  • i'm getting tired of waiting for the halo movie, i've seen the first eight minutes on youtube, but that really didn't make me happy, oh, and the opening credits are like ten minutes long... [Edited on 08.03.2008 9:27 AM PDT]

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  • since when is a monkey/rhino ever cool lookin? and besides, the best update would be new campaign levels, but no... bungie couldn't do that because mc got lost in space, how are they going to even continue the saga? anyway, new weapons, new maps, new forge items, and new game variables. [Edited on 08.03.2008 9:24 AM PDT]

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  • not anymore...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Master Negi Ahhhhh...... what Brute? i dont see no Brute?[/quote] It's at the top, silly. ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉­ [Edited on 08.02.2008 7:22 PM PDT]

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  • Ahhhhh...... what Brute? i dont see no Brute?

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  • WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF That Brute looked soooooooooooooooooo cool [Edited on 08.01.2008 12:29 PM PDT]

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  • cool update

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  • And I am really sorry about the blam i didnt want it in the comment i didnt saw it i am really sorry...

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  • I also read a comment before that you will relase halo3 on blue ray for PS3.I think that this is not a good idea i have seen a lot of comments in a fake video on for a fake relase of halo 3 for ps3 and they werent good .There are comments like this ''I would dislike the PS3 if it got GALO GALO is the most over hyped -blam!- game ever!''and this '' hope it nevr goes on ps3 mgs4 all tha way only true gamers play that '' But Bungie dont worry about these comments espcecialy me i will play Halo 3 till my last breath...:))))

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  • Yes in my opinion i think this is the best update a brand new map from Halo combat evolved some new Gamer pics and themes....I think its cool.Also i think that Icy treats were the best too especialy the game Braaaains because of the feeling of the lights with the effect and you could see anything and the radar that you could see who is near you...Good Work Bungie Continue Like this...:):):):):)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] beener25 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BB rulz07 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sigmapi103 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shishka [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rye Br3ad I'm not disappointed, I'm bored with Bungie's nonsensical updates. I would prefer no update at all because of what they have been posting, lately. [/quote] It is, perhaps, unfortunate then that we hired the guy that forces you to come to the website and read the update every Friday at gunpoint. Our bad. =\[/quote] This comment really just pissed me off BIG TIME. You know we don't have to read it, buy the extra stuff, or even care about anything you have in coming the future. Nor do we have to play the game or buy the add-ons. Second, if you didn't read the updates or forums for example, people wouldn't know to use an Elite in Team Swat for its advantage. An advantage Bungie approved of. If Bungie does not have much at the time of Friday's publication, that's fine, but, you seemingly forget whose in charge here ultimately (and I don't mean these forums): The consumer. [/quote] CORRECT! I agree 100%, you guys should respect your fans more, mainly YOU Shishka![/quote] That doesn't give us the right to be pricks to them. The people at Bungie are PEOPLE after all...I doubt some of you would talk like this to Bungie employees if we were talking face to face.[/quote] Um, go back and read where he was quoted (hmmm... wonder why I can't find the actual posts...?). Forums are about opinions. I don't agree with you, but you've got the right to feel how you do. All I can do is try to show you a different perspective and let you judge it how you will. Rye Br3ad was not a prick to them. He dogged the update BFn'D. If you can't take criticism about it, you probably shouldn't be writing it. I'm pretty sure this is and not -blam!- Germany. Posts shouldn't magically disappear and people shouldn't be banned for no other offense than having a difference of opinion. This is a community and communities stand up for each other. I didn't necessarily agree with Rye Br3ads point of view about the post, but his voice was just as valuable to this site as yours or mine.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] beener25 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BB rulz07 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sigmapi103 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shishka [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rye Br3ad I'm not disappointed, I'm bored with Bungie's nonsensical updates. I would prefer no update at all because of what they have been posting, lately. [/quote] It is, perhaps, unfortunate then that we hired the guy that forces you to come to the website and read the update every Friday at gunpoint. Our bad. =\[/quote] This comment really just pissed me off BIG TIME. You know we don't have to read it, buy the extra stuff, or even care about anything you have in coming the future. Nor do we have to play the game or buy the add-ons. Second, if you didn't read the updates or forums for example, people wouldn't know to use an Elite in Team Swat for its advantage. An advantage Bungie approved of. If Bungie does not have much at the time of Friday's publication, that's fine, but, you seemingly forget whose in charge here ultimately (and I don't mean these forums): The consumer. [/quote] CORRECT! I agree 100%, you guys should respect your fans more, mainly YOU Shishka![/quote] That doesn't give us the right to be pricks to them. The people at Bungie are PEOPLE after all...I doubt some of you would talk like this to Bungie employees if we were talking face to face.[/quote] I completely agree the discussion should be civil. I disagree in the fact when they receive some negative feedback they reply in this fashion. Lets look at this realistically: Probably only 1/4 of the actual Halo players read the update. I have received answers I disagreed with from Bungie regarding the online play, but, I accept them. Mainly, because I am not a video game programmer and do not understand the challenges they face. I respect that. What I don't respect is when a Bungie employee insults someone for giving negative feedback. If you do not want the feedback, take down the forum. Personally, since the update didn't offer anything significant (or underlying it does, I'll wait for something official) that does not bother me. However, insulting your true fans will cost them in the end. I would love the opportunity to speak face to face or over the phone to Bungie employee. It would remain civil. [Edited on 07.24.2008 10:11 PM PDT]

