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1/10/2016 2:46:16 AM

Destiny: Traveler's Blight - A Fan Story

TL;DR and Full Story on Reddit using the link provided. What’s up guys? Never really posted anything substantive here but my buddy and I had an idea for a Destiny story and I thought I’d share it with fellow Guardians. In our longing to know what awaits us in Destiny 2, we go through various “what if?” scenarios. Here’s our favorite. Hope you guys enjoy it!: Begins with a cutscene You respond to a summons from the Speaker and arrive at the end of an argument between the Speaker and Cayde. You hear Cayde saying "I don't want any part of this. This whole thing is gonna get a lot of good Guardians killed!!". The conversation is cut short when the Speaker notices you and silences Cayde with a hand motion. insert witty Cayde quip. Cayde walks out of the room but not before he quickly whispers a channel frequency to you out of the Speaker’s earshot as he passes you by. The Speaker welcomes you and begins to congratulate you for all your accomplishments since your victory over the Heart of Darkness. He apologizes for not calling for you sooner to thank you for subduing Crota and his father Oryx. This request, however, is not about gratitude. "I must call upon your bravery yet again, Guardian." He tells you he is sending you on a very dangerous mission that the Vanguard do not agree with, but can only be entrusted to you. He wants you to go back to Saturn. He tells you that he has learned that there is vital information somewhere above or on the surface of the planet. Nobody has been there since the Golden Age and there is little to no information about Saturn since the collapse. You are noticeably confused but you continue to listen. He needs you to find out if there is a station on or somewhere near the surface and he needs you to retrieve it at any cost. This information could tip the scales in favor of the Light. You must leave immediately. End scene Cutscene 2 The next scene picks up with you in your ship on the way to Saturn. The ghost speaks of what little information about Saturn exists and says that he has never seen the Speaker so adamant. it must be important. The ghost goes on to tell you that the surface of the planet could be impossible to land on or traverse but there is a possibility it was terraformed during the Golden Age. You agree but wonder about Cayde and the argument you overheard. You tell the ghost to get a fix on the frequency Cayde gave you. The ghost tries but it's nothing but static. "Why would Cayde give you a frequency with nothing but noise on it?" the ghost asks. You can only respond that you don't know, but none of this feels right. Fade to black and then back in near Saturn You approach the surface of Saturn and the ghost tells you there is solid ground available to land on and the surface is navigable. You head to the station. Your ghost comments on various things you see along the way, filling in whatever information blanks it can from its archives. The remnants of Oryx's presence can be seen everywhere. A large scale battle seems to have taken place and the bodies of Hive, Fallen and Cabal are found everywhere. You find the station in total darkness. The ghost lights your way to the main area, blood and broken Cabal bodies everywhere, as if a failed defense was mounted. You find a control panel and the ghost accesses it to find the information the Speaker wants. The lights flicker and the ghost quips about the electrical system. The lights go on and the ghost exclaims that he's found the file. You can hear concern in his voice as he muses that this may not be the file they're after. The ghost stops mid sentence and says "We need to leave. Now." Do Ghosts feel fear? The lights go out. The lights flicker and you see movement in every flash. You're surrounded. The ghost exclaims that you need to escape. Active Action Sequence You begin to shoot your way out. It's the Vex and you're being overrun. You make your way back to your ship to find it unusable. With no way to go but back, you turn around to find Vex enemies approaching in great number. As they get close you begin to shoot but there's no end to them. Suddenly the ghost says that he's picking up a transmission on the frequency Cayde gave you. The voice is familiar but with all the static you can't make out who it is. As the Vex get closer a ship flies in over head and the voice becomes clear. It is a voice you have not heard in some time. “Move it!!” the voice yells. You board the ship. Cutscene 3 You find the mysterious exo Stranger from vanilla Destiny at the helm. She tells you to hold on and you begin to race through space. After you landed on Saturn, the vex put up a field around the planet that disabled the wormhole technology ships use to travel. The Stranger says we have to get out of the field in order to open up a wormhole. You fire off a barrage of questions at her ending with "And how did you find me??". You hear Cayde over the radio claiming responsibility for your rescue. His tone is tense and urgent. He tells you you're needed back at the tower, immediately. The tower is under attack. You ask from who or what but his response is cut short as the the signal fades. You ask the Stranger what's going on. She tells you it is not her place to explain and that the first priority is getting out of here. An intense Star Wars style chase ensues (I would love for this to be playable). Through some subterfuge you manage to escape your pursuers and open a worm-hole. The Stranger begins to tell you that what you are about to see will confuse you and that the answers are not all available right now. The ghost says it's about what he found back on Saturn. He says he needs to tell you something you won't believe but before he can begin, you arrive back on Earth. You are not prepared for what you see.... SEE THE REST ON REDDIT USING THE LINK PROVIDED. Too many characters to post it all here, unfortunately.

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