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10/25/2015 6:12:42 PM

I know what will fix every issue in destiny, 10 steps too balance.

1. RANGE: Take away the range stat on a shotgun or do #2. 2.RADAR ADVANTAGE FOR CLOSE RANGE PLAYERS: (in correlation too #1) take away radar or make it somewhat similar to how halo was where it only got a glimpse of where a player was. This way, crouching can be used to other peoples advantage rather than never crouching like how most do, and it make the game less (in other words) "not surprising". 3.STATS>CLUNKY WHITE BARS: fix your white bar system, and give us numbers instead of white thick bars. I know we can all go to the internet to know the numbers ourselves, but giving us a more detailed version of what a weapon can do in and out of crucible will be very helpful in a players choice of weapon. 4. DAMAGE DEALT/ DAMAGE LEFT OVER: Instead of the damage we deal to people, give us the amount of damage the opponent has left, that way we can infer how much more damage we must deal in order to kill the opponent, and if we need a headshot or not. Because right now, impact seems to be rather indistinguishable in Pvp with pulse rifles vs other pulse rifles. ( there may be more but I'm a pulse rifle player) It's also fun to know how close you were to killing them rather than seeing a bar, that way you can see if all you shots landed. For example, if you're shooting a 3 shot pulse rifle dealing 22 body and 32 head, and at the end of the battle you only shot the body but they kill you with 22 health left over, you can say "I must have missed one shot while trying to kill him while he/she was moving", that way you know how you lost and or got outgunned, and that way you can step up your game next time instead of twiddling your thumbs not understanding how you died and not your opponent. 5. LIGHT LEVEL ADVANTAGE MISTAKE: make the light level in iron banner be max 310 light, if you're above then you deal no extra damage, same goes for trials. that way, people who don't have time to play just the hard mode raid and just have time for normal at least, they have a chance to be competitive. 6.VETOING: let us vote on maps in pop and strike missions in PvE, being given a 3 choice vote (meaning, we only have 3 too choose from out of the many maps and strikes), instead of leaving it up to chance and having people hate a map they suck on, or a strike they don't want to play or need anything from like hidden loot they want when doing vanguard strikes with randoms, this will not only let you see what maps your community likes and dislikes and allow you to make better maps in the future, but will make us happier and feel like we have a sense of freedom when playing the game. 7. LIGHT LEVEL ARMOR DROPS: make rare armor drop with high light levels. I don't want to have to wait every week for the raid armor to drop just to reach 310-320. And I don't want to wear just raid armor in crucible either. There's armor I would much rather wear in trials and IB but it's too weak and I haven't gotten enough raid armor to make it all the highest level possible. Instead the highest I can go is maybe 299 because I only like to reforge with rare armor and weapons because it's easy to obtain unlike the valuable raid armor I only get once a week and pray that what I need drops. 8. MOLDERING SHARDS: Fix the moldering shards issue, So many people get moldering shards in return of giving away 20 at the end of the raid. and if you don't think #7 was worth listening or doing, at least have a piece of raid gear in every chest except the loot chests that way we can guarantee at least 6-7 pieces of gear we need to ascend our crucible gear or our own Pve Gear. So many people are left with nothing at the end. 9.SUBCLASS: nerf sun-breaker, or give hunters the same armor stat and health regain both warlocks and titans have, and give hunters night stalker unlimited shots within a given time span with less tethering range, or make the one shot bow last longer or deal more damage instead of 2!!!! damage to tethered players. Give warlocks more agility during and or after each super (turning or moving faster) and make the titans smash have an extended range in blast. This will balance things I assure you. making supers better will balance out the over powered ones. Oh, I forgot, Make the warlocks nova Bomb blast have extended range as well, they too get one shot, mind as well guarantee a kill rather than waisting it. the only super that runs around and grants a kill or two is all the titans sun breaker, the warlocks thunder smash, and the hunters golden gun (under the right circumstances of course). all the supers should have massive advantage over anything and everything, it's a super, MAKE THEM SUPER POWERFUL and fun too use instead of a hassle to deal with 10. REFORGE: give us the ability to at least reforge the 2nd row of perks on guns other than raid weapons. I understand you took away this ability so that players couldn't abuse certain wanted/better perks, but in reality the 2nd row of perks (the range and stability pattern) make or break a gun. If you are going to force us to deal with a set amount of perks for whatever legendary we get, at least let us try to make the gun work by us wanting to give it better range or stability to subsidize the fact that we have two other perks that are either worthless or too much to handle for the guns well being. for example. If we get two stability perks but the 2nd row is even more stability on a gun thats stable enough, don't you think we would want more range to balance the gun instead of a perk that max's out stability but kills it's range. Think about it, it'll be better if you make this change.

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