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4/10/2007 11:02:27 AM

Multiplayer Madness!

We reveal the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta release date, and let you see MP footage and more in our latest Vidoc.

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  • Nice! After many days not logging in here, I find this news awesome!

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  • Wow! -Blam!- and Woot! Before I continue I should say that I tried to read as much of this forum as I could however there are SO MANY STUPID COMMENTS IN THIS THREAD! that I lost patience and just had to post my thoughts, so please go easy on me with any flaming my post may or may not deserve. I watched the MP footage frame by frame and over and over because it looks so good (and that's only the Alpha build!) and I noticed a couple of things that got me really excited, I may be way out on some of these but bare with me. - Climbable ladders? (see the concept sketch for Highground) - Distance/ Elevation/ Wind on the sniper HUD, ergo affecting bullet trajectory? (see end of vid) - New gametype 'Escort'? (look over Lars Bakken' right shoulder while they're having a post play-test analysis and you will see a pre-game screen saying 'GAME: Escort, MAP: Warthog Inc.' I'm speculating here but I think this suggests a bodyguard/ protect the primary style of game which would make sense if I'm right about the following) - Warthog/ Mongoose friendly road map? (see above and I dont have a time index for it but when Chris Carney talks about scenarios that people will play over and over again there is a shot of a guy at a PC with 3 monitors, the monitor to his left shows a map that doesn't look like any of the 3 maps we've seen so far, it has a nice wide road and a warthog thereupon) Too much free time? Maybe, Well yes actually, I only wish I could render an image of the white board in the office which says 'Top Secret'. Sorry to Bungie if I've pointed out stuff they maybe didn't realise was in the vid and to Frankie, dude, you are so right about that waterfall. Ok, just noticed vidanalysis w/pics thread, [Edited on 04.11.2007 10:49 PM PDT]

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  • The new ViDoc was awesome. I can't wait to play Halo 3's Multiplayer! Watch out guys, p0wner is coming to town! rofl

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  • I noticed that the Master Chief doesn't actually shoot bullets out of his gun still and they come more of like out of his face. It's just so stupid in halo 2 that when you point a gun at someone's head when you're right in front of them with you're reticle, to them it doesn't look like you're pointing the gun at their head. This is kind of lame and I would appreciate it if this was corrected.

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  • TO *T SIZZLES* I have a life, a girlfriend, and I get laid on a regular basis... If, as you say anyone who posts in this forum has none of these things then why are you spending your time posting responses here? I think Bungie can do whatever they want with THEIR game, and we can influence their decisions by playing the beta, for which we should be grateful. Did any other major console video game designers recently make a public beta for a major video game? Why don't you STFU... and take your little fifteen year old "I -blam- my cousin and I liked it" attitude up your -blam- Oh... and PS, Bungie didn't make the new maps, Certain Affinity did (Shishka's new operation) So no ooohhh sooooo pwecious Halo thwee time was wasted muffin..... [Edited on 04.11.2007 8:13 PM PDT]

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  • Yes! Halo 3 will be sweet. I can't wait to be able to play it. And I'm sure the graphics will be very good, although I'm not too concerned with that unlike the Gears people might be :P. And that was awesome seeing that guy with the mini gun, and the trip mines will make for some interesting play. Halo 3 will definitely be different from all the others!

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  • So i dont think anyone has said anything about one thing in the Vidoc.... the fact that when you start shooting at an enemy... their call sign appears over their head so you know exactly who you are shooting at... i personally think that is freakin awesome.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DaJuDg3 Finally the update we've been waiting for. Sucks for me because my third boy is due on the 8th. I was hoping to get into the Beta before I have 3 kids. Then we get three weeks to play in the beta. Although I am excited for the beta I am a little let down that people who got in without crackdown don't get any extra consideration. I appreciate the opportunity to play with all of you Halo junkies. So the graphics are a let down to a lot of you? They aren't shock and awe graphics. They are considerably better than Halo 2, and if you've seen the multi-player video that should be obvious. [/quote] Wow..... do you not read... it is the ALPHA build... which means that the graphics are not NEAR what they are going to be for the final game... jeeze.....

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SuperPhish Sup peoples. The should make another video doc. about the characters that you are alowed to be during the actual multiplayer battles. And from watching the video about the bubble shield. I think it should be smaller like the one master chief uses on the stary night video. I don't mean to sound like i'm complaining. But I don't think it should move when you throw it on the ground. But the game looks awsome. Franky this is a question I want you to answer. In the actual gameplay will you be able to be a brute. Will there be superbounce glitches? And this is something that i think would be awsome. If you wouldent add invisible walls on this Halo.[/quote] You wont be able to play as a brute... one of bungie's employees said at an earlier date that it would be impossible for the consistancy of the game... the brute's do not have the shield systems that the master chief has or the elites... thats the only reason we are able to play as those characters... so there is no chance of us playing as a brute in halo 3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I Hitzel I Do you guys realize how lucky you are to be beta testing this game? A company as big as Bungie has more than enough people to test their game. We are not nessicary to test Halo 3, but Bungie is giving us a chance to play anyway. This is a privilege. .... And who the heck payed $80 for Crackdown? It was a $60 game, just like any other new release...[/quote] I completely agree... i mean.. at first i was like... "3 weeks... aw man!" but then after that i thought... hell im lucky to even be gettin the chance to play the game at all... i would have been happy with 3 days of playin it.... and also... 80 bucks for Crackdown... looks like you got ripped off

