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12/12/2012 8:58:27 PM
I'm dissapointed in numerous aspects of how 343 developed halo 4. Most of critisisms are directed at the gameplay mechanics themselves (I'll save those for another thread because they left out/ or changed a ton) I personally blame traviss, for a lot of what is wrong with halo 4. Her depiction of halsey has been dedicated to -blam!- all over her. I mean she has straight up said she doesnt like halsey, which is why she has been getting so much grief in the new trilogy. Since Glasslands, characters keep harping on and on about MUH CHILDREN AND MUH MORALS!, how awful the spartan program was and that halsey was a war criminal. I mean holy -blam!- she has written so many forced scenes its terrible. Lucy punching halsey was cringe worthy, and in the Thursday war when Vaz seriously considered murdering Halsey out right was so forced I had to put the book down for a few minutes. augh Dont even get me started on the Spartan 4's Palmer is an atrocious character and the the S4's re the equivalent of fratboys in power armor compared to the silent professional soldiers the s2's and s3's were. And what the -blam!- is with the art direction? Why do the jackals look so generic, they lost most of their birdlike atributes and look more lizard than ever. And the grunts! Why dont they spout one liners any more, they just BEEP AND BOOP! Halo 1 2 and 3 had thousands of lines of dialog for the npc's and they were amazing. Halo 4 barely has any, they drained personality from the characters and turned them into generic NPC's. I dont even want to protect my marines anymore. Augh Im rambling now

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