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Edited by I ST0RMTR00PER: 10/28/2015 10:26:48 PM

Bungie? Just why...

So eververse is supposed to be funding the future dlc, seems like a whole lot of wasted effort, all of these broken aspects to the game and what we get in response is Halloween in the tower ... Smh Bungie I fail to see how eververse is contributing, we have been time gated from most of our DLC content, with the DLC we paid for being withheld and released in a piecemeal sense. I understand time gating as a function, but withholding roughly half of the exotics so that you can spread them out to garner more interest is just what we were told wouldn't be the case anymore. I would rather purchase each DLC and have access to it than to get them for free and have the entire experience time gated and withheld from me. Edit - There seem to be many of you who are not understanding this post and are unnecessarily flaming it with baseless remarks, my issue here is with Bungie misleading the community, rng fixes not there, changing conditions, I could not care less about masks or consumables, it's about the fact that they made such a loud and widespread claim, only to fall ever so short. Nothing more nothing less. 2nd edit - moved to feedback, and fyi for those still trying to argue the benefits of eververse, we each have our opinion, no need to be rude about it. 3Rd edit - Anyone who knows how I can report a stalker and someone who threatened me please do advise.

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  • In response to third edit, I believe if you check out their profile there is a report option, or even on his posts I think you can report him, also I 100% agree what you are trying to get across, I think it's an absolute joke Bungie is wasting time n money on this useless event.

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    • Since you called me out, I will address this accusation. Oh wait, [b]you edited your original post yet again.[/b] You claimed(before you edited it) that I threatened/harrassed you. [i]I welcome your proof on that claim.[/i] You are the one who has repeatedly sworn at other players who disagreed with [b]your ever-evolving position.[/b] If you are referring to the PMs, you contacted me first. It's hard for me to harass you, [i]when you are the one who initiated contact.[/i] You have had 3 points to this post: 1. Bungie lied about micro transactions being just cosmetic.(when that was refuted you moved to...) 2. Bungie lied about micro transactions not being consumables.(when that was refuted you moved to...) 3. Eververse funding future DLC even though most of the DLC is time gated, and that you would prefer all DLC content to be available as soon as it is released. Evidence of point #1(before you edited it) [b]that Bungie lied about micro transactions being just cosmetic:[/b] [url=][quote]Lol 360 doesn't get that option, Bungie will keep making more and more sources or wastes of silver. [b]You can bypass all those quests and grinding with cash, that is beyond cosmetic, which is what we were promised[/b][/quote][/url] More evidence of point #1[url=][quote]It's about the fact that they lied, they deceived the entire community for profit. I couldn't care less about the masks, it's the principle, they shouldn't have made such an adamant and wide spread promise then[/quote][/url] And one more for kicks (point #1)[url=][quote]Thanks for the unwarranted insult. You sir are the moron though, insulting someones stance without understanding it is inept as it is tactless and ignorant. [b]I soeak only to the fact that Bungie lied and misled us. They promised tess would only ever provide cosmetics only, they crossed that line, that is my issue, no matter how you attempt to defend Bungie, they lied to us[/b][/quote][/url] Except that they did not lie or deceive us about micro transactions. What we were actually told directly from Bungie:[url=][quote]"We’ve not announced anything on the microtransaction front but our goal is to absolutely make sure that when we deliver a game for $60 that’s a great experience no matter what type of player you are," he said. "So we’re not looking at any pay-for-power type stuff. That’s what I hear as a player when people say they’re worried about models and schemes that nickel and dime people; we’re not going to do that."[/quote][/url]There is no mention of avoiding the grind with cash. Just that they wouldn't go pay to win with micro transactions. Another post of yours referring to point 1[url=][quote]I thank you for your less than educated reply, [b]my issue is with Bungie lying to us about the implementation of Eververse.[/b] The moment they implemented this they went back on their word, point blank. [b]That is my only issue and one that they should consider,[/b] your angst towards me is unwarranted as you don't understand the point of this forum, if you wish to participate do so factually without baseless insults and uneducated ignorant responses. Thank you for your participation.[/quote][/url] After that you changed your song to take issue with Bungie lying about consumables(point #2)[url=][quote][b]Dude, they posted that tess won't do consumables, that's all.[/b] You are beyond ignorant and muted as well, I have asked you nicely multiple times to stop messaging and stalking me, it is becoming increasingly creepy of you. The saddest part is you started this blind dead run on an incorrect assumption, [b]I literally said in the post that I don't care about the consumables.[/b] Please leave me alone now, this is the FIFTH time that I'm politely asking you to stop stalking me.[/quote][/url] For the record, my incorrect assumption was commenting on your original post regarding Bungie lying about consumables(point #2) that I refuted with the Luke Smith tweet(see the source below). It's not my fault that you keep editing your original post to hide the fact that you are wrong. Another post about point #2: [url=][quote]The consumables are, as you stated, not going to give anyone an advantage. Its just the first step in my opinion, yes it's not hurting anyone or the game as of now, but when the first new bit of eververse comes around [b]it magically had something in it that Bungie told us could not be, that's where my issue is with them.[/b] I thoroughly enjoy destiny and am all for having some extra fun and personalization in game, I just don't wish to see a track record of fudged truths leading us into a pay to play/win situation[/quote][/url] See my refute of this claim with both links I provided one above, and one below[url=][quote] Edit- source was planetdestiny for the person asking for the page I found[/quote][/url]I'm still waiting for the link to that article, not just a website I refuted your issue with consumables with the Luke Smith tweet: [url=][quote]We aren't (nor are we planning) on selling consumables [b]that buff King's Fall drop rates[/b] for Silver.[/quote][/url] They never said they would never sell consumables, they merely said they wouldn't sell consumables [b]that buff King's Fall drop rates[/b] Finally:[url=][quote]That's cool that's your opinion, it is a whole different thing than Bungie promised though,[b] I just would live if they could be honest about things instead of all deception and lies[/b][/quote][/url] [url=]I wish you would follow your own advice[/url].

