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Edited by Fresh: 1/13/2015 5:09:52 PM

Engrams: Who's really to blame...?

Post Master/Master Rahool




The Neighbor's Dog










The End All, Be All Guide to accurately point the blame finger for your shi- wonderful engrams. Alas, another great day of Destiny awaits you. You've unknowingly, accumulated a few engrams throughout the week and now is the time to cash them in. But before you can embark on your journey to high hopes and even higher disappointments, there are a few things/people you may want to look at as the culprit to your [i]luck[/i] with engrams. Whatever your choices are, I'm sure the actual culprit behind your terrible engram luck ranges from all different directions. All we can do it pray to RNGesus and hope he doesn't laugh in our faces and give us another Ascendent Energy from that purple engram that you were [i]so[/i] sure would someway, somehow turn into an exotic. Pfft, who were you kidding. Anyway enjoy the poll! --------------------------------------------------- "Oh cool , forgot I had a few engrams" *heres whisper* [i]your efforts are futile guardian[/i] *looks around* "whatever" So you head on over to Master Rahool and are greeted with the usual "Guardian!" as if you believe he [i]really[/i] likes you. "Okay big money big money no whammy" *click click click* rust burner , knight type , tengu operant... *face palm* all that hard work for what? A few mats? Because they will definitely be dismantled. *sigh* now that you've be throughly disappointed again, who's to blame for this blasphemy? [b]Post Master/Master Rahool[/b] Of course it's their fault! Sneaky bastards are in cahoots with the Queen. Well is it really [i]my[/i] fault that I didn't want pink armor and didn't want to do your stupid bounties? [b]Kids/Siblings[/b] - You stupid little brat. Always telling on me when we were younger. Always getting me in trouble. It's was you! Treason in the house I say! TREASON! - Who knew gaming as a parent would be so hard? It's karma huh? I knew I shouldn't have given you ice cream for breakfast. I just was soo close to killing Crota and didn't have time to make you a proper meal. You don't understand sweetheart. Daddy/Mommy loves you but he/she has to make the big bad boss guy go away. Which means you have to...SUCK IT UP AND LET ME FINISH MY RAID BEFORE YOU CAN EAT REAL FOOD. okay? Love you *kiss on forehead* [b]The Neighbors Dog[/b] Because, why not? He's left you 10 [i]engrams[/i] of his own this week and you've vowed to the highest degree that you will vanquish this tyrannical foe once and for all. [b]Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/[/b] - Yep, it's their fault. You should have went to see Magic Mike with her 3 years ago like you promised. It only makes sense. Channing Tatum has forever cursed you and there is nothing you can do about it. - Wait, maybe Channing is only partial to blame. Maybe it's the fact that your wife/girlfriend's fault because she wants to catch up on 8 seasons of Grey's Anatomy and insists that she [i]has[/i] to watch it tonight, during your free time aka the raid aka the thing that she doesn't understand nor cares about. Now you and your poor bandwidth have to suffer as hordes of enemies stand still or teleport to and fro making you virtually useless. And to top it off , your friends hate you because their 6 man raid team is capped off with a useless lagger. [b]Work/School[/b] - It's definitely your jobs fault. You took vacation during the peak time when they really needed you. But who cares? The day you were scheduled to work, you picked up the raid helmet to complete your set. Well worth it Guardian, well worth it. - School. Frickin. Sucks. It's long , boring , and half the things you [i]learn[/i] won't even apply in the [i][b]real world[/b][/i]. Stupid finals. Stupid teachers/professors. Stupid under/upperclass men. Stupid stupid stupid. [b]Adults/Parents[/b] Oh just when we thought we were getting somewhere, here comes the curveball of the century. *que menacing intro music* [i]dun dun dunnnnn[/i] it's your parents fault. Yep. They've been trying to ruin your life since you can remember. The fun takers. Smile stealers. The freedom preventers. You're in fact still convinced they're Dementors from Harry Potter. [b]Military[/b] For all you 1%ers out there (myself included) It's the militaries fault! PT, you bastard! Sick call you knew I didn't need you but I really , [i]really[/i] [b][i]really[/i][/b] didn't want to get up this morning. Prepping for the week long FTX, getting yelled at by the CSM in front of the entire BN formation, being late for duty, AND forgetting your CAC card in the Barracks has just made this week suck more and more. If I could find my recruiter right now, ohhhh what I would have to tell him... Edit: I actually was a college student , was a service member , and am a parent/husband so much of these are actually from my personal experiences. And yes...the Magic Mike reference was true -__-

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