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BombProofPlane [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Subliminal [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Afinogenov at the 7 min 2 second mark I see an xbox 360 Elite!! Halo 3 will be in 1080P!!![/quote] I think thats just a dark regular xbox 360... and also... they probably DO use the elite becuase it has a bigger hard drive which tehrefore will allow more game recording [/quote] Thats a dev kit 360 they were black before the elite ever existed. Game recording takes next to no space at all its just like how replays are recorded in john madden or pgr it just takes a record of all the movements of each player and replays them over again.[/quote] Im not saying just playing it back after the game... i mean actually SAVING the recording... wasnt there something about being able to SAVE AND SEND 30 secs of video from a game?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Famke Lover behind one of the guys doing some talking is what seems to be a list of the new medals, which are the new ones?? is there a no scope medal etc... there are definately some new ones, like the one with a stop sign on it. clarification would be $exual. ta [/quote] I think the no-scope medal is the one in the bottom left or bottom right of the screen full of them. The one on the left has the red and white with the stripe which usually means something to do with "NO _____ " like a "no parking" sign... so i think maybe that may be the noscope function.... what yall think?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GuardianMasterX He isnt DEPLOYING it in the sense that he is setting up a stationary gun, he is using it just like any other weapon. So it would not seem to be an X button deployable item, as they are one use things, rather than a weapon to run around using. If he was DEPLOYING the turret, he would set it down and stand in one place while he used it. so basically hes just running around with a chaingun, rather than a turret....[/quote] Thank you.....

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  • Go twenty eight seconds into the video. There is a blue guy jumping with a mini gun! That is, on the 360 version of the video. My friend said the clip of the guy with the mini gun is at 24 seconds on the PC vidoc. Just look at the shadow for PROOF! [Edited on 04.11.2007 7:24 PM PDT]

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  • can anyone say TRIP MINES!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mandalore2 Woot! Great and all, but I was wondering... Could someone please explain to me why the bullets, energy blasts, ect. all seem to be coming out of the front of Masterchief's Head. It not that notiaceable but once you see it, you just can't stop looking at it.[/quote] It's like that in Halo 2 also, its something that gets annoying and Bungie needs to really fix it.

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  • The audio is just freaking awesome but remember the game is still not 100%. The graphics are great but in my opinion still have some to be desired. But hey its Bungie, their awesome and there's nowhere Halo 3 could go but up from now until the release date in November.

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  • Aight...I'm INSANELY AND RIDICULOUSLY stupid. I didn't feel like reading all 26 pages of posts so I thought it was a rumor. Feel free to bash me all you want. I still am perplexed at how the 360 is going to hold all that footage from the games. idk. They're genius', they'll figure it out. :)

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  • Woot! Great and all, but I was wondering... Could someone please explain to me why the bullets, energy blasts, ect. all seem to be coming out of the front of Masterchief's Head. It not that notiaceable but once you see it, you just can't stop looking at it. It also seems to be in Halo 2 as well so someone just explain this all to me. [Edited on 04.11.2007 6:39 PM PDT]

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  • Darn, Beta's going to REALY make the game SO much more strategy and not as much mindless killing (not that that's bad). Besides, sniping someone who is flying through the air is very much fun.

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  • LB is reload and pick up weapons in your left hand stupids

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  • Bungie people, I'm pretty sure you just confirmed my getting an XBox 360, (God-willing) and Halo 3 is un doubtably the only game I will play on it for a looong time. Possibly ever. So thank you. [Edited on 04.11.2007 6:00 PM PDT]

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  • I think i just quisnam'd in my pants watch this vidoc.... IM so excited

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  • Weird1 the people in the video even say that replaying is after the game so you can show your friends and brag. So stop saying it is in game because who would be stupid enough to let themselves be vulnerable to other people while you are looking at a replay. Your xbox saves it and you look at it AFTER the match is over NOT in-game AFTER. Just watch the video and listen to the Bungie employees who made the game say it is after the match. P.S. AFTER

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  • Finnaly! Actual gameplay!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WERD1 ...That wasn't confirmed. That was a leaked "rumour"; You know how those go. The "pause live motion" would probably be used either when someone dies (during respawn) or at anytime in the game. If the function is available for use at anytime, then it would mean that nothing actually pauses, the game is still going on when you start the slow-mo, so if you activate it in the middle of a fight, the fight would still be going on in real-time even though you're looking at the slow-motion playback...So nothing would really "pause". And the "pause live motion" function is done IN-GAME, not after. Could you imagine the memory cache your 360 would have to save to go back after the match is over and make everything slow motion? I still believe the "X-button" is used for the "slow-mo" and the "LB" button is to cycle through all your "grenades" like the bubble shield, trip mine, frags, and plasmas, etc.[/quote] So what Frankie, one of the many Bungie employee's and who is working on the game, says is "rumour"? Go to the Second page, and read the Second post, its Frankie and he tells you what the function of the "X" button is, TO DEPLOY EQUIPMENT, such as the Bubble shield, Trip Mine, and Portable grav lift. Seriously ppl, if you dont want to look like a complete jackass then read other ppl's posts AND especially Frankies. Secondly, THEY EVEN TELL YOUU IN THE VIDEO THAT, and I quote, "When you are DONE playing, as a group, the first thing you want to do is talk about it." and your theory about watching the replay in-game such as during a re-spawn......RE-SPAWN IS LIKE 5 SECONDS.

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