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4/19/2011 8:21:03 PM

Discussion thread for the FAQ

[url=/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=59325140] FAQ[/url] It's been a long time coming, but this Community project has finally been made public! :D The purpose of this FAQ is to help newer and older members alike (but more so for newer members) by answering many commonly asked questions. Countless hours have gone into making this idea a reality, and it would never have been realized without the help of many individuals from the FAQ group. This thread is to discuss the FAQ, to help improve it, and to help with any additional questions users may have. Thanks and enjoy!!!! [Edited on 04.19.2011 12:43 PM PDT]

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  • Old topic - still doesn't make sense I have been a member of these forum almost 5 years now. I have wanted my login changed for over 3 years now. I have been largely inactive because it is unfair to ask me to make posts using and promoting my old clan's login tag. It doesn't make any logical sense that the forum admins would rather: 1. have me create multiple/duplicate accounts 2. have me refrain from participating on these forums ... than change my login? As an industry leader and a forum admin myself, I have too many other things liked to this LIVE ID to create a new login here. It would take me an inordinate amount of time to re-adjust all the other sites/games/accounts. I have been patient and have waited 3 years. I am only asking for a little preference / respect / deference as a member in good standing with many years behind me - am I worthy of a minute of forum admin time? Please, change my login to "hot chief DSO"? I am a founder of DSO Clan and will never be joining another clan, so this is a one time request. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

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