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  • Wow! Another story of the horse and carrot, but the carrot is becoming forever rotten since its initial view. Well done bungie, in taking a diamond ( Halo Combat Evolved ) and polishing it's siblings into a bright turd. Everyone says to move forward, but you need to look to the past to regain the respect you once had. Ignorant fan-boys FLAME ON!!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] dundugh im guessing a PS3 version of Halo debuting. The Blu-ray talk kind of gives it away.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] StarShipTrooper7 blue-ray disc? guys u r not trying to say ure going to PS3? u better not! that wud suck man![/quote] He's just making a joke about M$....I hope

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BB rulz07 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sigmapi103 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shishka [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rye Br3ad I'm not disappointed, I'm bored with Bungie's nonsensical updates. I would prefer no update at all because of what they have been posting, lately. [/quote] It is, perhaps, unfortunate then that we hired the guy that forces you to come to the website and read the update every Friday at gunpoint. Our bad. =\[/quote] This comment really just pissed me off BIG TIME. You know we don't have to read it, buy the extra stuff, or even care about anything you have in coming the future. Nor do we have to play the game or buy the add-ons. Second, if you didn't read the updates or forums for example, people wouldn't know to use an Elite in Team Swat for its advantage. An advantage Bungie approved of. If Bungie does not have much at the time of Friday's publication, that's fine, but, you seemingly forget whose in charge here ultimately (and I don't mean these forums): The consumer. [/quote] CORRECT! I agree 100%, you guys should respect your fans more, mainly YOU Shishka![/quote] That doesn't give us the right to be pricks to them. The people at Bungie are PEOPLE after all...I doubt some of you would talk like this to Bungie employees if we were talking face to face. [Edited on 07.24.2008 3:10 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sigmapi103 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shishka [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rye Br3ad I'm not disappointed, I'm bored with Bungie's nonsensical updates. I would prefer no update at all because of what they have been posting, lately. [/quote] It is, perhaps, unfortunate then that we hired the guy that forces you to come to the website and read the update every Friday at gunpoint. Our bad. =\[/quote] This comment really just pissed me off BIG TIME. You know we don't have to read it, buy the extra stuff, or even care about anything you have in coming the future. Nor do we have to play the game or buy the add-ons. Second, if you didn't read the updates or forums for example, people wouldn't know to use an Elite in Team Swat for its advantage. An advantage Bungie approved of. If Bungie does not have much at the time of Friday's publication, that's fine, but, you seemingly forget whose in charge here ultimately (and I don't mean these forums): The consumer. [/quote] CORRECT! I agree 100%, you guys should respect your fans more, mainly YOU Shishka!

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  • hmmmmmmm familiar huh Halo is familiar n so is fps oh n another is so far away n foreign its like a faint star in deep space, hmmmm deep space, hmmm ppl now i ask u where is master chief right now, thats right in deep space so who knows maybe halo 4 we'll just have to wait n they'll probably keep giving us clues until the announcement

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  • They announced Halo2 a few months after Halo was released........just something to think about.....

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  • blue-ray disc? guys u r not trying to say ure going to PS3? u better not! that wud suck man!

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  • im guessing a PS3 version of Halo debuting. The Blu-ray talk kind of gives it away.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shishka [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rye Br3ad I'm not disappointed, I'm bored with Bungie's nonsensical updates. I would prefer no update at all because of what they have been posting, lately. [/quote] It is, perhaps, unfortunate then that we hired the guy that forces you to come to the website and read the update every Friday at gunpoint. Our bad. =\[/quote] This comment really just pissed me off BIG TIME. You know we don't have to read it, buy the extra stuff, or even care about anything you have in coming the future. Nor do we have to play the game or buy the add-ons. Second, if you didn't read the updates or forums for example, people wouldn't know to use an Elite in Team Swat for its advantage. An advantage Bungie approved of. If Bungie does not have much at the time of Friday's publication, that's fine, but, you seemingly forget whose in charge here ultimately (and I don't mean these forums): The consumer. [Edited on 07.23.2008 10:43 PM PDT]

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  • You can make a case either way when it comes to not showing bungie's project. From a business standpoint, it makes sense. Save the bungie bomb to counter a sony/nintendo surprise. From a business standpoint, this is stupid. Make it the final nail in the coffin for the PS3. The upcoming lineup with a bungie game would be all anyone would need to buy a 360.

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  • Indeed. You hit the nail on the head. More people like you we need.

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