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      5 Replies
      • Don't be cheep. The silver is only 20 bucks. And I was able to get almost all the masks. This is smart bungie. Don't listen to this guy. GREAT IDEA. KEEP EM COMING

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        • I think you may find that the microtransactions are not for free "DLC" they are for little events like this and missions like the sleeper simulant. Have a look at the wording bungie used about microtransactions.

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        • Dude you're being creepy. Stop posting really weird creepy stuff. Creep.

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        • It's likely they were planning this Festival of the Lost or whatever it is months ago. They weren't going to delay it or omit it entirely because there are still other, mostly foundational fixes that need to be made still. This is supposed to be fun, and if you want to buy another emote (through the purchase of silver, obviously) you can. This was probably on Bungie's calendar months ago. Stuff like weapon, armor and engram drops, rewards, etc needs to pass through the sieve that is the community. It's weird that we are the Guinea pigs for this, but with hundreds of thousands of hours played we have that advantage over Bungie testers. But something like Eververse is pretty cut and dry: offer a product and see what happens. We'll either buy it or we won't! All seriousness aside, I bought the scary emote because it's so stupid that it makes me laugh. Nothing like cranking that bad boy out in the middle of a raid or strike and hearing everyone bust up laughing.

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        • The glimmer bonus you are so butthurt over Is obtainable without actually buying anything. Your argument is invalid. Goodbye. Muted because you're just looking for attention.

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          • Edited by Mustanger: 10/27/2015 11:31:04 PM
            Wrong place, move to #feedback.

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            • Edited by WoofinAintEazy: 10/27/2015 3:39:56 PM
              [quote]Greedy, deceptive, and low[/quote] Give me a break. How you ended your OP makes you seem overly sensitive. Sorry Bungie personally upset you, but judging from the replies you're on your own here.

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              • Who gives a -blam!- about a DANCE ! I'm sticking to my old shit and thats that. If you think your getting a free dlc for buying emotes WRONG YA AINT !!!

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              • You realize that true pay2win has to give you a considerable edge that you can't obtain in game by normal means. None of the stuff Bungie is selling gives you any edge whatsoever.

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                • What did they do to be "pay to win"? None of the packages give an advantage over ppl who don't buy silver...

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                  • It IS just cosmetic and doesnt give you an edge

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                    2 Replies
                    • Hey, In no way are you being hindered or left behind from those who bought silver to buy the packages. Everything part of the packages besides certain consumables(which can all be found without buying silver) are purely cosmetics.

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                      27 Replies
                      • Okay. So the items for sale are vanity items. You can spend silver on the acquisition of said vanity items. Or you can NOT spend silver to acquire the vanity items. This bothers you why?

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                        2 Replies
                        • Edited by catrodsan: 10/27/2015 9:11:11 AM
                          If you're so adamant that Bungie is a liar and money hungry, just leave the game and the forums. It's fine to voice your frustration but you're becoming rude and condescending. Those last two parts are not fine. You're passing judgement on assumptions regarding a video game and it's making you ornery. [b]edit[/b] I don't feel deceived by Bungie. And I'm by no means Bungie's number one fan. I have my gripes with how they handle things. So regarding this issue, Bungie didn't lie to me. These are cosmetic things that might even benefit me in the future should they chose to release free or cheaper expansions. Those who purchase using silver don't have a distinct advantage over me. I'm not gonna make assumptions and blow my head up over it. If they ever move to pay to win, I'll drop the game. Pretty simple.

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                          6 Replies
                          • OP is a moron. Only cosmetic items are being sold for real world money. If Bungie started selling exotics for real world money then they would have lied as that would bring us into the pay to win market that they promised to avoid. They never said that there wouldn't be microtransactions, just that it would not be pay to win.

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                            8 Replies
                            • I can't agree that bungie sold us out but I do believe it's only a matter of time before they start implementing things into the silver merchant purchases like three of coins, Glass needles, increased vault space. I'm not dead set on the first two but I can definitely see them giving us the option to increase vault space with the purchase of silver. It's pretty obvious considering you need all this extra room for these festival masks and Christmas is just around the corner ^_^

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                              2 Replies
                              • How are they selling things to give you a leg up? Every single consumable that I've gotten in the Festival so far has a counterpart that you can get in PvE or from a vendor anyway. How is a legendary mask with absolutely zero stats pay to win? Please enlighten me This isn't even mentioning the fact that the items disappear in 2 weeks if not used anyway.

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                                6 Replies
                                • Truthfully I don't mind some of the exotics being time gated so I have a better chance at finally getting my Zhalo

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                                  5 Replies
                                  • They haven't lied yet.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • Seeing as the silver store has only been here for a little while, and Taken King hasn't been out for all that long either. Give it a bit of time, bro

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • Doesn't buy microtransactions, gets the same dlc as those who did. What's not to like :-)

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • Dude it's for a limited time only

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                                        • You dont have to buy it, you imbecile

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                                          • Gr8 b8 m8

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