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originally posted in:907Warriors
9/20/2014 1:33:57 AM

Weapon damage vs impact

Advertisement - Join 907Warriors for biweekly game hints, tips, and tricks! ;) Question - why can I one hit an enemy with a sniper rifle but it takes half a clip with an auto when these guns have the same attack damage? Attack - Higher attack allows your weapons to damage higher-level opponents. This stat modifies the Impact stat when you are higher or lower level than your target (reducing or increasing damage). Impact - Increases the damage inflicted by each round. This stat is modified by Attack, your character level vs. the level of the target you are shooting at, the range of the target vs. your weapon's Range and the target's Defense. Ultimately there seems to be some confusion as to how these items blend and translate to in game kills. It's not as straight forward as looking at the attack number, seeing it's higher than your current weapon, and discarding your "underpowered" weapon. To some degree this number matters but next time you are ready to trade in the old for the new hang on to the old one for a bit to see if your shiny new toy levels enemies or seems a bit off even though the attack number is better. Additionally; Some weapons use different elements to inflict additional damage to an enemy's shields: Kinetic, Arc, Solar, and Void. The color of an enemy's shield represents which damage type it is vulnerable to. Any unique damage types that are not used against their respective shields will only inflict the default damage of the weapon.
#Weapon #damage

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